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Jason Collins: "Adam Lambert has amazing voice"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, December 9, 2013

Posted at : Monday, December 09, 2013


Anonymous said...

What a nice compliment from Jason Collins. I totally agree with you Jason.

Anonymous said...

I thought I saw Jason Collins on the Red Carpet. I wonder if he and Adam took a picture together?
He seems like a very nice young man.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely true Jason and was nice of him to say!

Anonymous said...

Adam and Jason have had their pic taken together. Jason TOWERS over Adam. ;) I think they met in a bar, good chance someone remembers better than I can.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember the pic of Adam & Jason. I think Jason is 6' 8".

Anonymous said...

I believe Jason was at the opening of Adam's longtime friend Marcus's Invitational opening of his new Club; beside Bootsy Bellows; which Marcus is one of the owners also. Jason and Adam did have their picture taken together there at that grand opening.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the fold Jason!


Anonymous said...

It's Markus with a K!