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Who looked better in Vivienne Westwood, AdamLambert or MatthewMcConaughey?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, December 29, 2013

Posted at : Sunday, December 29, 2013


Anonymous said...

Adam of course, but it's really not a good comparison. Adam was wearing it casually, the other guy was going for formal. IMO apples to oranges.

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, it looks better with the vest and the slim cut jacket with the chain.

But, truthfully I prefer looking at Adam in anything....JAK

Anonymous said...

like 9:27 said apples and oranges

Anonymous said...

I think they both look great. No comparison, both doing their own thing. Why compare, especially on an Adam site. on Matthew's site; probably different answers.

Both look great. Adam is my main guy. But, I have always liked Matthew; think he is a great guy too.

Hate these stupid comparisons. Just my opinion though.

Two very handsome men; each in their own way, suit can probably be dressed up or down!

Single man; and family guy!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I like Adam's look better for his event. But, Matthew looks great too. Two wonderful guys, looking very hot!

Anonymous said...

Matthe's wife looking HOT!

Anonymous said...

Adam's suit is too small and pants are too short. In this case, Mathew looks better. It's a much better fit.

Anonymous said...

Adam would look great in the vest version, too. I really like Matthew. Great actor and seems like a good guy. But no one compares to our Adam when it comes to wearing clothes. Stunning!


Anonymous said...

They both look great; two gorgeous men. Of course Adam is my favorite, since I am his devoted fan. But, Matthew isn't exactly chopped liver.

They both wear the suit very, very well; wow, to both!

Anonymous said...

@11:25 AM

You have a right to your opinion; but, I disagree wholeheartly, the suit fits Adam perfectly, in my opinion. I love the way this suit fits Adam; so sexy looking.

So I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. In the end, it is all in the eye of the beholder anyway!

By the way, I think Matthew looks very nice too. Two great looking men.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely stunning!

Matthew and his wife make a nice looking couple. They look great also.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is the best dressed male entertainer of 2013; in my humble opinion. Here he looks absolutely stunning. Not going to compare him with anyone; not fair to them!

Anonymous said...

You picked one of my favorite movie actors; and pitted him against my favorite all around entertainer; Not fair; I am not going to chose; they both look; hot, hot, hot. My BB Adam Lambert always looks stunning!

I don't follow Matthew; but the times I have seen him; he looked great.

Happy New Years to all!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's look much much more. Matthew's suit with the vest looks very much old fashion. Something my grand father wears. JMO

Anonymous said...

.@11:25: no one here will notice his suit is too small. Their eyes are too clouded.

Anonymous said...

they both look fine but I don't care for the shirt MM is wearing I can't put my finger on it.MM sleeve length and pant length look the same as Adam's and it doesn't look like MM would be able to button the jacket if the chain was not there.

Anonymous said...

I love them both they are my favorites I have followed Adams career more than any one else but I do like the vest with this suit better.Adam have worn suits that look much better on him.

Anonymous said...

Check it out when a model wore it on the runway. I'm not a fan of MC, but in this case his suit was better tailored, but Adam is way hotter.

Anonymous said...

11:25. I agree. The suit doesn't fit Adam properly and the pegged pants are too short. I'm not a fan of Matt, but he wears this suit better. Just my opinion. Many of Adam's suits need to be altered before he wears them,but he probably doesn't have the time to get that done.(

tess4ADAM said...

Why compare? Both stars do the suit justice ... they could both be runway models ... but my ADAM is simply **swoon-worthy** in ANYTHING he wears!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Maybe funny to say this but Matthew looks a little girly with the vest.

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks drop dead divine in a 3 piece suit but on this occasion, they both look great.

Anonymous said...

Matthew styled it better