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So Sexy!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 6, 2013

Posted at : Friday, December 06, 2013


Anonymous said...

Very Deliciously Perfect SEXY!♫♪♫♫!!!

Anonymous said...

Words aren't enuff for measuring his sexyrexyness.

Anonymous said...

This is the best collage ever!!!

Adamluv said...

Has Xmas arrived early with these last 2 threads? . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Ahh, breathtaking memories of wonderment.

Anonymous said...

Going from the cutesy on Glee to the mindblowing drive everyone nuts Adam! Love him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if that outfit is still in his closet?.....JAK
It traveled a lot of miles.

Anonymous said...

Remember the first time I saw the outfit, thought it was a bit too tame...Boy was I wrong... It's the Man Inside that makes the outfit or fills it... Yyrdxcvbbuiplmnb...!!!

Anonymous said...

This collage made me go way down the rabbit hole with my ipad last night into his many WLL's from GNT

coloforadam said...

These shots are from the US tour in Summer 2010 - I'm still panting!!

Anonymous said...

Hey coloforadam. Panting fo sho
Hope you're well


Anonymous said...

GNT was not only US, but (almost) worldwide tour, he did almost 120 shows... Adam is the Only True International Star to have come out of Am Idol!