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Closer View of Adam Lambert in GLEE's Puppet Master Episode

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, November 24, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, November 24, 2013


Anonymous said...

Cute, quite the color combo and he does love his jackets! Can't wait till Thanksgiving night to watch!

Anonymous said...

Neithe can I . Sue

Anonymous said...

I am picturing the havoc I would cause if at Thanksgiving dinner when each family member names one thing they are thankful for.......I raise my glass and say "I'm very thankful that I can see Adam Lambert on Glee tonight!"
I'm pretty sure I would be pelted with dinner rolls from every direction!........JAK .....I may ^_^ just for fun.

Anonymous said...

The outfit is awful, simply awful.
First time I see a pic where Adam is made look like a middle aged car salesman from an old movie... he he

Anonymous said...

I think Adam looks yummy. I say that makes him all mine.

Anonymous said...

Adam could wear anything and still look beautiful. But I have to admit that is the worse outfit I've ever seen him wear! lol It spells nerd all over it. :)

Anonymous said...

But one thing's for sure, he fills out the pants quite nicely! He he

Anonymous said...

Glee not a fashion show. It's a costume. Just like his marry the night one was. Granted it was better. But I cannot wait to hear the music. Can't wait to see h in Glee. Sue

Anonymous said...

So Adam plays the problem he can just whip out his fox tail that goes swish swash swish swash; he did that at Ste Agathe, Fever, that's one hot of his best, comparable to Starchild MTN. Only Adam can surpass his own performances. Fever, presented by Gaga to Adam, surpasses the Fox song by streets and miles. Children will like the Fox song a lot though.


Anonymous said...

the comments are all going well here, Adam is still all mine.

tess4ADAM said...

You can tell that these are color co-ordinated for band ... costumes ... ADAM has a red shirt w/yellow pants ... Chris is opposite red pants & yellow shirt ... I can't really tell but I am assuming the rest of the band has the same color theme. AND ... I don't agree that ADAM looks bad ... quite the contrary ... I think ADAM makes the outfit ... NOT the other way around! .. JMO ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

the drummer must be camera shy I never see him using eye contact.

Anonymous said...

OT Avicii won a AMA.

Anonymous said...

Avicci won an AMA award. That means tons of his album TRUE sales that has Adam's LMD track.

Anonymous said...

@KaitPosner19XX: YEEEEE my Swedish wonder stud @Avicii won EDM artist of the year!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ValentinoBPM: Congrats to @Avicii on his first American Music Award - beating out Calvin Harris, Zedd & Daft Punk in the 'Favorite Artist - #EDM' category

Anonymous said...

Avicii won against Daft Punk. Epic!

Anonymous said...

You all have just alerted me...AMA is on my tv right now; going to take a peek; another rebroadcast tonight. Congratulations! Avicii! Your electronic music expertise paid off big time! Yea Adam must be sooo happy to be partially involved...with his LMD song.


Anonymous said...

good on you Avicii.

Anonymous said...

I think I will tweet him a congrats.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Great. I didn't expect AMA spoilers here.

Anonymous said...

I got only the last ten minutes because you all alerted me. I knew it was this morning but didn't quite bother because no Adam. Anyway, there'll be 2 more broadcasts. I think Glamberts gave a boost to the sales, which AMA is heavily based on. It's okay, Adam will still be jumping up and down, you bet. His song probably will be the next single. A good win! for Avicii! :)


Anonymous said...

8:02, all caps is considered yelling. Also, Avicii had several Guest singers. Did you want all of them up on stage with him?

Anonymous said...

@8:16 PM Adam isn't enough for the people who come here.

Anonymous said...

@JAK That is hilarious! I was thinking that same thought. We go around the table each year to say what we are thankful for. Adam on Glee will have to slip in somewhere in my grateful speech lol BTW Yeah to Avicci for getting the award on AMA's. Well deserved!

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that those outfits they're wearing on Glee are in a dream sequence of Kurt's. Probably why they look like clothes they wouldn't normally wear. We'll see on Thursday night!

Cograts to Avicii on his award! Yes, that does give LMD some more potential listeners if the sales of the album go up. And maybe, just maybe, Avicii will release a few more singles from the album, including LMD. Pray!


Anonymous said...

8:02 how many times do you need to post that comment?

Anonymous said...

Avicii on his own has a huge fanbase; but somehow I feel Adam too has a part to play in boosting sales. The one that is behind the whole project is Nile with regard LMD. He called Adam at midnight to record LMD. Like I've said, these are a formidable trio and it has just been proven. Congratulations! Avicii.


Anonymous said...

It's a shame Adam isn't singing LMD at the AMAs to further promote Avicii's album (and promo for Adam too, of course).

Anonymous said...

Avicii won for favorite EDM Artist, the True album didn't win any awards that I heard. It will still be good for True sales tho IMO.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

12:24 please stop with the all caps.

Anonymous said...

8:19 and 1:22
I'm not 8:02, but you are just being overly sensitive, stupid and too harsh. Ever stop to think about that a person writing with all caps could be someone with poor eye sight?! Or from a totally different part of the world (language, culture, schooling, standard of living). Or someone from less fortunate conditions, who cannot afford or is not accustomed to all the gadgets (and snarkiness) that you're used to?!! No harm in being a bit more considerate, eh?

12:24 was me trying to "wake up" you @8:19 to think... Tried to do it with humour (long timers here KNOW what 'Yes, please' here used to mean and entail... Lol), but it did not work... @1:22 was you again or somebody with similar lack of perceptiveness!

Anonymous said...

Boy there sure is some rude comments here on this site, 5:30PM... "Adam looks like a middle aged sales person", you've got to be kidding, Adam would look gorgeous no matter what he was wearing, he's clothes are costumed for the Glee episode, surely if you love Adam you would see that and not judge him simply on his appearance, he is a beautiful man inside and out, remember that, he has a good heart and cares about people and he doesn't believe in judging them unfairly either.

Anonymous said...

Cool it. No one was judging Adam. It was a joke, can't you see that? That isn't Adam, as you pointed out it's Elliott and in costume. No need for the usual Adam is perfect lecture. By the way he isn't perfect you know, just perfectly wonderful in our eyes. Lighten up-a lot!

Anonymous said...

6:24AM... Don't go lecturing me, I'm entitled to have my opinion, if you don't like it shove off!!

Anonymous said...

Since you asked so sweetly, I shall "shove off".
P.S you are still over reacting!

Anonymous said...

@4:59 & 6:32?
When you start making your own interpretations of someone else's post you'd better make sure you quote them word for word - you totally misquoted my post, misunderstood it plus you seem to lack a sense of humour, hah. You do need to lighten up! But whatever you do, NEVER EVER doubt my love for Adam! And this Glee outfit is still awful! :-D:-D:-D:-D:-D

Thank you for getting my humour and "defending" my post. Sorry you got a load of bull from 6:32 (4:59) on my account. No need for you to leave, please stay.
