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10 HQ pictures of Adam Lambert at Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood (December 10)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it; no comment!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

scrolling up.
First "oh he shaved"
second "oh my!"
and third
and fourth
and so on and so on!!!

I don't even know if he was wearing shoes. Did not get that far.
So Bad

Anonymous said...

Seriously? What grade are we in?

Anonymous said...

10 HQ pics and the one with that comment gets posted?

Anonymous said...

Lots of pics, interviews etc from Trevor Live in this weeks post:

Anonymous said...

It`s not easy to live in Hollywood,


I love seeing Adam goes out with his friends.

Anonymous said...

@10:32 AM
click on the blue link offered that starts with 'bit' and you will see them all.

leilani aloha said...

Awww, tight leather pants !!! & Adam shaved!!!
Looking so cute & adorable!!! hair relaxed!
love the pics :) thks for posting all!!!

Anonymous said...

Just having a little fun here everybody. I posted the backlot article earlier.

Anonymous said...

No Lambertlust, you're not the only one. I saw all the 10 pics and his hand draw immediately my attention, as if he tried to hide something... But it was the wrong hand, lol.

Anonymous said...

First time in a while we have seen him out and about, with Milarni and friends.

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust, Some here may not admit it or even deny it, but the GB is a draw. I'll admit it myself. Nice to see Adam out and about!


Anonymous said...

11:22 AM
Hey,come on! We just saw yesterday a pic of him being out on Monday with his dear friends Danielle and Sauli. On Tuesday he is out with Markus Molinari et alia.

And yes, the GB...

Anonymous said...

11:22 AM, this is 11:37 AM again:

Sorry, you meant we have not seen him out with Markus Molinari for a while. Yes, that is true. Last time might be Halloween?

Anonymous said...

Love his leather pants. He looks ten years younger than his Trevor look. Although his Trevor outfit was appropriate for the occasion.

Anonymous said...

God made that incredible GB for Adam since He took the time to create an Adonis. Nothing wrong in this world with packin' a big pistol, and you are untruthful if you say you don't look at it. It is much appreciated and only adds to his incredible sexiness. There isn't an undergarment on the market that could suppress that appendage, unless it would be made of steel! How many people have stood in front of the Statue of David and laughed at his miniscule penis? No laughin' at our Adam, only awe!

Anonymous said...

The Backlot link was posted here for the people not on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Love his clean shaven look, his hair, and all the rest that goes with it??? He is one great looking guy with a voice that is beyond. He had me at "mama" when he auditioned.

Anonymous said...

12:11 I was just illustrating that I have been posting music related Adam stuff today. Someone was complaining about this post earlier. Nbd :)

Anonymous said...

You would think middle school kids were making these comments not grown adults.

Anonymous said...

I admit it I was looking too... But as a punishment I'm gonna drink 2 glasses of wine....then listen to a country song.... Then to console myself for listening to a country song ... I ll have a couple glasses of wine and another little peek at u know what....sounds like a big night:)....rose petal

Anonymous said...

You should hear my girlfriends and me when we dress up and go out for girls' night out. We are all professionals, but we can talk very down and dirty when we discuss "the boys". Plus, we all attend church on Sundays. I say two thumbs up for the GB. And, Rose Petal-enjoy the f**k out of those glasses of wine and your peeks at the GB. Life is short, but not the GB! A fun Glambert

Anonymous said...

Back to business - clubbing as usual!

Anonymous said...

@12:18 PM Get over it. Soon.

Anonymous said...

A fun glambert
Thank you my dear... I've never heard it put better.... rose petal

Anonymous said...

Looking from head to toe. Love those pants. Adam looking like a Rock Star!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

.Thanks ladies and Lamberlust I am having a giggle. The GB has always there from day one and Adam does like to show his assets off. I guess ladies like to show their cleavages when socializing and gorgeous gay men when out and about show off their asset if they have something to show. The owner of Bootsie Bellows(not Molonari the one who did the lap dance for Adams birthday) was being interviewed on Howard Stern radio show and was a little tipsy and said Adam has a huge @@@@@ I will not spell it out but I was surprised he was so open but I guess that's what drink does. He is straight by the way just cant think of his name. Anyway I enjoy these comments more than the ones where people are fighting about ex's. I never got to any GN concerts but I can imagine the fun the ladies had watching our sexy Adam doing his thangggg!!!
Just funny comments all innocent fun

Anonymous said...

1.27 I see you are so back to trolling as usual! Business as usual for you!

Anonymous said...

I like the worn in jeans better than the leather pants.

Anonymous said...

That's David a. Courtney cox ex. Don't know how spell last name.

The Dark Side said...

That was David Arquette who gave Adam the BD lap dance. David known to tip a few. Did go to GNTs and when Adam gets his sexy on, you know it. Not letting my imagination go further. You are a hoot Lamberlust, but we love you for your realiness.

Anonymous said...

It's Arquette. He stripped again last night. I saw a pic somewhere.

Anonymous said...

YES you are... The man looks gorgeous..

Not concentrating on anything but his classy self

Anonymous said...

@12:10 PM

PREACH! Sorry, I just can't stop laughing as I am reading this. Lord have mercy!

Anonymous said...

Would never complain about your posts, Lambertlust - you're the best. If those pics weren't so dark I can hardly see them, I'd be looking at the GB too. I think Markus M just got back from an extended vacation, so maybe they were giving him a "Welcome Home" party.

Anonymous said...

@1:27 PM

You are so yesterday; or should I say out of your mind with jealously, still? Please seek help.

Anonymous said...

@1:27 PM

Does this mean you'll be back to cyber stalking Adam; and getting all up into his personal business?
Restraining order request Please!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......I'm shocked and ashamed of all of you!
@ rose too?

When you reach my age you will be beyond such nonsense, such naughty thoughts, you will enter a stage of tranquility and abandon all such impulses of lustful pleasure. ..............................
Oh one is going to believe that!!!!

Anonymous said...

I said it correctly, I said , first time in a while that we have seen him out with Marlini.

donnaw said... was the FIRST thing my dirty ole' eyes went to!!! :)

Anonymous said...

My eyes went right there,hey got to show off what God gives you and Adam has the whole package, so to speak!

Anonymous said...

Must be someone B day David dropping the trousers again. Adams is next month. It's my brother in. laws B day and my youngest girls Birthday as well, Sue

Anonymous said...

Mr. Lambertlust,

I'm so glad that you are part of 24/7 now!!!:) Please continue to share everything that u know bec. we are just here to enjoy and appreciates all of these he!he!
About the GB, Adam is proud to have that big asset indeed.:)

It's a pleasure to stare and there is nothing wrong with that eh!:)


Anonymous said...

People are just having fun nothing serious. I have to admit I am a dirty old lady myself did not mean to but my eye went straight there at Adam Jr. He looks great. Sue

Anonymous said...


You too???LOL LOL LOL

Oh who am I kidding, I can't help myself, a man like Adam, my eyes start with his face ( yes really) and then they have a mind of their own, next thing I know they are fixated on that certain part of his anatomy.......need I say more?


Anonymous said...

Not a very classy comment. He is gorgeous. I look at all of him.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again I love his leather pants which wraps every part and enhances his body from waist down to his ankle. Yummy! <3

Anonymous said...

I guess he's getting paid to party,what a life.

Anonymous said...

You darling Glamberts are just too funny, JAK, Rose Petal, Sue, CT, Canadian-I just love you all. I had a quick moment to check in and got such a good laugh from this thread. I knew if I lingered, a GB poem might be ready to come out and I don't want to get executed so I will just quietly exit the stage. I bet if Lam-my gets on here and reads all this, she might get really inspired-she is probably rolling out of bed about this time and might be feeling a little frisky. All I might add is that you have all heard the old joke about something that is so big that it needs it own zip code. Need I say more? Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

It's all about the leather pants. Whatever you've got is going to stand out and Adam's got a lot!
Nothing wrong with appreciating the human body. Adam is a work of art after all. Thank God we have eyes to see and enjoy it all! Adam is one hell of a man! So proud to be a Glambert!.........nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

time for something new

Adam Lambert ‏@adamlambert 5h

Modeling w @mdmolinari

Anonymous said...

Hey Margarita Lady
You know me quite well by now and I'm really happy about that. Well, I was about to bring back an old GB haiku and then I read your most enlightening comment on the subject; so here goes; haiku is based on an InRock photo, only 3 lines, so perhaps you, with your sexual hyper can come up with something; this calls for poetry explosion. lol! Note date, but I was a fan of his special anatomy from way back Idol. lol!

Eyes closed, Adam's repose
Tight black pants, spread legs, no socks
Glam bulge imposes!
September 25, 2012 10:52 PM

Anonymous said...

Handsome Adam strides out
Black leather glittered jacket
Raw, torn jeans that cry out
I want to break free
We, onlookers are happy
To see a spree of GB
Tattoo sleeve swirling
Around his well-toned arm
With mic in hand wails
Rock god assaults, assails
Others in comparison, pales lwl!


Anonymous said...

And if you double click on to those 10 HQ pictures of Adam, well then, be prepared!

Anonymous said...

Lam-my-you are great with your poetry and now you got me goin', so here is a funny little ode to the GB, all in fun!!

Should I stay limber, sleek and hidden?
To show my face would be forbidden!
Swathed in leather cloak, I strive to shine.
Though overdressed, I still look fine!

I long for freedom, a breath of air,
I want to strut,
Do you think I dare?
I'll just stay warm, in my stifling cage,
Should I break down the door?
And cause a real rage?

I guess I'll be good, and stay in my place!
Adam depends on me to stay down and save face.
But, one of these days,
Yes, free I will break,
To display mighty power,
A headline I'll make!

I'll blame it on Glamberts,
My fame got to me,
I'll unfurl my flag,
Finally, disclose all mystery!

Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady...Whoa! I love this; sooo sexy...Hey this line is rated X...Adam depends on me to stay down and save!
By the way, a couple of years back, our GB friend surfaced and got a tabloid guy accusing Adam of "padded"! lol! Adam shot back with a simple: What's padded! lol! Eventually that tabloid writer got fired even after an open apology to Adam; poor guy, he should have consulted the 24/7 experts on this matter before lashing out. lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my, was that when Adam wore the white jeans in his "If I Had You" video? I remember then that some dummy accused him of padded pants, but I lost track of what happened after the false accusation.....Thanks again for your awesome poetry about Adam and his Rockstar image, which you so amazingly describe. Margarita Lady

Anonymous said...

Margarita Lady...I don't think it's the white pants. I remember seeing him on stage with ordinary linen pants and after this "padded" news bit, a close-up video was shown and I remember thinking...doesn't look "padded" because it was pointy, cone-shaped. lol! Also, another incident in another country, he was told to tone down the explicit sensual movements and again he explained, somethings are not within his control. lol! I knew what he was probably referring to. lol!


Anonymous said...

Quite a load there!! ;-D

Anonymous said...

@Margarita Lady 8:16

Your poem is so much fun! Never read anything quite like that about a certain part of the male anatomy! LOL!


Anonymous said...

What has happened here?!?
Long time ago, in the early days of Adam fandom here, GB was often talked and gushed about. Then came the all-too-serious-pearlglutchin-etc posters saying no no to GB comments... Still not so long ago the mere mention of GB was judged and doomed... And now...making poetry about GB is the new 'must'?! He hee.

@It's all Adam's fault!!! :))))))

Anonymous said...

The combo of the glambulge and his gorgeous thighs is a beautiful sight indeed ...whether "size matters" or not. Loving the poems and funny posts!

Anonymous said...

It's called a dick. The only thing worse than a bunch of elderly women drooling over a young guy is when they start giving cutsie names to body parts

Anonymous said...

I guess there isn't much going on with Adam whenthe comments mostly focus on his GB. How sad. Here is this very talented, gorgeous looking, charming individual and that's the focus of the comments?? Come on now.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that cutsie names for body parts is exclusive to elderly women. Very young new moms and dads use cutsie names instead of anatomically correct names for their offsprings body parts. Lovers of any age frequently do the same when fondly teasing each other. Some people read too much into simple musing.

If you don't enjoy such comments, don't read them. It's not required.

Anonymous said...

7:51 and 12:50
I just knew that it's only a matter of time before the disapprovers show up. What took you so long?!
Adam approves it, why don't you?
Sexy. Fun. Sexy fun. :)))