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A Real Glambert Transformation by Lambertlust

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

I can't read it

Anonymous said...

lambertlust is awesome and a real big Glambert. Didn't know his name is Nick. Nice name.

Jadan NZ said...

Great story, Nick is a really powerful and communicative Glambert as is his partner.
I wish them a lot of luck.

PS Had to use a magnifying glass from Grandkids toy box to read it. LOL

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you !! May you have a great life together !!

Anonymous said...

Is that lady he is pictured with his fiance?

Anonymous said...

oh thank you so much for all the great comments. We are so excited for our wedding on January 26th, the sunday before Adam's bday. This is the 4th year in a row that the San Francisco Glamberts have celebrated Adam's bday at The Hard Rock Cafe. I met Linda @MRSLAMBERTLUST 2 years ago at our Adam bday celebration. Then we went to 6 Adam concerts together throughout the next year and fell in love. The next year at our Adam bday bash 2013 i proposed to her right after we sang happy bday to Adam and we are getting married at the same place on the same day this year! :) here's the video

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! You are a true Glambert!


Anonymous said...

You are one of the greatest loyalist of our Adam and I salute you Mr. Lambertlust!!!:) (NICK)!!:)

I always follow your links.... Thanks for sharing your great moments with our Adam!!!:)


Anonymous said...

congrats Nick! :)

Anonymous said...

Did the Aura people ever donate any money from the magazine like they said they would?

Anonymous said...

its a great fan Magazine. So many great pieces in it! I posted scans of Listoffsay drawings here.

Anonymous said...

and i also posted scans of a really inspiring heart felt story by Glambert Eric Mettner from 'Aura'

Anonymous said...

No disrespect intended, but I assumed Nick was gay from the name Lambertlust, like he lusts after Adam in a sexual way. And thought Mrs. Lambertlust was a very good female platonic friend only! I can't see the article cuz the type is so sounds like I was mistaken. Congrats to both of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am bisexual. Was in a relationship with a man before @mrslambertlust Adam helped me come to terms with being bisexual. To accept and embrace my bisexuality. I fell in love with a woman that's also a Glamberts. Our mutual love for Adam bonded us together. We went to 6 concerts together in 2012.

Anonymous said...

And yes my name is to be taken literally Lambert Lust as in I Lust for Adam Lambert in a sexual way. Some Glamberts love Adam just for his vocal ability and style. Every Glambert connects to Adam in there own way. Adam changed my life beyond anything I could've imagined. Before Adam I was into dark negative music and had a pessimistic outlook on life. Adam lite the fire inside of me. His humble down to earth be who you are spirit has changed me forever.

Anonymous said...

Adam got me to open up and experience all new kinds of things. It was like pulling the wool off my eyes. I am happier and more fulfilled in life now then I ever thought possible.

glitzylady said...

I've known @Lambertlust (Hi Nick :)) since 2010 when we met at the last two GNT shows in LA.. Such a sweet man and an extremely dedicated Glambert in the truest sense of the word. We run into each other from time to time and I'm happy to say I've met his lovely fiance as well. A true "Glambert Power Couple" with an amazing and romantic story, which is directly a result of their mutual love for Adam. As the saying goes, #ItsAdamsFault :))

HK fan said...

I have seen your name and links all over the internet. Thanks for opening up and coming on here to tell us more about yourself. Good luck to you and MrsLambertlust with your wedding, and look forward to seeing some photos from it:)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Nick, I'm 8:01pm. Thanks for sharing more about yourself with us based on my nosiness! I wish you and your fiancee the very best! My teenage son is also into the dark music, yet appreciates Adam's insane talent. He is in a confused state right now about his sexuality and gender identity and I hope in time he'll gain more clarity in that regard. The latest confusion stems from being attracted to two girls in his class...when he thought he was gay or transgender. I've advised him he may be bisexual & to be patient....he wants to figure it all out right now. So happy that you are happy Nick! And is it even possible NOT to lust after Adam? ;)

Anonymous said...

I wish you @Lambertlust and your fiancee all the happiness in your relationship.
Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I wish you @Lambertlust and your fiancee all the happiness in your relationship.
Best of luck!