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Latest Tweet! "Hahahaha"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 25, 2013

Posted at : Monday, November 25, 2013


Anonymous said...

Oh my God so cute. Adam and all so good. But. Adam was just fabulous. So damn cute. That was a show in its self darling. I'm a way better singer than Lambert. Funny he sounds just like the Dude!!

Anonymous said...

Above first comments Sue. These guys are unreal talents just spectacular all of them. but Kurt and Star Child hilarious. Sue

Anonymous said...

A whole lot of cute. ;)

Anonymous said...

Even his puppet is DIVA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally adorable skit! Very talented group, but Adam was the bomb!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

LOL that was hilarious. None of the puppets seem very impressed with their human counterparts. Take that Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Adam totally needs to be a voice in a movie!

Anonymous said...

I remember this character Bert on Sesame Street and now we have a real one, Lambert, this is deja vu, lol! But this one wails. Sesame Bert was seldom excited, rather stoic. These three Glee puppets are so refreshing especially the wailing one. Hey I bet a lot of artists in real life would have wanted to do what Glee green puppet did...Take that Lambert! lol! Alas, I doubt too many could do that. The actual puppeteers jerking the puppets are very nimble and adept.


Anonymous said...

The whole clip just left me with a huge smile on my face but Adam was incredible! I mean really, can he get any more adorable?