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COMPLETE VIDEO: Adam Lambert - Huading Awards - Red Carpet and The Ceremony (2013. 12. 18.)

Filed Under (,,,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Posted at : Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam looks very good in yellow and love his tux, was this the tux he was teasing us on ig with about a week ago? Hah!! It all adds up now. lol Adam has some wonderful Chinese fans.

leilani aloha said...

Wow! wow! Wow!
China loves Adam!!!
Adam " wa ai nee" !!! we love u 2:)
He looks AMAZING!!!
So so happy for Adam as

Anonymous said...

"Very nice!" indeed. :)

Anonymous said...

My Chinese is progressing very slowly......I can say 'hello' - 'how much does it cost?' - 'thank you' and now ' I love you'.........Not nearly enough to be a tourist.....yet! .....JAK

Anonymous said...

Nice chest . . .

Anonymous said...

Adam is an international star.
Great honor in China and darn does he look fantastic or what!

Anonymous said...

Groomed to the max with the quirk of platform shoes. Love him.

Anonymous said...

Congrats . . . BB

Anonymous said...

Congrat, Adam! The Chinese fans love you! Only you can take a tux to a whole new level and wear shoes that give it all a wacky touch!

God, he looks great. Does China get Glee? Interesting that they played MTN when he walked out.


Anonymous said...

Simon Cowell was right!!!!:)

Adam is love around the world indeed!!!

His voice technique is unbeatable!!:)

Worldwide STAR!!!:))))


The Dark side said...

Adam blows it out if the park as usual...the shoes a great touch. Isn't the tall femal in the light dress the one who is on the Chinese Idol show wherecAdam was a judge for a little while?

Anonymous said...

He deserves this so much. Beat out some heavy hitters. China treats him well. They appreciate his music, personality and look. He is it! Hope the US gets aboard soon. Because this country needs to show him the same respect, honor and accolades other countries do. So happy and proud of Adam Lambert. He is a superstar!%

Hk fan said...

China gets Glee on Broadband TV (i.e. pay channels) at least I assume they do, as HK does, although no hint of s5 yet....

the you mean the tall presenter??
The judge on Idol was Coco Lee, haven't seen her in any of the videos we've seen.