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Funny Tweet From Eber Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, December 20, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 20, 2013


Anonymous said...

great post! thanks you!

Anonymous said...

Gay marriage is legalized in UTAH? Seriously? I thought that was going to be the last state to get gay marriage legalized.

wow. Speechless.

Anonymous said...

I like that the pics started with Adam being a baby, the his teenage years, then his adult years....

Anonymous said...

This really is amazing ... we're heading in the right direction. Go USA!

Adam is really helping this movement more than we know. He is so likeable, intelligent, attractive and kind, on top of being extremely talented. And he keeps it real, no matter who he's dealing with or talking to. An Ambassador of love and acceptance. A life genius in action. We are so lucky to have him in our lives!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Well said Eber! OMG Utah,same sex marriages are a happening!!! Totally thrilled and what a smack bang to the LDS Church and it's antiquated Dark Ages perspective.
'A Change is gonna Come' in ALL directions. Never thought I'd see the day a judge over rules the church ruled state. I know living in the state as a gay person is unbearable for so many. Time to share the love. Thanks too Adam for being such an incredible worldwide Ambassador by being so true to yourself and not waivering.

Anonymous said...


Suzette said...

Utah didn't actually approve gay marriage. A federal judge today ruled the constitutional amendment Utah made against gay marriage was unconstitutional. Utah is already trying to have the ruling overturned.

Anonymous said...

Ah but marriages are already underway regardless. It's all just a matter of time. You can't hold goodness back..even in The Beehive state! Love conquers all.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to New Mexico too.

Anne Marie said...

What lovely family pictures. I can't remember any other star having pictures of their family being shown this way. When Adam became a star so did his whole family in a very nice and loving way. Adam is so proud of them all. We are all so lucky to have become aquainted with them too, as they are a big part of Adams life.

Anonymous said...

It is inevitable it will be legal in all 50 states. Soon.

Anonymous said...

@9:49 so agree with your post about how Adam helped the equal rights movement an ambassador of love and acceptance,,,a life genius in action..just had to repeat true

Anonymous said...


Ditto. I soooooooo agree. Congrats to Adam's great family for raising such a beautiful human being.

Anonymous said...

Admin: I can do without the porno ad on the right side of page

It's not like this is a adult site . . .

Anonymous said...

2:08, I've often thought the same thing about how much we know about Adam's family. It's virtually unheard with other celebrities. Eber is so active on twitter and interacts with Adam's fans. Leila is active in LGBT rights. Even Neil has done a little media work. The Lamberts are smart, articulate, generally well-informed. You don't have to agree with all they say, but it's easy to see how Adam turned out to be such a well-spoken, conscientious man who handles himself with confidence and good humor. I love knowing this family.

Let's hope Utah goes the distance and passes gay marriage officially, and soon!


blazify said...

So sad that in the country that is supposed to be the model for freedom, equality and human rights that this is even an issue.

Anonymous said...

I live in Utah, I am a Mormon and I am a HUGH, I said HUGH Adam Lambert fan. Per capita there is a larger population of gay people that have children here than almost any other state because we are family oriented. BYU actually has a large club for gay students. Don't be so hard on Utah because contrary to popular belief it is not a church run state, it has more non Mormons than Mormons, and the largest part of the population are ex-Californians. It's a great place to live and we have love for everyone. Sure you will find your over zealous nuts, but they are everywhere. Thanks for letting me vent. A HUGH fan, HUGH.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was younger with the strawbeery colored hair, he looked more like Eber. As he got a bit older and colored his hair to the brown/black shade, he looks more like Leila now. He seems to have terrific parents who have supported him throughout the ups and downs in his career and a brother who is intelligent and witty also.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 5:44 AM
RE ads on this page: It's been my experience that the ads usually are directly related to what I myself or someone in my family, have been looking at elsewhere on the internet. Or at least that seems to be the case. For instance right now, I'm seeing an ad for, one for Alaska Airlines, and one for all websites I've looked at in the past couple of days myself. So, about the "porno" ad you mentioned...

Just curious if others see this customized "pattern" of ads on the page??? I don't see anything inappropriate at the moment, but I suspect admin would want to know if there was. So anyone else seeing anything like that????

glitzylady said...

Sorry meant to say @Anon 5:54 AM in my above comment...

Anonymous said...

@ glitzylady.....JAK here......I've often wondered about the the moment I only have an ad for Amazon.
Which I haven't clicked on in more than a year.

I frequently get ads asking "Do you want to meet other singles in the Tampa area?" Since I haven't been single since 1956 that one is puzzling. I have no idea of the reason for the ads that pop up.........????

Anonymous said...

If I have been on other sites prior to coming here I will see ads related to those sites or the items I searched. But if I have just erased all cookies or restarted my computer the ads are either very general like Amazon, TMobile (it's a Sam's Club ad right now and I never go to SC or Walmart) or ads are vaguely related to the overall theme of the post. Can't think of an example right now. I'm sure most of the ads are based on cookies left on computers but Admin may be able to specify that none are porn regardless of the cookies. It's probably worth emailing her.

Anonymous said...

7 32
But certainly the Mormon church is headquartered in Utah and has a Hugh influence on that state. And the Mormons were the largest financial contributors and manpower behind prop 8 in California which made gay marriage illegal. So obviously it's pretty sweet to see this
Happen in Utah.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why, but Adam looks 10 younger now than he did in that pic with his dad.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:26 PM
Exactly.. The "cookies" that linger on our own computers are most likely responsible for the ads we each see on the site. Same thing happens on other sites.. I see that all the time and think nothing of it. Because I know it's the way things work.

I've never seen anything pornographic in the way of ads here. Just sayin'.....

It's probably because you are young at heart...that your're getting the singles ads :)))) And Amazon probably knows you like to read and are always learning, taking classes, etc., so they have your "number" too..

Adamluv said...

@1:00 - you said exactly what I was going to say about the Mormon Church and Prop 8. And to the poster who said that marriage equality will become the law in all states SOON, I think that is only wishful thinking. It certainly will someday but not that soon. BTW, Uganda just passed a law that mandates a life sentence in prison for gays/lesbians. Unbelievable! . . . Adamluv

funbunn40 said...

Yay! Great news for Utah! I wish NC would have had a judge to overturn the banning of same sex marriage. The Republican Gov. and cabinet in Raleigh also tried to sneak in a bill shutting down women's clinics under a transportation bill until news media discovered it. They had done the same banning same sex marriage. This state has become a dictatorship. My county is more enlightened, but it's nstill the "bible belt" mentality that hopefully one day will join the 21st century. It's really a blight on this otherwise beautiful state.

funbunn40 said...

Yay! Great news for Utah! I wish NC would have had a judge to overturn the banning of same sex marriage. The Republican Gov. and cabinet in Raleigh also tried to sneak in a bill shutting down women's clinics under a transportation bill until news media discovered it. They had done the same banning same sex marriage. This state has become a dictatorship. My county is more enlightened, but it's nstill the "bible belt" mentality that hopefully one day will join the 21st century. It's really a blight on this otherwise beautiful state.

Anonymous said...

People!!! Change your choice of words meaning "big" to "large." Hugh is a man's Hugh Grant the English actor. Huge is big or large. Don't believe me, do your own due diligence and look it up!