New Pic of Adam with Fan
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, January 25, 2014
Posted at : Saturday, January 25, 2014
VIA silty
Ahhhhh #AdamLambert thank you so much for taking a pic with me. I always loved you and will continue to do so #HouseOfBlues #MTVArtistToWatch

Ahhhhh #AdamLambert thank you so much for taking a pic with me. I always loved you and will continue to do so #HouseOfBlues #MTVArtistToWatch

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Aww. Very sweet.
From the tweets I read, she is an avid Adam fan. I'm happy she got this really nice pic with him.
A moment to remember. : ))
Adam Lambert is such a sweetheart; he is so charming; and make his fans feel like one in a Billion. A moment the fan will never forget. Both of them are beaming. This type of thing just endears Adam to me so much.
No wonder his fans are so protective of him. Darn it, he is worth it!
Oh this picture is so cute. I must say; that Adam is just drop dead gorgeous. Wow this man's looks will never stop amazing me.
I just love this picture it just shines with pure joy. I would be grinning ear to ear too; if I was in a picture that close with Adam; if I did not faint first.
Adam has the most beautiful teeth, eyes; and mouth, lips. Oh heck, just everything!
Live the wide brim on the hat half covering her :)
@2:50 I'm with you! You said it...his individual features are great, but when you put them all together.....GORGEOUS OVERLOAD!
Just beautiful; lucky lady, extremely handsome man!
If it was me; After the picture was over and I am still clutching Adam; the embarrasing part would be; when after 5 scarey moments of me clutching his arm, he would be saying over and over again, "thank you so much, we are through now". Then, to add insult to injury he would say, "who does this person belong to, someone, anyone"; "HELP".
Nope not going anywhere near this beautiful man I might really lose control!
@Anon 4:04 PM
Actually you would be in a complete daze and you'd just wander off aimlessly wondering "what just happened??!!" :)))
And then you'd be saying "What did I say to him..and what did he say to me??" And then you'd say to yourself "I can't believe I said THAT !!"...and "I forgot to say all of those OTHER things..."...
And you'd be grinning and looking like you just won the lottery (because you did!!).. for the rest of the day... at least...
Trust me... :)))
sugar overload.
Hi glitzylady:
Sounds like you have been there; my version was I hope stretching it. I have never had the pleasure of meeting Adam; strange I feel like I know him; but I don't.
Still love the man. Love your story; I can actually see that happening. Oh and I do trust you on that, thanks.
I also enjoy all your post. Had fun posting with you last evening too; if you get my drift. That is all I am saying.
Because, "it's a new day, it's a new dawn; it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling good"; those lyrics were sung by a great singer that we know; once upon a time! Have a great evening glitzylady.
This is a fun site tonight. That beautiful face of Adam can bring fun and joy to all. What a beautiful man. So nice to be a Glambert!
I don't think I have ever felt this way about any other singer ever. It is almost like Adam put's a spell on you. Oh, I guess to be in his presence must be life altering. Glitzylady I like your take.
@4:04PM, funny.
I'm with @4:04PM. I must stay away from Adam. Just thinking of meeting him makes me tear up. I'd probably burst into uncontrollable sobs of joy. lol
I am so greedy; I want some pictures of Adam from last night.
I guess I need to get a more active life of my own. Ha, ha.
Lucky lady with a beautiful smile; and Adam Lambert, what can I say that's has not already been said about this beautiful man...
OT: Wouldn't it be nice if Queen and Adam were the surprise guests and the Grammy's? Just a dream of mine. They would shut the place down. Ok back to earth!
That is a very heartwarming picture of Adam and his fan. Just beautiful!
I don't know how Adam has time to himself whenever he goes out somewhere. He is just so nice posing for pics with fans and anyone who meets him agrees what a great guy he is. I doubt that I will ever meet him, but as someone here said, I feel as if I know him from all the stories, comments and pics on this blogsite and in the print media. At times I think I know more about Adam Lambert than I do some members of my own family. I am mesmerized by his looks but most of all by his spectacular voice and amazing stage presence. No wonder he has such a loyal fanbase on his side.
Great fan picture. Feeling the joy of the moment.
HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY to Aussie Glamberts! Have fun in the sun, or at the beach, watching those fireworks and enjoying those barbie's! (Like the 4th July of to those in the Land Down Under today.) So proud to be an Australian moment.
Happy Austrialian Independence Day to all Austrialian Glamberts. Have a wonderful celebration. Becareful with those fireworks. Party time!
yea Happy Australia Day.
Happy Australia Day to all Glamberts and their friends and families.
I do not believe Adam has ever looked happier or more stunning. A more charming creature I have never seen. He flawless beautiful his bone structure is magnificent. He very, very thin again think obviously started working out even harder after New Years he looks wonderful. Such a sweet beautiful smile. How lucky are you fortunate Glambert I hope you have great memories from it you deserve it. He reminds me of the old time glamour of old Hollywood mixed with up to date freshness of today's Hollywood, LA scene of today. Oh and that heavenly smile of his lights up the darkest stadium.
@7:13 Love your description of Adam's look these days. :) He is something special indeed.
@7:13 PM
I agree with you 100% about our dear Adam; could not have said it better.
OT: I would watch more of these award shows, it Adam Lambert were on them. Now just the same old, same old. Sorry, it just get's so boring. One of the most talented man in the world is missing. Thank God I get to hear that voice when I want to. I have in my house and in my car. I just wish the world could hear what we do! One day it will happen. I hope soon.
I agree with you 7.13 I would watch more also but I feel that this year and next are gonna be big building blocks for a good up swing in his career not that he has not done well in many aspects if his career already.
In my opinion Adam is happiest on that stage and I hate every opportunity wasted for anyone to hear this man. But, his time is coming. Maybe it's good when you have some ups and downs before everything comes together for a long stay up on the hill.
When it comes to young to easy to fast sometimes you are not allowed to make teenage mistakes before your famous you start self destructing like JB doing because everything has more or less been handed to him. I hope someone get him to the right help. I afraid he going down the path of So many HW young stars. Adam got much if that out before stardom thank God his head on quite straight I believe right now. Yes he made a so called mistake or two at start of his career but only once and he certainly learned from it. That the key learn and grow and he done that a lot.
As far as the Grammies heard today in E news or some where Lady GaGa no nominations, MC no nominations and some other big deal that forgot the name of. I was:surprise to fine KP never won I really thought she had probably this year.
I think LGG album came out nov. kind of late but Applause and another single came out in plenty of time to be nominated but they were not that great I did not feel. The big deal MC hmmm. Maybe sooner or later the real great singers like Adam will get their do. He was nominated for WWFM. GaGa and MC may perform I don't know but not nominated this year it was hard to hear the other one was they said.
I really do think like his manager said the best if Adams career is yet to come. He always just picked himself up through any adversity and just kept singing, acting, writing working and its gonna pay off never complained just kept going it is paying off. I hit if instead of, of twice.
OMG! This girl! She is awesome! Adam is so lucky to have so many beautiful and young fans!
Well I am an ugly old fan is he lucky to have me too? Just saying.
I know exactly what you mean.
For that's exactly what happened to me and what I said and how I felt.
We're same kind of Glambert.
Yes he very lucky to have you and I doubt your ugly. that I fear was not said to complement this fan although she seems very nice and so happy to meet Adam as we all would. 11.08 he very lucky to have his very young fans, four or five on to teens, mid twenties, thirties and every other age of very nice and attractive Glamberts. I know woman in their fifties, sixties and 70 and on they look way younger than they are they keep themselves up dress nicely and afford the more expensive Adam events and to fly their that the very young ones cannot afford to do. It makes some younger ones angry when some get tickets in the front roll of which I never ever have gotten to do by the way but they pay for those tickets you have just as much chance as they do if its fan clubs getting them join them to get there. Point is Adam needs all his fans to support him. 12.08 is needed just as much as some young girl who placing her or himself in more importance. If you are 9.46 really a fan you would know Adam better and know he values all his fans equally. Yes it's great he getting more and more fans and even more noticeable is the much larger amount of men fans that impressive. Sure he wants young fans to support and buy his music there good money there what good about having all ages is they fill up different ticket markets at concerts .
Adam lucky to have so many beautiful fans of all different ages and sexes.we always want the younger fans for Adam there is a market for them that is lucrative for Adam. As well as a lucrative older market and people of all ages market. There no need to glorify one grope of devoted fans over the other group. He needs all his fans this is just one reason Adam will have more longevity in the business his fans spans all ages not just very, very young that tend to grow up and wonder away from the fold after a certain age. I respect all ages of fans.we are so lucky to have this greatly talented man that interest many, many people of all varied ages.. More important he respects all of them and does not think one is more important than any others.
@Anon 4:59 PM
Thank you, and same to you :))
I was very fortunate to meet Adam 2 months ago... and it was pretty much exactly as I described... He was gorgeous and a sweetheart. And it was over way too quickly...
I hope you'll one day meet him as well.
@Anon 11:44 PM
I have no doubt we are! :)))
The joy emanating from this fan is almost palpable. Good for her. What a lovely moment, glad she shared it!
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