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Adam Lambert's Face Expressions From The Yahoo Interview

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Posted at : Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Anonymous said...

Wide-eyed takes on a whole new meaning.

Anonymous said...

This collage makes a very happy mood wallpaper say at a shopping mall or even at the airport or a hospital. It sure lifts someone's spirits; say a child who refuses to get on the school-bus or go into a doctor's clinic. This reminds me of a little girl just downstairs by condo-block, who screamed louder than Adam, when she was forced to board the school-bus. At that point, it crossed my mind Adam could sing to her probably with a rock-scream. lol! His blue eyes would send some positive vibes like: Don't be scared! lol! I like the colour scheme of this collage wallpaper. You see, that earthy tone of his jacket-suit embeds into the surroundings.


Anonymous said...

Adam, please change your hair, just for me, please, please, please :))..... p l e a s e :)

Anonymous said...

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Adam's hair. He has gorgeous hair and he can choose to style it in whatever way he wants. Be grateful he hasn't shaved it all off!

Anonymous said...

8:52 he will, he always does.Why the drama?

Anonymous said...

9:05 & 9:13 -- It's very simple. I LOVE the more alternative-looking Adam. That's all. There's no drama from me. Didn't you guys notice the smilies? (jeeezzz Louise, stop being so over-protective of Adam).

Anonymous said...

How anyone can think that hairstyle looks good is beyond my comprehension. His face and head look like it was squeezed through a tube!

He looks like EraserHead.

Anonymous said...

The hairstyle goes good with the suit. If you don't care for the look, ignore both. Adam's face and expressions erases all my reservations about his style preferences. When the focus is on the man and not the embellishments, you cease to be shallow. IMHO.
FYI, the camera used a wide angle lens, intending to capture as much of the background peeps, but in the process distorting Adam's face; hence, your EraserHead perception.

Anonymous said...

'The more alternative-looking Adam'? Whataya want from him - multi-colored dreadlocks????????

Anonymous said...

Since when has Adam been an alternative-looking guy?

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love Adam's new hair style, his face in these pictures is so expressive and gorgeous, love his sense of style and love his suit and shirt. He has excellent taste in clothes that look unique and he wears them beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Some people would say that black is white.

Anonymous said...

Adam is breathtaking as always.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam has said he'd love to be taller, and his hairstyle allows him to look even taller than he is.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you just better stop being so cute!

Anonymous said...

Adam, please "don't change a hair for me, not if you really care for me; stay little valentine stay", the way you are. Please, please, please, please!

Anonymous said...

@10:03 PM

Just curious, are these the only pictures you have seen of Adam with this hairstyle? Perhaps you need to broaden your comprehension; because there are many people who do have very different opinions on all of Adams hair styles; You know what opinions are like; and everybody has one.

A little side note; if I went into a supply store and saw pencil eraserheads in Adam's image here; I would buy the whole darn store out! Probably would never use them; would not want to smear that beautiful Adam face.

Anonymous said...

@5:38 AM

Oh hi Popeye; thanks for joining us on this site. Love your handle; how's Olive Oil. How is the cartoon world treating you?

Anonymous said...

I love Adam and all his various looks! Sue

Anonymous said...

Adam is just a beautiful, wonderful man. So much fun to follow. Love his many changes. I also love the excitement that Adam brings to any event, project; ect.

Somebody needs to write a show staring this man, or at least giving him a major role; If they don't; like Julia Robert said in pretty woman, "BIG MISTAKE".

Anonymous said...

Eyes, baby eyes! Gorgeous baby, gorgeous with a capital G!

Catharine Sloper said...

I have to say that outfit Adam is wearing is totally interesting aside from being fantastic. Where the heck did he get it from? Who designed it? The suit is one of those unexpected experiences where it looks absolutely stunning on Adam, but if someone described it to me I'd say how could it possibly work! If I were Adam, whatever store he got that suit from, he should go back!