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Adam Lambert walking on the back of the picture

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 17, 2014

Posted at : Friday, January 17, 2014


Anonymous said...

awe Adam having a great time. Gay Ski Week

Anonymous said...

Awe means struck with wonderment

Aw or awwwwww means how sweet or how nice.

Anonymous said...

I think she/he covered both meaning in one word. Very good, gold star. :)


1.overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.
2.Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.
3.Being finicky or fastidious, especially with language.

choons said...

Attention to detail is not a deficit.

Anonymous said...

This is a freidly fune fourum we undersand completley that talking about Adam can cause so much excitement we don't care if things are spelled wright! :)

Anonymous said...

Attention to detail is not a deficit but making a comment purely to correct what is likely an autocorrect mistake does show a deficit of manners and kindness. So many rude and obnoxious people here.

Anonymous said...

Ha, great, little grammar discussion. And I learned something!

Hope the Bootsy Bellows opening goes well. Should be a hot ticket with Adam co-hosting. And the model they got for the poster is ridiculously cute!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Bootsy Bellow opened New Years Eve. With Paris Hilton snuggling Marcus.

Anonymous said...

Here's the article link. It contains several pics including Paris H.

choons said...

Can't be that cold - Marcus isn't wearing any socks!

Anonymous said...

Zoom doesn't really help me see Adam better.

Anonymous said...

@xo Laura
The poster boy ridiculously cute?!!
Not to correct you (though seems to be theme on this thread, he he), but inmynotsohumble opinion the 'boy' is deliciously carved in every detail visible to my eyes... :)))))

Anonymous said...

If your device has autocorrect, you shoud always proof read before you publish or send your message. You'll never be misunderstood that way.

Anonymous said...

or ridiculed.

Anonymous said...

5:29, too bad you didn't proof read. You spelled "should" wrong. Karma's a bitch.

Anonymous said...

They did make a spelling error. LOL. That's funny.

Anonymous said...

'Adam Lambert walking on the back' ........ LOL