Adam and His Family!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, February 2, 2014
Posted at : Sunday, February 02, 2014
Happy family! Great son, great brother, great Idol of us @adamlambert <3 we love u too Eber, Leila, Neil!
— Adam Lambert Vietnam (@adamlambertfcvn) February 2, 2014

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After seeing all those other pictures, and a zillion of the cake, They saved the best for last, THE FAMILY. just what I was waiting for. They all look great, loved Neil.
Mustaches in triiplecate...
Wonderful pictures, gorgeous family!
I guess the mustache is the way they figure out the male and the female these days.
Great pictures of Adam's family each and everyone great looking.
@ 9:13 AM,
The mom is the best looking indeed!!:)
Liberal family with good views in life rocks!!!:)
Neil looks like the Joker . .
Beautiful family pictures! Leila is very beautiful. Adam is very lucky to have such a loving and supportive family!
That was a joke, nothing against the Adams family. Darn, I did it again. What I mean is they are a handsome family, especially mom bert
@9:24AM What happen? Did Neil sink your ship the other day on twitter?
@ 9:46 & 9:59 AM,
Were you offended with a smile!:)
You don't have a sense of humour from my response he!he!
You are my guilty pleasure indeed!!:) You are too sensitive he!he!
Hi Anne Marie, missed you and glad to read your posts again:D MS
I think they are not more liberal than most families. I think in this fandom being liberal means you are a hippie. It's a narrow point of view of liberals, imo.
@ 9:13 AM......not necessarily, I've seen many females with.....oh, nevermind..... : ))
Adam is a doll/tiger and his mom is a lady with admirable poise. Both Adam and his mom are beautiful to behold and I think the majority of CA families are by no sense of the word "puritanical."
@ 10:33 AM,
It's only your thinking dear!!:))
Why does every thread have to be ruined?
I don't even want to leave a comment anymore.
Gorgeous family photos...quite striking ( especially Mombert and our Idol Adam..sorry but beauty is in the eye of the beholder :) )
Politics out of bound on this site If I am not mistaken. Should be about Adam and his super talents; not about his families or our political views. Why bring up unnessary crap to argue about?
Dadbert and brotherbert are very handsome men also; that is what my eye beholds!
I think its great when things go OT occasionally. One comment leads to another and next we are somewhere different, its great and interesting.
I love the family photos, isn't that Adam related. Its not just about the music etc its anything a bout Adam I like except personal invasive photos, but anything he has posed for makes me happy.
1:18, I think you misunderstood. They were saying commenting on the political views of the people in Adam's family is probably not a good idea.
10:11, why take pleasure in what you did. That is part of the problem with the comments here.
@12:06 PM & 1:27 PM
I respectfully agree with you.
Growing up Adam was lucky to be raised in a normal loving family. When he left his family at 18, he wasn't quite ready to take a plunge into the real world, and he did a slip and slide life style, but he has morphed into a beautiful young man. He has always been a loving and kind person, and glad he got to sow his oats before he became famous. Unlike Bieber, who is a sad case. Sorry to bring up another name in no way associated with Adam.
Thank you for the welcome back. :)
Love Dadbert and his incredible sense of humor which Adam has also adopted. Neil looks so happy
and handsome too thesedays.
What a gorgeous family. I love every one of them because they have all contributed to making Adam the kind, loving and successful person he is. Congrats to Leila, Eber and Neil.
2:17, I quite disagree about calling the little we know about Adam in his late teens/early twenties as being unprepared for real life and being in a slip and slide lifestyle.
Adam is so lucky to have such wonderful Glamberts as fan; you can feel the love flowing from the posts of true fans. Adam says he feels it all the time; this is so good for him to have such supportive fans, and he truly deserves!
Aren't your late teens and early 20's pretty much a finding yourself time for almost everyone? You leave childhood behind and have to figure out what kind of adult you want to be.
Then you haven't followed his interviews and pictures. His life at that time was with a seamy lot of people, some of whom have also got their act together now. A lot of young people coming out of high school and being totally free, for the first time, are usually not ready for the real world. Of course there are a few exceptions. I am glad he went through this, it has added to his character, and how he views life now, that he is in his 30's. I am not dissing Adam, sorry if you think so.
4:09, he seemed more prepared than many. He was working at jobs in the field he wanted to be in.
I don't remember Adam calling the people he was with in those days as "seamy." That word is coming from you and may be very inaccurate and is insulting.
It does sound like you are judging what he did in his personal life and who his friends were.
I wonder if 4:09 PM knows the definition of seamy. Very insulting thing to say.
Another thread turned into a hate fest. A lot of precious folk here.
Enjoy the photos, peeps - that's what this thread is all about.
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