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Random Picture Time!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

"I can't even breathe right".

Adamluv said...

No words are necessary. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I love dem all.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Love the commanding in your face with grit first picture soooo much!

Anonymous said...

Tony Duran pics stand out, in a good way.

Anonymous said...

All of these photos are to die for! I found Glambert in my office! She said that she would pay a fortune to see Adam live! However, I'll hate these shaved sides forever. Sorry:(

Anonymous said...

Why are fans compelled to mention what they don't like every. single. time.

Great assortment of pics.

Anonymous said...

Yea really nice pictures. Do not always have to leave a criticism of one particular thing that does not please them. No one is perfect. It's his hair he can wear it how he pleases. I love him for who he is not his hair. Sue

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said. Wonder that very often myself.
Words like 'hate', 'dislike' and 'don't like' sound just 'off' on a fan site!

Anonymous said...

Lots of great pics. I'm really feeling the second one. Or should I say I'd LIKE to be feeling the second one. ;)

Anonymous said...

I ADORE the Idol photo (with chains around his neck).

Anonymous said...

The clean-shaven pics are the SEXIEST!!!!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

I hope the fringe look comes back into fashion. It suits Adam so well.

Anonymous said...

One of the effects of 'following' Adam is I have added animal prints to my wardrobe!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I think it is a little harsh to reprimand someone because they state their opinion about Adam's hair style, etc..yes, this is a fan site..but I believe fans have a perfect right to state their opinions about something that can so easily be changed, i.e., hair, clothing, etc. as Adam would say.."it ain't that deep"...I mean it is like telling your friend, spouse, child that you prefer such and such over something else..peace..

Anonymous said...

That's my first encounter with Adam, that look & outfit, that smile... Pure SATISFACTION from the start!
(that's the night he SAAAANG Satisfaction, pheeeewwww!)

Anonymous said...

4:52, no harsher than the non-stop criticism of Adam's hair style or facial hair on here. It is a bit ridiculous how many times it has been said.

Anonymous said...

Some of Adam's fans are so patronising.

Anonymous said...

@4:52 #1
To state an opinion can be said respectfully, that is especially good if you're trying to get through with an opinion that differs from most opinions...
And I agree, talking about hair and facial hair is not that deep - so why use awful expressions (like 'hate') when commenting on these 'hairy matters', lol? E.g. to prefer a hair do over some other hair do is a lot better and less aggravating than blurt I hate Adam's current hair!

Anonymous said...

I didn't need to add animal prints to my wardrobe. I recycle the ones I already have from the 1980s when it was fashionable, although the animal print fashion didn't last long then.

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that there are people on this blog who aren't afraid to speak their mind, whether they agree about something or not. Better to be honest than be like "sheep", too afraid to say anything in case it upsets somebody.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, 6:47, it is possible to express an opinion in a positive way. (e.g. "_______ is my favorite look", or "I really miss the _______ look") Feels so much better to both the commenter and the readers when expressed that way. :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Adam, he must feel controlled sometimes.

Anonymous said...

6:47 there is a difference is respectfully stating your differing opinion and the nonstop I hate Adam's hair/I hate Adam's facial hair comments that never cease here. Nobody has to be a sheep and these simpleton hate comments aren't any better.

Anonymous said...

What ever people, don't waste your energy on those conversations, it never leads up to anything! Let's all just drewl at those pics we love and praise his beauty <3

Anonymous said...

OT but, Just read that Selena Gomez was caught lip synching at the Jingle Ball concert she did and then swore out loud. I heard Demi Lovato on XFactor the other night performing and she was pitchy and not very good. My point...these two young ladies have made a successful career for themselves in the music industry although they are not necesssarily the best singers(I guess you can have an off night). Then there is Adam Lambert, best vocal talent in music, amazing stage presence, charismatic personality, never lip synchs and yet he just does not get the recognition, acceptance and success that he so deserves in comparison to so many less than talented performers singing today. It's very frustrating when someone who is so talented just doesn't get the breaks and opportunities that should be offered to him. Sorry for the soap box ranting, but I just had to get these comments out and now I can go back to looking at the other pics and stories on this site.

Anonymous said...

10:04, welcome to life. Adam isn't the only amazing artist out there working for greater success.

Anonymous said...

10:04 I totally agree with you. Hopefully there are good things to come in 2014 for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are plenty of amazing artists working for greater success - but he is one of those truly few that has a PURE voice with one of the most incredible ranges plus a rare talent to use that voice LIVE in a way that leaves also classical singers gobsmacked!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, these are slow times in Lambertland. I hate it when people tell me I can't say the word hate. I hate it when overly politically correct people want to change how I express my feelings about something inanimate. I'll bet you've NEVER used the word hate in your lives. HA. I hate broccoli, I hate ocra, I hate eggplant. I even hate haters!!!

Anonymous said...

1:33 here. I hate okra so much I spelled it wrong. I hate it when I do that.

Anonymous said...

1:33 and I bet people hate being around you.

Anonymous said...

@1:33 PM.....JAK here

If you hate broccoli, okra and eggplant then we probably have other things in common too!

Let's have lunch! :-)
Just good stuff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The photo of the time he sang "Satisfaction" I think is one of his handsomest!
Beautiful smiling eyes!