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Very Sweet Collage of Adam and Leila

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 30, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, January 30, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam looks so much like his mother. Look at the smiles. This is priceless. Such beautiful people.

Anonymous said...

Both are getting prettier and prettier everyday. Age is only a number on their birth certificates.

Anonymous said...


JAK here.....I've been trying for days to hit a new thread so this would only have to be said once and hopefully everyone would see it.

A week ago I had a hissy-fit and attached to my opinion of photos and a joke that I didn't like, a completely uncalled for rant. I was rude and when I tried to come back to apologize the thread had disappeared. I don't know what was said after my comment but I imagine it was very contentious since Admin. decided to erase the whole thread.
Since I couldn't re-read my post I wasn't sure exactly what I said, but I know I owe @Lambertlust and Admin. both an apology. I do apologize.

Since the thread was gone, for which I'm grateful, I did not realize till a few days later it was still being talked about. I saw that some of the folks with and without tags were questioning where I was and if I would return.
I had no idea such a brouhaha would rise up over my making an ass of myself.

At the suggestion of some I did check out other Adam fan sites. They were very nice, orderly and informative. But....they weren't 'Home'...24/7. The 'tags' and Anon's I am fond of weren't there and I doubt those sites would put up with my wordiness and OT chatter and I have no idea if they allow poetry!

I left a few messages <3's so my peeps would know I was fine and waited to find a spot near the top of a thread. Sorry to butt in on this one with Adam and Leila, but I really wanted to explain I know my behavior was 'out of bounds' and I hope uncharacteristic (sp?) of me. I will make myself scarce for awhile before returning, if Admin. will have me.

I'm swamped right now at the University having my head examined! No cracks please. I'm taking part in a study that will be in a new book on Gerontology, which is being written by a former pupil of mine. I taught her "Little Bunny Foo Foo" and now she has a PhD. Proof that Pre-K is good for you!

Anonymous said...

so good to have a comment from all your posts.

HK fan said...

I don't think anyone thought you were being rude on your comment, we all (well most!) understood that you were just upset at the post in question, and that it was kind of the final straw after reading so many negative and bitchin posts for so long.
Its good to see you back posting, you have been missed:)

Anonymous said...

Love you JAK - You always have thoughtful and interesting comments.
p.s..You must have been a wonderful pre-k teacher - lucky kids!

carolynj said...

@JAK, welcome back home. I, too, have checked out other blogs, but this one allows me to easily see the latest news of Adam and I appreciate Admin's ability to stay so current. Yes, the comments from the diverse contibutors baffle me at times, but I love to share with all of you who are so devoted to following this talented man. Wonderful family pictures, too.

Anonymous said...

JAK, no need to apologize. I read the thread after your comments and before it was deleted. Your comments were taken as how seriously you felt about the subject, not as a hissy fit. The comments were overwhelmingly against the pic. It was offensive to many for different reasons, but still offensive. Please don't feel bad for your opinion or for speaking for so many who agreed with you, including me. I hope we never see something like that again. Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

I think many of us would love to find a site that is easy to check for updates and pics of Adam without all the garbage in the comments. Let me know if you find one.

Anonymous said...

Yes @JAK love you. No apology necessary from you. After your comments the Ts had a picnic. Used your comment as an issue to be nasty. Anyhow water under the bride. Glad you came back. Yes this is your Home indeed. Do share with us what you're learning at university. Among the negative posts it is nice to read other informative posts.

About pre-k. Not only it's important and essential. Education before pre-k is even more important. End my post with this quote which I hold close to my heart and mind.

"Regard human as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable humanity to benefit therefrom."

glitzylady said...

So happy to see you back! In my opinion, you have the right to speak your mind here... Everyone ELSE sure does :))

Also giving you my email address, my anon one, and I'd really love to keep in touch with you outside the confines of the blog... I know we used to occasionally on Adam Lambert Fans...

Welcome back!

tess4ADAM said...

Welcome back sister Glambert @JAK. I have missed your comments/poetry/humor & was sad not to be able to read them anymore. I've left & come back a few times myself but like you I could find no other ADAM site to call "home". So here I'll stay & hope you will too. NO apology needed ... I wasn't too thrilled about the pic referred to but foolishly kept silent. I guess I'm a coward sometimes ... sorry for that!! Love 'n Light ... Your sister septegenerian (sp?) ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...


You don't know me; but welcome back; seems like everyone missed you; so you must be a wonderful person. Usually the one's that need to stop posting won't. But, someone that seems as special as you felt the need to leave. Well I will join the other's in welcoming you back. I too have enjoyed your post. Have a great evening.

Anonymous said...

Adam and his mom are very beautiful people, inside and out. Such a wonderful family. Adam seems to be such a loving son, and very protective towards his mom.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home JAK!! I knew you couldn't stay away. Adam and Leila are absolute beauties! That's how I see you too JAK. Even though I have never seen what you look like I know you are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

JAK, what joy again see "JAK here" a very cordial greeting!! HH

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures but Adam looks like his dad.

Anonymous said...

Imagine how proud Leila must be of Adam. He was single minded in his desire to sing for his supper....and now his work has paid off. We are filled with joy when someone we love, partner, child or friend sees their goal achieved.
For Eber and Leila it's Mission Accomplished.

Anonymous said...

JAK! You have made my evening so happy! I'm s glad you are back. When you left, there was a hole in my heart. This site didn't seem the same without you. I feel like you do about this site. It is like "home" to me. I post on a few other sights, but this one is like a family. We really delve deep here, and sometimes the emotions run high. I get fed up myself sometimes. Please keep posting your wonderful witty comments. Throughout all that turmoil last week, I knew exactly how you felt. I know we can all get rhrough the good times and the rough times here together.

DRG (oh, and Adam and Leila are beautiful!)

Anonymous said...

JAK, I admired the stance you took. I hope you aren't backing down now.

Anonymous said...

great pictures of Adam & his mother they do respect each other very much you don't always see that.

Anonymous said...

I am not a troll, I'm a long time utterly devoted fan of Adam Lambert's (kind of like Glitzy), & Adam's fandom will always contain the sort of cheeky and downright lusty adoration of Aam that he himself has grown and developed from the start.. It is part, maybe just part but a part for sure, of the AML lore & fandom ... It has to be recognized... I really hope that every voice has a stage here, and to not recognize Adam's own saucy side, & what that might organically & viscerally bring about, is to deny reality IMHO. Onward we march, in support of Adam's vision (which has always, always, incorporated a very (very) sexual aspect, full of desire, lust, & love). No rose colored glasses required. Peace.

Anonymous said...

Yay! JAK is back! Now I feel all is right with the world. :)

Anonymous said...

JAKie baby, welcome back! I missed the whole "crotch picture" controversy and when I asked what happened a number of fans sweetly told me. It was obvious they understood where you were coming from. This is a great site for Adam fans, even with the sometimes non-fan, crazy posters, and you are one of the folks that help to keep it fun. Glad you're back!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

@7:50 I agree wholeheartedly with what you said. When Adam came into my life with his voice and presence, he caused me to feel sexier than I've felt in a long time. And I'll always feel grateful for it. :)

Anonymous said...

An apology to LAMBERTLUST & ADMIN was warranted indeed, so lovely that it came, all is right with the world because it came!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

7:50pm ... I'm afraid I agree with you. Adam is a sexy beast and he knows it! I think the cropped crotch picture may have been riding the line between admiring Adam and totally focusing in and objectifying only one PART of him.

Lambertlust forgot that it's Adam's BRAIN that makes him sexy.

Oh, and the whole personality, looks, dance moves, kindness, smile and humor thing.

There's definitely only one Adam and we want to celebrate all of him!

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Lovely mother and son photos.
One can tell Adam loves his mom and is protective and is proud of her.
So is Leila of Adam.
Bless your family!

Anonymous said...

I guess I lived in a bubble, I thought all families were this loving and supportive. It was a cold shock to me when I discovered it wasn't so. I was darn lucky and I know it.
However living in that bubble for almost 20 years made the facts of life without it daunting. It took a while for the naïveté to wear off. Experiencing real life was a shock.

Magiclady said...

Well said! I tried to say the same thing (but not as well)when the pic uproar all went down, but was chastised for it.
Adam has many sides and I love them all. Peace back

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, JAK. I don't blame you in any way for leaving. I've thought about leaving too lately because there's a lot of ill-feeling & unnecessary nastiness on this blog, but we press on.

On topic ........

Gorgeous pics of Adam and his Mom. Adam looks so much like his Mom. 3rd pic down of his Mom - phew! They're so alike & beautiful.

daydreamin said...

@JAK WELCOME BACK! Yes, I am shouting that from the heavens! I, too was elated to see the "JAK here...". It just isn't the same without you my friend:)

Anonymous said...

JAK welcome back always missed when you are gone! Not really feeling up to a big speech. But you felt how you felt and I back you up for that. Happy to see you back! Sue

Anonymous said...

No apologies are needed. The picture was offensive, and those brave enough and with enough class said so. I am glad you are back JAK, and speak your mind any time. Most of us will speak out about photo cropped pictures of Adam's body parts, that are considered offensive. I hope Admin took note of this episode, before it is ever repeated.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back JAK. Absolutely no need whatsoever to apologise. You did not say anything wrong and you did not make an ass of yourself. You said what you thought and good for you - I admire you for that.

The university study sounds interesting. Well done you for taking part in it. From the comments you've posted on this blog, it seems you have had and continue to have an interesting life and you certainly have an intelligent and interesting mind. :)

Anonymous said...

JAK here again...Dear Everybody.....I'm on my usual 2:00 AM tea and toast break. I have a very weird schedule in my senior years.
Please, before we have another thread disappear, can we end CrotchGate? I am overwhelmed by your posts, but remember I was clearly in the wrong for being rude......
Now, back to bed and blankets, it's cold in Florida this week! I'm moving south! : (

Anonymous said...

It takes a big person to say I am sorry, but even a bigger one to say I forgive you. Lambertlust is a terrific guy and did not deserve to be treated the way he was. I hope he forgives his offenders. Yes, he went over the top, but a mild slap with a wet noodle would have been enough to admonish him. He loves Adam more than any of us do and to single him out of all the nasty people who have made terrible comments about Adam was so unfair. It would be terrible to ever lose him and his gal as they are the epitome of Glamberts. Let us all learn a lesson from this to take life with a grain of salt, to always be kind to one another and to realize that none of us own Adam-we have a right to our opinions, good or not good. I am sure that many comments have been made about the GB and we have all seen the numerous pictures dedicated to it. Adam is well aware of his GB-yes, he flaunts it and it is not offensive. It is a gift of the Gods. Everyone who has seen the statue of "David" laughs at his little penis-yet this is not offensive. I hope Lambertlust forgives and will let this entire episode become water under the bridge. Lambertlust-if you are checking in on your honeymoon, I wish you and your new wife much happiness in your marriage. We know you love Adam so much and we look forward to many years with you on board.

Anonymous said...

11:25, you are ridiculous.

Jadam NZ said...

Welcome back darling JAK, as someone else said all is well with world, JAKs back.
I so enjoy your little add on stories. I don't think you were rude or that you owed anyone an apology the fact that you do is an example of your goodness.
Welcome back we are all here for better or worse.
Its not really all about Adam now is it but because of him and his wonderful voice and nature we have come together from all round the world.

glitzylady said...

I think we might take @JAK's suggestion and move on.

Regardless of right or wrong, things were said and feelings were hurt, some insults were hurled, some bad feelings were created, and the bottom line is that Admin deleted that particular thread, a very RARE occurrence to be sure. Passions were running very high.. Which as we know, happens sometimes when we're talking about Mr. Lambert and subjects related to him! Because we are a passionate fandom, with strong opinions ...

I truly feel that @Lamberlust is a good guy, with the best intentions. He is also a very passionate and dedicated, long term Adam Lambert fan, and he spends much time helping to promote Adam in his own way, on his own time, passing on, to the fandom via Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, every article, picture, event, etc., that he sees come his way.

Once in awhile something will be passed along and end up here, that not everyone is thrilled about. It happens..

We as fans aren't always going to agree upon everything we see. We come from different backgrounds, traditions, age groups, with various ways of looking at the world. And appreciating Adam and ALL of his parts, which certainly add up to one very talented and yes, kind, generous, humble....and

I can see both "sides" here. I didn't comment on the deleted thread and I'm not going to give my opinion of the picture here now either. It's history. Its essentially over. @JAK is back. And as others have said, all is right in the world of 24/7. For now.... :)

glitzylady said...

And back On Topic:
I love the pictures of Adam and Leila. It's easy to see where Adam got his stunning looks from. To me, he's a perfect mix of both parents, who are very attractive people themselves. And like Adam, seem to be quite wonderful on the inside as well. Adam is a very fortunate man... to have the parents he does. Supportive and loving..

Anonymous said...

LOL. Time for everyone to move on but let me give you my opinion first.

glitzylady said...

Of course :) Everyone else does....

Anonymous said...

Well then before we all move on......

When so many had such a visceral reaction against a photo it is probably a clue that it crossed a line.

This is a public fan site of a celebrity. People of a wide variety of ages, cultures and knowledge can and do visit here. Just because you may feel fine sharing a photo among your friends does not mean it is appropriate for posting on this site.

Anonymous said...

So good to have you back as JAK (saw your 'anon posts', too...) - and so glad to read what you wrote in your post at the beginning of this thread! Not to dwell on the deleted thread, saw only the first parts of it, but I saw your post(s) on it and remember thinking (want to be honest with you) 'what? this is so out of character, JAK did you really write this?' and then (almost immediately) I thought 'she probably has an "overload" of some stuff, RL or something that's affecting her, something other than just this one pic... And thought I'll come back later (had to leave for work) and check for more comments...and then there was no thread left.
JAK, I've come to know you as a Big Person (and tall!), your @3:39 post confirmed that. It's big of you to come back, admit that you had a hissy-fit (love that word!) and even bigger of you to apologize. And it's perfectly ok to have hissy-fits every now and then, as long as you let those around and close to you later know what it really was that caused it... (this is just me thinking about hissy-fits in life in general...) All I'm saying is that on another day, another moment one might state one's opinions on the same matter in a different way... :)))))

Keep on rockin, JAK!

Anonymous said...

11:25 IMO you make some excellent points.

JAK - so glad you're back with us! Hopefully you'll be able to share some juicy details of the study you're part of. :)

Anonymous said...

One more thing - and this is to all here;

Please, stop telling people to move on! None of us here has the right to tell anyone else to MOVE ON!

This is a fan site. There are always feelings, emotions and passion involved in being a fan of somebody. This is even more true when that somebody is Adam Effin Lambert!
So please, let fans move on in their own pace. Let the issues commented and discussed here wither away in their own time... Forcing people to move on tends to create quite the opposite...

All here may be Glamberts, but there is no "we" when it comes to stating opinions, taking matters at heart, drawing conclusions or deciding which POV is the 'correct one'. So many posts start with I think.... and then it changes to "we think", "we all know" at some point... Let's just own our own opinions.

Anonymous said...

@7 50 & @11 25
Thank you for your posts!
Agree wholeheartedly.

Anonymous said...

Gee, there are some tetchy people here. :-( And then are those who always want to have the last word.

Anonymous said...

Hi JAK! I missed you too, the second Adam fan I know to believe in Santa Claus living in Finland...Good times ahead!:D MS

Anonymous said...

Well i missed JAK ( she is sensible). I didnt read that thread, but i do know that ( with due respect) lambertlust's contributions SOMETIMES could be plain ridiculous! Yeah,it is obvious that he is an ardent fan of adam but he really needs to cool that on his stalking...sorry investigating contributions!
I love you lambertlust..dont be mad @ me.
Leila lambert is a pretty woman, but i think adam looks like it weird?

Anonymous said...

CrotchGate? A word for the history books. : ))
May it rest in peace.
On to a new era. Wouldn't you love to be at Adam's B.D. Party tonight? All those entertainers hosting and toasting Adam. There will be a hot time in WeHo tonight! I don't know whether to hope for pictures from the party or not.

Anonymous said...

I'm in line with the 3 time posts below. Perfectly said.

11:33 PM
12:35 AM
1:40 AM

Anonymous said...

Let's move on with a bbq on the beach. woot!

Anonymous said...

i would rather we dont see any picture! As the trend in this blog, adam's friends go through unwarranted bashing, stupid speculations will crop up from mere pictures and Adam won't be spared too from the know-alls, who want to control him!
Unfortunately, except adam gives a strict no-camera policy, which i dont see happening, pictures are bound to roll

Anonymous said...

3:32 AM
Settle petal.

Anonymous said...

Your return has caused quite a stir, JAK - so happy you're here again.

Anonymous said...

I thought I was among friends here...I guess I thought wrong... for 4+ years.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon January 30, 2014 at 11:25 PM

very well said. thank you.

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin - Very well said!

OT BTW: Some time back, you direct messaged me on twitter - yes I'm one and the same person. Sorry, I'm very limited in my twitter knowledge and don't check very Nice to hear from you though - always love all your posts and info - Thanks!.......nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

@ January 31, 2014 at 1:40 AM

I posted this in an old thread subsequent to the removal of the "Gate" thread. (I have a strong feeling you are a poster that commented in reply to me there). My comment actually involves lesser to do the "C-gate" and more to do with fandoms and fansites.

I don't have the time this minute to try and word my comment as thoughtfully and civilly as I did back on that thread (the thread with the pic with Max Martin I believe), so please pardon me if this comes off terse, it's only because I am rushing as work calls... This site is an absolutely OPEN forum, an INTERNET blog, an unregulated medium for participants on the WORLD WIDE WEB. With its existence comes the opportunity for incalculable personalities, preferences, "lines" for offensiveness, etc. Most Administrators, and Moderators, in this medium in this modern world of ours, would choose to fall on the side of accepting most posts, as it would be impossible to consider and navigate everybody's feeling. In my POV, and it is only that, my own personal perspective, what is required to navigate ANY fandom and fansite is that lovely thing called FREE WILL and a quick click of the mouse and use of the scroll function. (again, I am not trying to be snarky, please accept my apology if I am being so). For the record, I do exchange my more "sensitive" thoughts about Adam's career, and sometimes personal life, in a closed environment (text, email, phone call), but I am not so naïve as to be unwilling to digest that fact that an open forum on the internet will contain material that is not my cup of tea, and I put no expectations on the site, its contributors, its moderators or Admins etc in that regard. If my eyes, or soul, or sensibilities are too delicate for some material, I quickly click away from it. (Tangent: whether the lack of regulation on the internet is a good or bad thing is an entirely different and complicated debate, I am just acknowledging the reality of the current system as we know it and use it). I didn't find the image in question particularly offensive, mostly because of how it was incorporated into the notion and wording of that "Sweat Brown Internet Sensation Viral Video", perhaps I would have found it all more offensive if it was just the cropped image itself, but If I did find it offensive in that way, I would have realized it is, again whether good or bad, the nature of the beast when using the internet and fanblogs and I would have quickly scrolled onward. It is not my place to deem something too cheeky or inappropriate for another fansite user. (And quite frankly, it is not my place to say that another Adam fan should not find his phyisical attributes, his uber sensuality & sexuality something not to be enjoyed. As I said on the other thread, a good dose of lusty adoration will always be a least one compartment of Adam's fandom because, IMHO, Adam himself has grown it as such, right from seed, right from the start, and for that I personally say AMEN.) And not that my opinion amounts to a hill of beans, but I think it was so smart and savvy for JAK to investigate other sites, take a little time away, and make some decisions for herself. Her apology and words she has written on this thread are a wonderful example of the best parts of the human condition (I am sure I will get an eyeroll and an "oh brother", an "It aint that deep" now, but I just admire people who apologize and approach things with a clear head so so much, comment away at me all you eye-rollers).

Uh oh, time has gotten away from me, my job calls and I am sure you are all sick of me and have scrolled on by anyway... but @1:40, IDK, your post just compelled me strongly to reply. I hope, in my haste, that I have done so respectfully.

Anonymous said...

@6:55 here... one more quick thing, I wanted to give a shout out to "xo laura @ January 30, 2014 at 8:18 PM"... Indeed, Adam's brains are one of the sexiest things about him! Have always thought so, very well put! I always enjoy your posts xo laura, thanks for contributing. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you're back!!! My universe had a big old hole in it with out u here .... I know how u feel about getting upset and speaking your mind.... Pretty sure I'm the queen of that...just ask my coworkers luck with your project ... And don't stay gone to long ...rose petal

Anonymous said...

@1:40 AM
Well said.

@6:55 AM
JAK didn't need to apologize for anything she posted. Freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...


Glad you're back ! I was part of that whole "CrotchGate" thread, meaning I saw the photo and read all the comments before the thread was removed. I appreciated your comments by the way.

This is quite an interesting fan site but despite threads with lots of negativity, it remains "home" for me at least.

I love your poems and comments so don 't wait too long before making more comments, okay?

Good luck with the Gerontology study too!


Anonymous said...

My perception may be totally off the mark and wrong, but JAK didn't apologize for exercising her freedom of speech, she apologized for her tone, certain words used, and, I think, for what she herself felt was a rude way to approach things. I don't really know of course, but good for JAK for being such an evolved person. And speaking of evolved, @1:40 might be "well said", but there is a point to that whole idea of his/her viewpoint puts expectations on others instead of responsibility in his/her own hands. But I respect 1:40's freedom of speech of course, and his/her right to post here, just as I respect Lambertlusts'.

Anonymous said...

@January 31 3:32, I liked that last paragraph in your post!

Anonymous said...

@1/30 10:32 PM

Perhaps I am mistaken, but I think you just called a lot of people who comment here classless. Hhhmm. Classless because they have a different threshold for certain material and humor than you? Well, in any event, I just reread this thread, and JAK's second post especially, and it was VERY CLASSY.

Anonymous said...

To the reason for this thread ....

Sexy Mom, sexy son .... and the other son's a bit of all right too. :)

Anonymous said...

Why are people round here so super sensitive ..... geez.

Anonymous said...

It seems the most popular topics on this blog are the ones about Adam's love life and his body parts.

Anonymous said...

at 7:41 AM
and the Dad too! Eber has got some sexy brains too! Adore Eber's way about him. :)

Anonymous said...

I remember that event, regarding topic of post. It was some type of Equality event for parents of Gay children, if I am not mistaken. Adam's mother gave an acceptance speech and Adam spoke in behalf of his Mother. It was such a beautiful event. There were lots of pictures.

Anonymous said...

Adam's mom received an award that evening.

Anonymous said...

Adam has such a beautiful supportive family. His father, Mother and Brother, all very close knit! Love Adam's suit; and his mom looks lovely as usual.

Anonymous said...

If it's ok with you , could you refrain from saying@ lamburtlust loves Adam more than the rest of us. Adam means so much to so many .While I'm sure @lambertlust is a huge fan and loves Adam a great deal , I don't think it's your place to judge if it's more than the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

home sweet home

Anonymous said...

6:55, I too have to get off to work so don't have time to debate the internet but have time for the most important point. Admin chose to post the pic, it wasn't an open forum post by a reader. If there isn't some level of appropriateness used by Admin in deciding what to posts to make or which comments to delete she runs the risk of being shut down by Adam's attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that noticed @adrinaglambert's twitter name? Look at her tweet. She is using Mother

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:43 AM
I doubt you're the only one.. And everyone else chose to ignore it.. perhaps you should have too. Has nothing to do with anything.....

Anonymous said...

So now Glitzylady is telling people what they can comment on. Seriously?

glitzylady said...

It's my **opinion** that there was no need to point that out.. I personally believe that person was trying to stir things up. Which we don't need here right now. Enough s*** has already been stirred. That's my opinion too. Sorry if you don't agree.....

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah 9:39, because that is exactly the sort of thing Adam Lambert would get his boxer briefs in a bunch about, NOT. Good grief. You are grasping at straws now to support your position. Just speak plainly of your position, however you feel is fine, you're position is meaningful to you, and probably would resonate with others, and you're certainly welcome to express it here... but that post at 9:39 borders on the silly imo. I would venture to guess, and it would only be a guess of course, that not only are Adam's lawyers quite busy with more important things, but they are also not going to wade into the waters of what is appropriate and/or not in regards to Adam's fandom (if it were something that was libelous or detrimental to his brand, name, likeness, or person, that's another story... but the image that is in question here, um, I won't hold my breath). Not trying to be snarky, sorry, but c'mon, venturing into concern for legal matters and consequences on behalf of Admin, that's not necessary I'd imagine. Don't veil or bolster your position by attempting to layer on lofty consequences and subject matter... you're free to state your position here and your free to back it up with simple feelings and beliefs that you hold.

On another note, thank you Admin for keeping the site going and doing your best. It can get tricky here, but it is a great site for quick reference and information and very easy to navigate, appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the pic in question and knowing Adam's sense of humour, and all the Adam admiring posts re his persona, his sexiness & sensuality, physical appearance, the total package (to me includes everything Adam, brain and all!) that's always been discussed with lots of pics and words here and elsewhere on Adam fan sites, your post is just ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

10:28, if you check the twitter account she is obviously ESL, young and a fan of Adam. I don't think she was trying to stir up trouble. I think she doesn't realize the difference in the word depending on it's spelling and probably has no idea how awkward her name looks with the timing of the pic she tweeted.

That being said, perhaps you should have ignored the comment or found a nicer way to say you didn't think the awkwardness should be pointed out.

Anonymous said...

9 39

Lmao. You really don't get out much I assume

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:54 AM
I was referring to @Anon 9:43 AM's comment. I don't care what the twitter name is of the person who posted the truly lovely collection of pictures of Adam and his mom.

Seeing that word doesn't bother me. I'm not a dainty little flower. :)) I commented to @Anon 9:43 AM because I didn't feel the M-F name was relevant to the pictures. No one else did, or at least felt the need to point it out. I got the feeling that that person @Anon 9:43 AM perhaps felt it was "ironic". And perhaps that person was pointing it out as if we needed to notice it. Which we don't.

There's already been enough angst discussed here. That was my intent. And then @Anon 10:11 AM chimed in with the usual snark addressed to me for having an opinion. No wonder this blog is such a quagmire sometimes...

Sorry if you thought I was addressing the twitter name, etc.. Nope..............I should have been slightly more specific.

Anonymous said...

People in the Adam fandom experience a level of access to Adam on the internet that is not the norm. Many other performers an/or their labels do not allow recording of their concerts or allow them to be posted on youtube. If you follow any other performers you quickly become aware how unusual it is to have such a library of Adam's performances available to us. Prince just sued some of his own fans to get content removed. I think some have become complacent about this and expect this same level of freedom in every medium.

Admin certainly runs the risk of copyright infringement with the articles that are copy/pasted here. A short amount is allowed to be pasted with reference to the source. If the original source found a whole article pasted here they could certainly have their attorneys contact Admin. There are many examples of this happening on the internet.

With how open Adam has been with allowing his performances to be put online it is unlikely he would have a fan site shut down but it is naïve to think it could never happen. Depending on the content of the site and the advice of Adam's management, it is possible.

Any time you use a celebrity's name and likeness you run the risk of being shut down by said celebrity.

Anonymous said...

11:09, 10:54 here. You certainly have a way of deflecting points, ignoring where you were incorrect, backpedaling and placing the blame on others. No point in going over any of it with you.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:33 AM
I'm being truthful. If you don't believe it, there isn't much I can do about it.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts-don't ever try to build yourself up as a better Glambert than others by trying to destroy the reputation of another fellow Glambert. If you don't like a picture posted of Adam, your little old finger can hit the "SCROLL" apparatus-no need to make a terrible fuss and storm off. It takes a strong heart to be a true Adam fan, so if you want to remain in his kingdom, you better learn how to quickly shake the bunch out of your underwear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, the irony.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see how each person is unique in what they find offensive. I don't mean that in a snarky way at all, I was just thinking that it was funny no one had commented about the "MF" Twitter name during this thread until the end. Just my opinion, but I find that much more offensive than the funny crotch pic thing of Adam, which made me laugh so hard I almost fell off my chair -- probably because I was just talking with my teenage son about the viral Sweet Brown video a few weeks ago and I could "hear" her voice saying the words. :)

Anonymous said...

@Jan 31 11:18am

Yes, of course, of course to a few of your points; well stated post and thank you. (I don't agree with some of your statements, but whatever, I do have a certain backround, but I'm not a lawyer :)). However, the sort of scenarios you are referring to are not really what is at issue here in this thread. The talking point here, I think, maybe I'm missing something, is more the issue of PARTICIPATING & VISITING BLOGGERS' own personal thresholds for certain material. That is something which, at the risk of stating the utterly obvious, is not something which an Admin or Moderator or whoever can gauge very easily; and some would argue that nor should they have to. I suppose if an Admin wants to generate advertising dollars and such, they will make an attempt at keeping their "hits" up and try to create an environment that continues to compel people to visit their site, but even in that effort, they'd never be able to please everybody all the time, they just do their best I'd imagine, like anybody else on the job and in the workplace. (And honestly, I think this whole "legal argument" is a bit of an over-reach in terms of this whole thread ;). I like the discussion, it's fine, it's interesting, Adam himself seems to like to toss up softballs and see where the discussion goes and feels a good debate and discussion can be fruitful... but the legal business is a bit of an over-reach imho, maybe tossed in to add weight to one's own point of view).

Good on 'ya JAK btw, civility is always something that each and every poster and admin and moderator etc can participate in of their own choice, freely and easily.

Anonymous said...

at 12:22

That's exactly why I found the pic/joke funny! It was the interplay of the rather crude image with the Sweet Brown reference... sorry peeps, but I thought it was funny!!

Anonymous said...

@11:18, Prince's approach might not be the norm. I follow, oh maybe 10 artists closely, (Some big like Bruno Mars and some not so big, if that's relevant) and all of them have a very extensive YT library of performances to access at the swift click of button. It's advertising for them. I know there is that whole debate about infringement and lost sales and piracy and all that, but unless you are a super dominating artist, I think you're pretty happy to have your performances being routinely accessed, and hopefully spread around! I don't really know, just what I've observed, IDK.

Anonymous said...

@12:50 Thanks for your input. Adam is the only artist I've ever followed closely, so it's interesting to hear about other ones.

As far as Prince goes, I think he's a very strange cat - talented, but strange. I guess he's awesome live in concert.

Anonymous said...

Prince isn't the only one that attempts to tightly control what fans do. Beyoncé tries to prevent any video or photos being taken and only permits (flattering) photos taken by her staff to be released. Axel Rose is infamous for diving into the audience to take a camera away from a fan.

Probably depends a lot on how the artist and/or the label weighs the value of the publicity by videos on Youtube. I'm glad so far concert vids have been left up. Many of the tv appearance vids are taken down immediately.

We all know Adam isn't fond of looking out on a sea of smart phones. There was something at Adam's official fan site a while ago about a company that does professional recordings of concerts for a small fee to the fan. I think it was discussed around the time of the Queenbert concerts? I'd love that. The videos and sound would be much better quality and if I had attended the concert my view would not have been blocked by dozens of phones.

Anonymous said...

On kind of a silly note - I simply can not understand how those wonderful fans can look through a lens (of whatever variety) and record one of Adam's concerts!! I would want to be living the moment myself, but that part of it totally aside, I really don't think I could control myself, my body/hand/etc, enough to deliver an even tolerable video!! I am very grateful to those fans who provide us with such great videos, beyond aprreciative!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks killer in that gray suit at the top of this collage, dang man, dude is smoking hot

Anonymous said...

January 31, 2014 at 4:07 AM, your comment was prophetic.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea who "Sweet Brown" is. Many of us are not on Twitter or FaceBook or know anything about a viral
youtube comedy person or personality. So, in my case it was an unknown person joined with the zoomed shot of Adam. It seemed insulting to the woman and Adam.
If I had been aware perhaps I would have found it funny, at the time I didn't. As far as the M-F on the photos of Adam and Leila. Unfortunately Ewwww!

daydreamin said...

@nancdruuu2 Thanks for getting back to me on my dm to you awhile back. Glad to know I reached the right person. When you figure out dm's let me know! Would love to hear from you there.

Anonymous said...

@5:05 I understand what you're saying. Things make a lot more sense when you have a little more "background". Sweet Brown is the woman's actual name; if you go to YouTube and look up Sweet Brown, there is a 42-second news report. She was interviewed by a news crew after a fire occurred in her apt building, and she said the now-famous words "ain't nobody got time for that" with a lot of sass and spunk. She went on to do some commercials using her famous line. Also, I bought my son a shirt with those words on them from Spencers Gifts...I'm sure she gets a cut from that.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:38 AM

Thank you for explaining, I looked up Sweet Brown on youtube and now I understand. I'm sure the original disappearing thread would have been much shorter if some of us had known this background story.

Anonymous said...

I know this thread is dead, and I really really am not trying to be contentious, but maybe some questions about the juxtaposition of the two images (technically 3 I suppose) should have been ASKED directly before insults were hurled, in the first place? Just food for thought, again, this thread is dead, but I just think it's good food for thought. I heard Sweet Brown's "Aint Nobody Got Time for That" referenced very directly on TLC's "Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta" last night, by the mature southern very refined owner of the Bridal shop, so clearly it's not the most obscure reference in the world, and it obviously achieved some notoriety as far as a pop culture splash. I've wanted to say this for days, and now, reading the last few comments, I've decided to jump in, dead thread or not, and make that comment. I fully realize that understanding the Sweet Brown reference does not negate the offensive qualities of the joke/pic that SOME found in it, but it does give a little bit more context and reveal how some, many, might have found the humor in it!! And I just think it's food for thought here, in this fansite... because, in a more recent thread than this, somebody still badgered the Admin about it and said something to the effect of - I hope this never happens again blah blah blah... so that person, imo, is missing the point of the whole discussion, healthy discussion imho, that ensued post crotchgate. Happy Weekend to anyone reading (or nobody :)).