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Adam Lambert INTERVIEW with ET Canada

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 10, 2013


choons said...

Adam says all the right things.
And he means what he says.
lovely guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been a fan of Demi for a long time. I may see her at the Q in Cleveland this winter if I can horn in on my

Anonymous said...

No wonder people love Adam so much; he is so honest and sincere with his compliments. Not afraid to heap praise on other Artist. Most of whom he outshines or holds his own with. He is secure and is not threatened by others talents. Need more artists like him in the business.

Anonymous said...

Demi has admitted that she was addicted to cocaine in 2010-2011. She went to rehab and said she is sober now. Looks what happened to Cory. It is so difficult to be in the public eye and became so famous at such a young age. Don't want to be negative, but addiction is very hard to overcome. She is being very honest and courageous to talk about it at least.

daydreamin said...

It's nice that Demi has mutual admiration for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I searched and watched the video on twitter cause I see a blank screen on my ipad. Love to see more acting scenes of Adam and Demi on Glee. She got a nice gig for NYE.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a wonderful human being and is loved by so many because of his honesty and humility. I admire Demi as well for her bravery in talking about all she has had to go through. I saw an interview last night with Demi and her mother. Both are going through much the same issues and they love and support each other. It's a beautiful thing. Demi is very mature for her age.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam can hold his own with any singer out there. Nice words for Demi, too. Hope Adam has some good collabs in his future.


Anonymous said...

@12:21 AM........JAK here.....I'm glad to see your comment...I have no picture either and everyone was talking about something I couldn't see or hear...........I was doubting my sanity..

Anonymous said...

They have mutual respect for each other. Adam is so sweet and never feels threatened by other artists. Why should he,Adam is the best,but always so humble!