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ADAM LAMBERT "has been ‘inundated’ with movie role possibilities!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Anonymous said...

Yes what I predicted has finally come to fruition. Glee is Adam's springboard and also Glee connections/producers might have pulled the strings like puppet masters. Yea Jungle Book musical is Adam's latte and since children of all ages love Adam and adults included, this movie will emerge a winner with a bang!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess puppet elliot made a great impact. His acting and especially his voice really connect to the audience. Yea Adam on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe it took the rest of the world this long to figure out Adam belongs on the big screen....a the small screen and every where else ....Oh well.... Better late than never .... Go Adam.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Whoa look at my above comment 838! It's a perfect 10 also a 1; this sure is a good signal. This number I interpret as a combination...8/3 my birth date and 3/8 my daughter's birth date. 838 is very fascinating to me. :)


daydreamin said...


Finally the world is "getting" Adam as we did the first moment we all heard him. When we got to know of all of his many tallents we KNEW he could shake things up. (The AMA's were an clue...come on).

Move over Jennifer Hudson! You have some competition!

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling this would happen. Adam can really act.Marry the night stellar vocals! His puppet was the best,there is no end to his talent and so happy that he will get more opportunities! Plus new music in 2014,screw RCA!Hang on 2014 is going to be great!

Anonymous said...

At last! What radio and RCA blatantly ignored through two albums, others in the business have finally figured out. Whoever it was in the business who said Adam was the most under rated vocalist in the business was right. Finally, finally, finally people are taking notice of this amazing talent. GO ADAM!

Anonymous said...

Whoa now my above number is 858!
Double 8 is chasing me. lol!


Anonymous said...

Jee, jee, jee, jeah : ))
This is what we are waiting for, so
much to do and Adam have very diverse career. He is so TALENTED!

M (happy)

Anonymous said...

If this is really true ( and there's a good possibility it is) I'm shouting with joy! Please let it be true! Adam's talent is endless and he's such a humble, kind soul. If anyone deserves these wonderful opportunities, Adam does.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy these doors are finally opening. But everything needs the proper time, he is ready now, bay be not so much 4 years ago. I am hoping another bonus to this is, that he will have more of a regular day job, with the possibility of settling down, and not so much world traveling. combining a movie role with a few concerts with Queen thrown into the pot, perfection.

Anonymous said...

Dont hate me please, my opinion might not be 'house' friendly.
I really dont want all these 'movie roles' now, maybe after establishing himself fully as an musician, then move to other things.
Adam is multi talented, agreed, but i fear time isn't ripe for the acting possibilities.
He shouldn't fall to the trap of 'Jack of all trades....'oh well,he is master of singing.

Anonymous said...

@9:28 I understand your point, but
NOT many can even be Jack of all trades on entertainment, imo! M

Anonymous said...

I believe it. I just felt he would get offers look like lots of them.
MTN was and is brilliant Adam rendition of it. The puppet thing was so smart. I knew and hoped Glee was just the start and looks like it is. mr. Adam may just be a movie star among other things.
I have to thank Glee for putting him on. I think it happened just the right time in his life. It took them a while but Adam now mature and can handle these opportunities may be quite a balancing act. One opportunity may lead to another and another. Sounds like quite a few offers.
No one and I mean no one deserves this more. I will pray it all works out. He has good management.
Things are looking good for my boy so happy for him. Sue

choons said...

Great news!! He can do lots of things - he's an all-round entertainer.
Maybe he could just put out #1 singles instead of a full album. One great song at a time would be fine with me.
The more Adam we see/hear the better.

Anonymous said...

Oh this is a total made up rumor planted by his publicist who is associated with the person writing this. No way did Adams small role in one episode of glee transform him into some hot movie actor. Hilarious

Movie musicals are big expensive risks and no way would adam get a movie role, other than maybe a small voice over part in some animated feature.

Anonymous said...

No matter if a small part, big role, tiny part, but he could be "in" cinema (industry).

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:44 AM
And you know this because...???

How about we wait and see what happens......

Anything is possible.

Anonymous said...

@9:44 AM

Hi Sunshine! What took you so long with your doomsday predictions? Thought you would be here long before now. Feel better now?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry people, it makes some people happy raining on other people's dreams. I also wonder what is so hilarious about someone believing in good news happening to another person. Must be a strange person to have such a strange sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

This seems too good to be true. If it is true it has been in the makings for a while one of the intense forward movements Adam was referring too. Small or big or medium part it would all be good. No reason to bitch about that please give me a break.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam continues his singing career with occasional appearances on TV and the big screen. I actually wish he would be considered for the Elvis movie they are making...just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I just hate to see people acting like fools and this rumor has obviously been planted by shoshanna. I bet adam is trying to get an audition for a role, or maybe has an audition lined up. She is trying to generate some buzz for him. If he gets something I will be happy for him but statements like he is being inundated with offers when he only had a couple lines on a very bad tv show is just absurd.

Anonymous said...

even a voice over in a film would be wonderful. that is what we have been talking about. Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Getting a voice over in a popular animated movie would be fantastic; and I heard the pay is great. A lot of popular actor's and actresses or thrilled to be asked to participate in these type of roles. If this happens it would be a great opportunity for our Adam.

Anonymous said...

thats the work of a publicist, they hype their artistes to generate more oppotunities, just like a poser wrote, i would rather adam focus on his musical career now, nothing wrong in trying other things though.
Please dont attack 9:44, there is an element of truth in what he/ she has written (if you wanna be a little realistic), but no big deal in hoping, is there? And miracles happens!
Before the laughable comments comes, lemme spare you, i ain't anon 9:44.

Anonymous said...

@10:31 AM

What you are doing is just speculating; just like everyone else, only difference is you just put a negative spin on it. Why should it bother you so much if this is what someone wants to believe. It's not like the fans are your children and you don't want to see them dissapointed. I just wonder why it seem to bothr you so much.

Anonymous said...

"Some people get their kicks stepping on other people's dreams".

Anonymous said...

iHeart Radio Festival + Glee = Double Whammy Knockout Punch

Seeing those two performances gave people a chance to see how talented Adam is, and also hearing the buzz about him being such a nice guy that's easy to work with.

Go, Adam, Go!

Tall Tree

The Dark Side said...

I hope these reports are true, but holding off celebrating until its official. Adam was born for the big screen, so have fingers and toes crossed.

Anonymous said...

There is also the many comments that get made about what a nice guy Lambert is, how pleasant and prepared etc he is ON THE JOB, and that sort of thing! Whether INUNDATED is the proper word or not, I do believe Adam's hard work will pay off in at least a career spent in the entertainment industry. A simple voice-over part in a big budget animated film would be AWESOME btw. The work of a publicist or not, Adam's talent can not be denied. I am a realist, very much so, but that realistic approach also leads me to the happy conclusion that Adam's talent can not be denied.

Anonymous said...

They are making another Elvis movie? Why? What's left to tell other than the fact that chronic constipation was a factor in his declining health and possibly his death. Let the poor guy RIP. He really wasn't that interesting.

Don't saddle Adam with playing the role, there are thousands of Elvis impersonators, pick one of them.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:28 AM
I totally agree with you :))

Anonymous said...

rumors pave the way for realness, don't understand why it bothers some people that it may be true. alot of the entertainment business is because of rumors, lighten up please

Anonymous said...

Which friend of Shosh wrote the story? I'm hoping its true. If he did get the Jungle Book role more news should confirm this soon.

Anonymous said...

seems odd that he would get inundated with film offers after one appearance on Glee. I would love it to be true, that he might have at least one offer, for a voice over, but that episode wont even be seen until tomorrow, with the puppet.
I see that Gaga is singing with one of the Muppets.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping we get record label news first, before any new acting roles. Adam did hint on Ellen that he was in talks with some labels and that was a few weeks ago. I just hope this is not just PR bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam gets what Adam wants.

Anonymous said...

Here, here!

Jadam.NZ said...

When I first read this, I was all excited what great news,. By the time I got to the end of the comments I was completely deflated.
Thanks Negative Nellies.
PS Whats wrong with a bit of hope, speculation and anticipation. NOTHING!

Anonymous said...

yes to the voice over !!

Anonymous said...

Inundated or not, I'll bet anything that Adam HAS grabbed the attention of some TV or movie types who may consider him for a role. Voice-overs on major animated films are VERY good gig sot get. They grab attention and can lead to other types of roles. Some of us have been saying for four years that Adam should do an animation voice-over. He has a very distinctive voice AND a distinctive appearance and personality that would be fun to make into an animated character.

Adam can still work on music and do other things. Lord knows he needs more fans onboard to actually BUY his new music. Other roles will generate more fans who more likely will buy his music. I say DIVERSIFY when the oppportunity presents itself!!! Adam will slways sing, no matter what. Justin T. does both quite nicely.

I hope this "rumor" is at least partly true. He is a star in the making.


Anonymous said...

Well i am saving my prayers for a record label, cause that is what adam needs right now.
As for elvis movie, puhleeze, i say a big no!

Anonymous said...

Adam could do a voice over for Jungle Book at the same time he is making a new album. That would be the best of both worlds for me.

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam will do I will support him 100%. He is too good of a talent to be ignored. He works hard. He is articulate, kind, smart, respect others, gorgeous, and he's got one in a billion voice.

Take that negative poster.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to see Adam in an Elvis bio movie. He needs some thing that is unique and different, a real character role, not necessarily a musical. They put Elvis into a few dramatic roles when he first started; my favorite is the black and white KING CREOLE. He sang in it but also showed his acting chops. Then Col Parker and Hal Wallis put him in all those horrible formulaic musicals that just ruined him in movie roles. Musicals don't necessarily do well in general release, although Les Mis came out with mixed reviews.There is just something about a Broadway stage production that can't always be captured in a movie. I look forward to Adam's next album most of all and know that he will choose wisely when pursing other opportunities in the movies or on tv. And yes, someday, I would love to see him on the Broadway stage in a new musical written with him in mind or a revival where he could put his signature on the role.

Anonymous said...

Must watch mash up video of Adam and Lady Gaga MTN:

Anonymous said...

Whatever Adam wants to do it is his business and if those people don't like it, too bad!!!:)

You can take your crap anywhere else indeed!!:)

Rock on Mr. Adam Lambert....:)


Anne Marie said...

I like what you said about Adam putting his signature on it. Seems like what ever Adam does he puts his signature on it. He so absolutely makes any thing he does his own. He does covers, and makes them his own, people try to sing one of his songs, and they never make it their own. Adam has the ownership. Hope I don't sound too over the top, by saying this.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should be featured in print ads for clothing, etc., and in films, TV, etc. He should have his own line of fragrances, sunglasses, etc..sell them on QVC..hell,, he could even put on 'puppet' shows for children, lol...why shouldn't he branch out??? other entertainers do all the time..Gaga is the 'new face' of Versace..Jlo and Jhud have lucrative contracts with beauty, wt. loss products..and the list goes on...Adam can release an album and do other things as well...and we won't see pics of him out in the bars every nite, which seems to annoy alot of us..I thought of another adjective to describe Adam coming home from work tonite..."clever"..and he is!!

Anonymous said...

@2:53 PM
AMEN! to that

HK fan said...

I hope there is some truth to these rumours.....would love to see Adam in the tslked about film version of JCS.....that way we get to see his face and hear him sing...whilst on a big screen.

Anonymous said...

REMEMBER - Jennifer Hudson was an unknown ex American Idol contestant when she won her OSCAR !!!

Anonymous said...

I think "big things" have been in the works for Adam for quite a while. The Glee gig is just the icing on the cake. It only takes one person of great influence to "discover" Adam. I have always said this, and I mean this with no disrespect to any of the talented people on Glee, when Adam is in a group, his talent always outshines everyone. He made the other contestants on Idol Season 8 look like a bunch of first graders (no offence to first graders). You would have to be blind to witness Adam on a stage or set and not see a STAR! Maybe he is finally getting noticed for who he is. I'm not going to question it, I'm just glad it has finally arrived.
Adam has worked hard for years to be a star and he must be so thrilled. Any role on the big screen is HUGE and Adam knows that. It will not effect his singing career in a negative way at all. It's all good - make that great! So happy for Adam!

Anonymous said...

JAK here....this would come under the heading of....

My how time flies!........I called my youngest to finalize plans for dinner at her house tomorrow.....I' m in charge of
pies, cornbread dressing and a gallon or so of gravy.

She's quite tolerant of my teensy obsession so I told her the rumor (? ) about Adam and a new Jungle Book adaptation.......then I said "though I don't know why they need a new one, the one Disney made a few years ago was adorable, and had all those cute songs" I broke into a chorus of The Bare Necessities........I never forget a lyric.

She said "uh Mom, it was more than a few years ago.......I was in kindergarten so I was about 5 !"
That really made reality slap me in the face!.....she's 51 now!

Anonymous said...

3:07, he isn't out at bars every night, that is a HUGE exaggeration and I do like seeing the pics. I have no idea why you think we would see less of Adam out as we have no idea of most of his schedule most of the time.

Anonymous said...

JAK, 1967 to be exact though it has been released on vhs and dvd a couple of times since then. You can pretend your daughter saw it on one of those re-releases ;)

Anonymous said...

the new Jungle Book will be live action..sooooo

Anonymous said...

@12:27 PM

Oh yea of little faith; so what if it is PR bullshit, as you so crudely called it, it's no skin off of your back!

Anonymous said...

First of all Adam had more than a couple of lines in Glee. He did a brilliant no.MTN brilliant. He did a scene with Kurt and another no. With the cast. Far from a couple if lines.
He will be on tomorrow night.
He also killed it at I Heart many offers came after that killer performance.
Not all just for tour I suspect.
Even if SS had anything to do with the rumors certainly does not mean it is not true. That is If she did. Her job is to generate buzz not spread untrue rumors which would only hurt Adam don't believe for one second she would do that how perfectly silly.
I firmly believe he getting offers between I heart and Glee.
It's killing the nasties to. By the word hilarious I suspect one if not all is lol the resident nasty.
Adam just fine good things are happening. Oh I know I am naive, a fool and old Grannie and idiot you name it. I am also a loving Adam Lambert fan. Nobody deserves good things more than him.
I was sure that article would bring out the nasties they can't stand any thing good to happen.
If its so untrue why worry if just so hilarious. Because your scared to death it is. I suspect there will be more.
No matter what I think good things are happening. New music to and that's not more BS either Adam not into BS like some if the negative nasties are here. I firmly believe really good things are coming and fine that fabulous not a bit hilarious. Sue

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's PR bullshit at all. Not at all!

daydreamin said...

@Sue you are none of those things except an adoring protective Adam fan as are most of us.

@1:02; I am with you. I am looking at the glass as half full and Adam is inside!

Anonymous said...

If this rumors is not true,for sure shosh will shot it down same like rumors regarding his new music will release on feb 2014.For me,adam already give hint about his interest in the role of JCS in previous interview.mbe something being work out but cant confirm yet.jhud got movie role,carrie got sound of music and am positive adam got suitable role for him. He is versatile sure he loves doing multitasking jobs.He and his team know what to do to balance between music and acting.i love that he got opportunity to explore new thing .he really hardworking guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people wont refrain from name calling, you dont agree with a point, say so, case in point...canadian's comment,
if adam lambert is getting movie roles, i am sure it ain't a big role in a gravity like movie, not saying he is getting calls on crappy stuffs either, but it quite possible, some producers were impressed with his debut performance (glee) and are giving him offers, i choose to look @ the glass half full.
We can be all be optimistic for adam, like a poster wrote, miracles happens, but while writing them out, erm lets not lose touch with reality and post ridiculous ,laughable posts too.
For those who feel this is a PR stunt, it happens to every artistes so adam shouldn't be any different.
Lets respect everybody's opinion, its actually more interesting have a matured argument without name calling.

Anonymous said...

To think a professional like Shoshanna made up and released a completely false article about Adam is absurd. In business, your word is everything. The industry has to be able to trust what you say. To outright lie about things in the works for Adam just to generate "good" rumors would be very bad for business. And, believe me, she has better things to do with the top name artists she represents.

9:44am, YOU'RE "Hilarious" ... er, I mean ridiculous.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

O God no! Do not compare adam to j hud, no hating,adam sleeping video will get more hits than her musical videos. Besides her oscar hasn't really done much to her musical career.
I like the line, adam will get what adam wants, he deserves huge things though, thats the truth, but i don't despite the days of little beginnings, he will get there; say amen? *chuckles*
ma'am sue, we all know you are a grand supporter of adam, so please do us a favour, stop writing those funny things about yourself, no one really gives a damn about that.
I have a huge dream, (call it ridiculous, don't care) that American Idol calls adam for a judging gig and he rejects it; cause he is so busy with other projects!
No harm dreaming biggggggggg

Anonymous said...

No need to hate on J Hud.

Anonymous said...

What a joke!
1)the thread topic
2)some childish comments
no matter how hopeful you wanna be,if you think this thread topic is true,then breaking into hollywood is easier than i though.
And for those thinking shosh, planted this,please stop it, Edge publicity is much more credible than that. my guess is a hungry writer(blogger) wrote this. It is really embarrassing, all this fantasy built write ups.
Personally, i would love to read about adam being signed on a record label asap,to shut the nay sayers,but things don't go as planned, life brings unexpected surprises.
Remember when LMD came out? We all had dreams and hopes, i was part of those that screamed 'negative nellies' to those that dare to be realistic ( not the stupids debbie downers), with those unrealistic stuffs,( grammy) many of us didn't really enjoy and celebrate that moment with adam. We got carried away, with irrelevancies
Now glee, lets all support adam, give it high ratings ( guess you all forgot his debut ratings), numbers do not lie, people do. post positive comments on other blogs, and leave the rest to God, he rewards the skillfull and hardworker; you can't deny that adam is both.

Anonymous said...

I really doubt God concerns himself with the pop music culture. If he did he'd be hurling thunderbolts at the stars who perform with their asses hanging out and filth on their lips.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Adam play 'Fiyero' in the musical adaptation of 'Wicked".

Anonymous said...

The headline of this thread is direct quote from a UK newspaper 'Daily Mirror'.
The same quote was used by this fan who tweeted the Stagedoor web article, which was written by Wayne Baxter and which tells about the possible Jungle Book voice over job etc.
If Shoshanna is 'friends' with Baxter, what's wrong with that. Her job is 'to be friends' with as many media people and other influential professionals (re Adam's career) as posdible. Isn't that what NETWORKING is about!!!

Be happy for Adam about the positive buzz!!!

Anonymous said...

@5:43 - sorry, should be "possible", not posdible... :(

Anonymous said...


9:44 and 10:31 = probably one & the same poster...

And you are probably 1:02, too?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer Hudson has a far more successful music career than adam. She has a Grammy, is still with RCA, she is on all the award shows, she will be on the Ryan seacrest New Year's Eve show this year. She was just on the AMAs. She got her Oscar winning role as an unknown, but unlike adam she didn't have any negative baggage. Adam is known as the punch line for gay jokes. That's why the only kind of role he will ever get is a gay one. No one would ever cast him as Judas, for example.

Anonymous said...

this is 1:04
o yes, i am all that, infact i posted all the comments on this thread, i have multiple personalities you know? Every posts here, except yours was posted by me, i am that smart. Is that settled? Stop being ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

9:21am ... I'm really wondering what you're doing here. Blech.


xo laura

Anonymous said...

You forgot to say 'in USA', about J Hud I mean.
Internationally Adam is much more famous, known and much much much more loved.