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Adam Lambert at the Swedish Grammy

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

@14gelly: THIS DAY! RT @Virg1877: Oh my word.Today we got IG studio vid, Adam on Idol,new GLEE promo & real time pics of Adam at the Swedish Grammies!

Anonymous said...

So many photo ops for Adam. It's all good.

Anonymous said...

Check out where Adam and Chris were mentoring Idols:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Swedish Grammy??? When was this?

Anonymous said...

It's a great Adam Day!....nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious, each picture of Adam is more beautiful than the last. All this beautiful men and women wanting their pictures taken with Adam. Just the way it should be. He look so happy. I am happy for him. He told us to be patient and that 2014 would be a year of a lot of good thing happening. Well folks, it's coming to past. So excited!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Admin .... lovely pic of Adam with a very attractive lass.

All the hoo haa about Idol has become ho hum.

Anonymous said...

8:16, it is the Grammi, Sweden's version of the Grammy. Held Feb 19th.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Avicii and Adam are onto further collaborations; that's an excellent combination judging from LMD which may be released as a single and that will endorse / endear Adam not only in Sweden, worldwide as well.


Anonymous said...

Happy Adam! Happy me!

Anonymous said...

Yikes! What a surprise! I'm hope so late tonight, I have to check out all this stuff in the morning!


Anonymous said...

@AdamNewsDaily: The Adam Lambert News Daily is out!

Stories via @TALCvids @AL_Examiner @AdamLambertBook

Anonymous said...

Pretty + Pretty = WOW

I think this is what the human species is supposed to look like!......JAK

Anonymous said...

Beautiful people:)

Anonymous said...

what happened to the pic of adam being kissed. who of the lucky ones to get a pic with Adam have not been tempted to turn and kiss that lovely cheek.

Anonymous said...

2:53, gone because it was infected with trolls.

Anonymous said...

2:53 Thank you for your response.

Anonymous said...

I think you are doing a disservice to this site by deleting WHOLE threads! By doing so you delete perfectly good and valid posts, too and lose credibility. Have defended you and this site so many times, have been a loyal fan and long time poster here @AL 24/7, but have to say this: Don't understand why you can't just delete the infested troll etc comments, the threads are not that long! I'm sure you could get help from other fans.

And another thing:
If pics with somebody kissing Adam on the cheek, or showing pics of Adam's many "beautiful & sexy assets" (you all know what I mean) always this kind of totally unnecessary uproar, this is no more the AL News 24/7 I've been so happy to support! This is more like a conservative tea party nowadays!!!

Anonymous said...

The uproar was over the troll comnents, not the pic.

If Admin deleted the troll comments then she would have to delete the responses to the trolls too. I'd rather have my nice comment and the whole thread go away than have the trolls win. I'm grateful it was deleted.

Anonymous said...

I wish Admin would delete more comments.

Anonymous said...

I think ADMIN is doing the smart thing. Once a thread goes sour, and you know what I mean, it just affords the crazies a chance to spew filth. When the ugliness outnumbers the saneness it's time to move on. 200+ comments of discord is not an exchange of info and opinions, it's sniper time.

I think Adam's assets are appreciated, it's occasionally the way the pictures are used and the text that goes with it that can fall off the border into tastelessness.

I assure you this site is no conservative tea party. I live in a tea party state and community. I'm nervous that the letter carrier shares the fact that I get mail from the Dem.Natl.Committee, the ACLU and other Liberal committees! Half the people on my street leave the house armed! My neighbor, who has me listed at her children's school as a responsible adult with permission to pick up her kids in an emergency situation - told me that she really liked me and felt bad that I would be going to Hell when I died because I didn't belong to her church denomination!

Anonymous said...

5:49 AM, LOL, you know you are doing something right when the fundamentalists are sad that you will be going to hell. I have a coworker that has said the same thing to me. Keep up the good work :)

Anonymous said...

this blaaaaaahg has TBS.

Anonymous said...

I hope next year we get to see Adam receiving a Grammy here for either his third album or a single from it. There are always rumors or speculation about whether Adam is working on music for a new album, but no one seems to know. So we will just have to wait, be patient and then be happy when it finally is released. I heard WWFM on the radio the other day and it seemed so long ago that the song was out. We need new music from this man with the amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

Just asking, are fundamentalists not born again?
Whose doctrine is it that says "Once save always save" means only by faith alone you are justified and go to heaven no matter how much of a sinner one is?
Are fundamentalists not born again? Sorry because I don't know. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This is 5:49. Perhaps I should add that the neighbor who is sure I am going to Hell is Catholic, I am from a Methodist/Baptist family.

I personally don't feel any religious denomination has a free pass to Heaven. I don't think God cares what you are on the outside, He alone knows what you are on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Born Again is now the term used instead of Protestant. And it's from one of these Protestant denominations who are fast to say one goes to hell.
The Westboro cult is the best example.