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Glambert Fandom Message!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 16, 2013

Posted at : Saturday, November 16, 2013


Anonymous said...

good idea, and I love the fact Adam is picking up new fans.

Anonymous said...

good idea, and I love the fact Adam is picking up new fans.

Anonymous said...

That's good message.2014 is going to be the greatest year for adam and glamberts:) I can't wait for the intense forward motion.

Anonymous said...

It seems a fair kicking, biting or scratching.
We can at least pretend to be nice......I hope! Sometimes people judge Adam by his fans behavior. We can dig down deep and unearth our better selves. There must be a layer of nice in there somewhere in all of us.

A new era is beginning.....not just Adam the Singer, but Adam the Entertainer. I'm excited to be in on the genesis of this birth. As Steven Tyler sang....." I Don't Want to Miss a Thing."..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Let us all pledge to be a welcoming fandom! ❤ Yes, diversity is great. We all love Adam in our own way. :) drlambert1

Anonymous said...

Here, here ... Raising a glass and toasting to that

Anonymous said...

I can do it I know I can I didn't even leave a message on another recent thread, so I know I have it in me.

Anonymous said...

I think as a whole we're a pretty good group...I'm not a smiley happy person.... As I'm sure u all can tell .... I took a friend , she is a casual Adam fan, to a GNT show.....before the show we joined in a protest against the crazy Wedtbro people , it was a blast , once in the concert hall ... They we're playing 70's music , a young man about 20 was doing his best SNF impression for some elderly ladies.., while some little girls.... In all there Adam gear.., played with a beach friend turned to me and said ..,, I've never seen u so happy... I replied .... I'm with my own welcome all new glamberts ... U r with your own kind.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

It helps to be nice about the other Glee actors. Don't say Adam is blowing everyone off the screen in public Glee forums.

Anonymous said...

Aw rose petal - so sweet. We are finding more of our own kind in the Gleek family as well.

Anonymous said...

It is a little difficult to be nice all the time I understand. Like a mother with her favorite son, we have to open our hearts to others for the sake of our son if we want him to have a lot of friends!lol... Peace and Welcome All!

Anonymous said...

This is such an exciting time for Adam and all his new fans as well!
Welcome all in this wonderful journey that is being a glambert!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the whole point -accepting others who may walk another path that you have chosen. Read 365 Days of the Red Road (Indian Wisdom). We are such a society now of putting down others. We need to be confident that we can be positive, can be positive, even in the face of such negativity.

Anonymous said...

I very Happy for Adam. I sure there will be some nice people. As long as I can stand up I will never deal with Adam exes again. I would love these new Glee people. Sue

Anonymous said...

Yes welcome new fans....I love being a Glambert since Adam was first on Idol..following him since then has been such a positive force in my him forever. Adam is magical..out of this world fascinating...just hearing him sing and talk and just looking at him takes me to my happy place

Anonymous said...

I didn't get back here yesterday to say thanks for the kind words...
I have been here but just haven't had the heart to join in... I'm a little better now.... As for my poetry I write everyday's still pretty dark but it says something to me... I wrote this yesterday ...funny thing to me it's about not accepting people and then realizing it and moving forward .... but nobody else got it ....oh well... I thought u might understand....for those who don't like things OT ...sorry in advance ....rose petal
I was looking for tomorrow when I stumbled on today ,
The rubble of my choices had fallen in my way.
Happiness was calling me but I heard on a sound
My kindness and compassion lay dying on the ground ,
A path I thought cobblestone was paved with this discontent,
From a lifetime of selfishness , malice and contempt
I turn my back on the world and on my fellow man
I never spoke of what was right, I never made a stand.
I had thought of only riches ...power and of fame
And I achieved not a single one efforts were in vain,
If only I had raised a hand to help someone in need,
Gave shelter to the innocent and listen to their plea.
But instead I chose a rocky path that led me to this place
On the outside looking in in at the human race.
Alone but for my vanity ....
Free but for my sin ...
Lost but for forgiveness ...for battle I can't win.
So give to me tomorrow and a light to guide my way
And I'll move ever forward until my dying day.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Lammy. That poem is profound!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love this thread! What a great way to start the day. I think it's so true that an artist is often judged by how their fans behave. I'd hate for new fans to get a bad impression of Adam just because of a small percentage of his fans. I love being an Adam fan. It enhances my life so much. And I love this fansite, despite its occasional ups and downs. I could never let Adam go. Here's to a loving and fun fandom and a great 2014!

And Lam-my, I LOVE your poem!


Anonymous said...

I wrote the poem ... I thought Lammy might enjoy it .., I always enjoy her work so much as well as some many other here .... Thought I should fess up just in case she doesn't like.... Lol... rose petal

Anonymous said...

We might be in different age, race, orientation, and culture, but we all have Adam as a common ground to pull us together in this world. So welcome new fans.

Anonymous said...

@rose petal, I love your poem, so profound and I love the cadence.

Anonymous said...

Rose petal you certainly have a way with words. That was a wonderful and thought provoking poem

Anonymous said...

@rose petal ~ Your poem was so good!

Anonymous said...

I say that we make a "Glampact" to be a positive force.
Do not cave into negative troll comments! Is a first step on this site.
Everybody got their opinion, but if we can't all get along in honor of the one we adore, Mr Adam Lambert, who has brought so much light, love and connection to the Glamberts, how can we expect peace in any part of this world.
Love and light people! We can be way bigger as a force with this gift Adam has given us. Let's commit to be a force as great as our guy!!!
I'm sign in' up right now!

Anonymous said...

Glee is the only thing happening at the moment, so it's understandable. Somehow I don't believe Glamberts would change completely though. The obvious xenophobia in this fandom annoyed me the most.

Anonymous said...

@ rose petal....Your writing touches my heart, I stay busy writing down your poems in one of my poetry journals. This is another 'keeper'. Poetry that spills out is such a relief when your spirit is troubled.....and who doesn't have such moments. Keep pen in hand and let your thoughts flow freely it's very cathartic .... As I'm sure you've realized. <3 from JAK

Anonymous said...

Let's hope people will stop leaving comments on other sites about how Adam is better than all the other stars and stop leaving comments that are thinly veiled resumes of Adam's accomplishments.

Since this site is so quickly found when googling Adam I would hope the people here can change their ways and stop the fighting and ignore the trolls especially since Admin isn't deleting much.

People can have their favorite performer while also liking our favorite performer.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm confused. Admin posts this when she hasn't been deleting the rude and insulting comments and I just saw the nearly 200 comments long post about Sauli filled with fighting and mean comments. I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

@Rose Petal-Your poem is powerful! I picture a beautiful woman with white hair and delicate wrinkles, sitting in a rocking chair on her veranda, a stunning shawl wrapping her shoulders, a glass of fine wine in her ever so lovely long lithe fingers, a slight lilting breeze drying her fallen tears as she is swaying the chair back and forth, juxtaposing her past with a new found self-realisation. I am a great lover of poetry and I have always been drawn to deep thoughts that provoke life changes as we travel our amazing diversified paths. Lovely poem, Rose Petal, just lovely. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for your kind words about my poem...Margarita Lady that's one very lovely description...I can see her myself...JAK the fact that you would take the time to keep anything I have written is so very special to are you I suppose that should seem strange, since we don't even know each others real name...but somehow it seems perfect in the world of Adam...for strangers to care for one another....nancdruuu2...Brownie and all sincere thanks...rose petal

Jadam NZ said...

Beautiful poem, Rose Petal.

Anonymous said...

Oh, rosepetal, I'm sorry. I know it was your poem, but I wrote Lam-my instead. I love your poem so much. Being on this site is so much more than sharing our love for Adam. It's also about sharing our own lives. After all, we have gotten to know each other quite well in the last four years. Your poem is so lovely and heartfelt. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Love your poem Rose Pedal. Something about you I have always identified with.i said nothing at all bad about Sauli on the other thread at all.
I simply have this mother hen thing about taking up for Adam.
There unrealistic raves about Sauli and their little innuendos to put Adam down gets to me. I take up for him.
Guess have to learn not to. But it's a little much when I am told why am I talking about Adam it is a Sauli post. It's twi or three same people over and over again.
If it says one thing about Sauli at the top of any post I will stay away.because only Sauli comments are allowed. If you sign your name they really target you. Correction that was the same two or three people. I will be happy to kind to new people. But if there are any troll remarks they should be removed. Sue

HK fan said...


@rose petal
wow, great poem, very powerful, and deep...

I've never really been a huge poetry fan, especially when it doesn't rhyme....but every now and then one will strike a chord. My daughter has written a few good ones.
But I did find this one below 20 odd years ago, and which I kept by my sons bed for many years, it really gave me strength and meant a lot..(I know its not the best written piece of poetry out there but its the meaning to me that counts..)


A meeting was held quite far from Earth!
It's time again for another birth.
Said the Angels to the LORD above,
This Special Child will need much love.

His progress may be very slow,
Accomplishments he may not show.
And he'll require extra care
From the folks he meets down there.

He may not run or laugh or play,
His thoughts may seem quite far away,
In many ways he won't adapt,
And he'll be known as handicapped.

So let's be careful where he's sent,
We want his life to be content.
Please LORD, find the parents who
Will do a special job for you.

They will not realize right away
The leading role they're asked to play,
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for their gift from Heaven.
Their precious charge, so meek and mild,

Anonymous said...

Very nice 3.17 Sue. Taking a rest from the site to much for me right now. Of course check on Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan..........JAK here

That's a beautiful poem and so very true. In my younger years I used to be part of a team who worked with several families in the technique of 'brain patterning' babies and toddlers. We had more failures than successes but the possibility of joy kept us going. A fleeting smile on occasion was a reward to be celebrated by the whole team and parents.

Thank you for sharing and love to your family and the caregiver who helps with your son. <3

Anonymous said...

HK fan
That's as bueatiful a poem ad I've ever read..,, it touched my heart... rose petal

glitzylady said...

@rose petal
Thank you for sharing your poem... powerful thoughts...

@HK fan
The poem brought tears to my eyes... Thank you for sharing it.....

Anonymous said...

Hi there everyone especially Rose petal!
Yea one of your best, I'd say; touching, almost like a prayer. Also thank you to DRG and 6:58 for your accidental acknowledgements lol! I'm quite sure Rose petal will not mind sharing the praises. lol! But those who follow my poetry, will sense it wasn't mine...I don't write about myself nor my experiences even though I could if I wanted. My poems are all about Adam. Some day when I stop writing about Adam here, and when I read back my Adam poems, it will bring me right back to these times at 24/7. That is one reason I write the Adam poems. The second reason is, as I've said, Adam just makes the words roll out, not sure from where. lol! So Rose petal, it's quite cheeky of you to say, you wrote your poem for my particular perusal in case I didn't like it. lol! I do know what you are digging at! Hey so here goes...I love it! lwl!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my how are you today love every ones poem. So much for the rest from here. Sue

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue!
Always feel upbeat to hear from you. I'm okay, thanks! Hey how's your little beautiful grandchild...Mmm, might there be some Starchild brilliance in her...can never tell, lol! Adam looked just like any other beautiful baby but...You seem to be feeling better, I sense; take extra caution, don't get too stressed out...Adam's songs and voice will calm your nerves...and mine too. :)


Anonymous said...

Both of the little grandchildren are not feeling well right now lam/my I posted to keep then in tour thoughts on another post. They have real bad coughs ect. She taking them to the dr. Tomorrow. I just worried because the kid at day care who they caught it from has pneumonia. I hope thee ok. Yea I get a bit over invested in defending Adam. I had no sleep going to sleep or something. Lam/ my you are a breath if fresh around here you usually answer me and you seem to really care about people. Made couple mistakes I am really tired sorry, hope you can read it. Lam/my have a nice night. Sue

Anonymous said...

That was Lam/ my your a breath of fresh air. Sorry mistakes just tired. Sue

Anonymous said...'s okay about mistakes; you are strong in spirit, even though your health may at times make you feel down. Perhaps prayer can 'soothe the savage beast' in our individual dismal times. I pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory favourite prayers; they give me a calming effect. I also love the Hail Holy Queen and The Lord Is My Shepherd, Psalm 23. Actually anyone can pray...basically prayer to me is trying to reach oneself's soul where God resides in us. Thanks Sue, you may be weak in health; I too have some health issues, perhaps not as serious as yours. You may not know it, you too are a breath of fresh air, an inspirational vibe I sense from you. :)


HK fan said...

Thanks Glitzylady, Rosepetal and JAK...

Just want to make it clear I didn't actually write it....

Its my sons 23rd birthday tomorrow, a milestone that if I'm honest with myself I never thought we would reach...

Jak we did do patterning with my son for a year or 2 when he was small, I had 30 volunteers come into my house each week to help me for several hours a day, alas it didn't work for him but we had to try.