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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 04, 2014

VIA @aya_pelo


Anonymous said...

oo lala Adam you have a sexy face! UNF!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the tender moment with Danielle Stori in the middle pic. sexy x2

Anonymous said...

Great collection of looks. Cute, funny, sweet, serious and sexy.

Anonymous said...

This is more my Adam:

Anonymous said...

I really wish the anti-facial hair brigade would stop taking every opportunity to state their displeasure.

Anonymous said...

Glamberts say...

Moustache contention
Good or not so good
Makes him look older
Or handsomer and wiser
Young boy next door is sexier
Mmm, mature look with face hair
More macho, has arrived, no airs
In his house on the mountain
With his face hair, his voice
Spews, shoots like a fountain lwl!
Okay, I like clean-shaven
But will accept the unshaven
When he sings it's the same...heaven! lwl!


Anonymous said...

I really like his more "masculine" look as of lately - I actually love the facial hair! - but I am missing one picture with that typical happy Adam smile. I am not saying that he wasn't happy though. I can imagine that he isn't always in the mood to put on his "red carpet smile".

Anonymous said...

My above poem, time numbers are also in contention...4 confronts 8 not once but twice...oooh-la-la. But I think it's just a friendly duel because triple 4...3X4=12 (3) and 2X8=16 (7). 3,7 are my peace-loving numbers and they make 10 (1). lol! When treacherous numbers chase me, I try to wheedle my way out. lol!


Anonymous said...

Mmm, getting worried...4/8 indeed is chasng me...not going to let my wheedling win. lol!


Anonymous said...

What does "bb" mean ? I see it referring to Adam and to others.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to shave and keep it shaved. He looks like a drug dealer with his Melvin mustache. Yuck. He's a million billion times hotter when he's clean shaven.

Anonymous said...

10:11 PM
Couldn't agree with you more!

Anonymous said...

Love your poem Lam-my.

Anonymous said...

Who could kiss that prickly pear. If I was Adam's bf I'd hand him a razor and say "sorry I'm not kissing you until you shave off that Melvin"

Anonymous said...

Have you guys seen this? OMG...Queenbert will be happening soonish. Check out this tweet:

Gelly @14gelly
Dr. Bri ""We're about to press the button on some touring, which I'm very excited about "


Anonymous said...

Please stop with the facial hair bashing.

Anonymous said...

It's a trend among guys right now. Deal with it! My son and all of his friends have facial hair and their girl friends love it.

Anonymous said...

Nina Dobrev, Adam Lambert, Lance Bass & More Bring You The Best Celebrity Twitter Pics Of The Week

Anonymous said...

10:16... Thank you enormously. :)


Anonymous said...

The pro shaving people are really obnoxious and it's an insult to Adam to keep complaining about how Adams looks right now.

Anonymous said...

Adam forgot how to shave

Anonymous said...

for the love of god Adam shave your pretty face. The Melvin is not cute.

Anonymous said...

For the love of God please stop arguing about Adam's facial hair.

Anonymous said...

@10:11 PM & @10:16 PM and anyone else this may concern:

I think you just agreed with yourselves. I will not bring myself to believe there are two people on here that would act so disrespectful as to say that looks like a drug dealer because he is sporting facial hair. Adam's name is Adam with or without his beard. That Melvin crap is so yesterday. I don't hear or read, about any other fans degrade their star, the way some of you are always calling out Adam about anything he changes about his looks. Heaven forbid if some of you don't like the change I hope he never sees some of this garbage. It's like high school bullying. I hope Adam never comes on here to see this constant complaining, and trashing of his appearance. Who cares if you like his facial hair or not? It should be about his music.

Go name your own look; and have your friends call you by that name. Look in the mirror at your appearance, now tweet your picture out and see what people think about your own look. Think you can stand the constant bitching and people telling you how to live; and how they don't like how you look?

Real nice fan support system. If you don't like what you see; stop looking at him; and keep your negative opinions to yourself; I am sure Adam could care less. Some people just need to grow the hell up!

Anonymous said...

I almost want to hope it is trolls leaving these rude comments rather than hateful unaccepting entitled fans.

Anonymous said...

Adam is one of the most beautiful men that I have ever seen. I love his beautiful spirit and soul. He is beautiful inside and out. The man with the one in a million voice, per Brian and Roger of Queen!

Anonymous said...

Adam is incredibly gorgeous. but the beard and mustache have got to go. I miss how he looked on the glam nation tour, american idol, the trespassing photo shoots, ect.

Anonymous said...

@12:31 AM

I have an idea; since the beard and mustache is not going anywhere, until Adam decides it is; and I hope not anytime soon.

If that is the case, why don't your go, and come back; if and when he has the look that you approve of.

Meanwhile, other fans can enjoy the music and the essence of the man's talents without the constant bitching about his looks!

Anonymous said...

@11:44 PM

Post your picture on here; and let
us see how cute you are; can you do that? If not, for the love of all that is decent; shut the hell up!

By way, still calling Adam's facial hair Melvin is past over, and rather childish; what do you call your hair style, Marvin or if you are female; maybe Minnie?

Anonymous said...

12:08 AM & 1:18 AM
Glambert bullies!

Everyone is entitled to voice their own opinion, whether it agrees with your opinion or not.

Anonymous said...

@11:13 PM

No, Adam did not forget how to shave; he is just maintaining the beautiful look that he has. But, you on the other hand forgot your manners; when you came on to Adam's fan site with such childish behavior.

Anonymous said...

Adam's 'facial hair Melvin' will be past when he shaves it off.

Anonymous said...

12:08, nice try, but I don't think they will get it. I am sick and tired of the complaining too and how rude and disrespectful it is.

Very sad that Adam's own fans act this way toward him. If you have written a comment about not liking Adam's beard please imagine yourself reading that to Adam. It is so saddening that Adam's fans are so disrespectful. Doesn't matter that it is on a blog he hopefully won't see. The attitude is disheartening.

Anonymous said...

@1:25 PM

If you and/or your cohorts are Adam's fans, you should remember that Adam specifically said more than once; that entitlement is not sexy.

No one is entitled to come on this fan site and criticize this man about his looks constantly with out expecting some feed back; you might want to ask yourself, just who are the bullies? I would say if you can't take it; then don't dish it out.

If you are going to constantly criticize this beautiful, decent man that never seems to have anything but, respect for his fans; you might expect that you may get some feed back.

Anonymous said...


Sorry, my post is for

@1:25 AM/NOT PM

Anonymous said...

1:54, so well said. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

@1:44 AM

No, it is past now; with Adam and intelligent thinking fans. Only a handful of people used to call a thick mustache he had a few years back that, just for fun.

Now, most everyone has moved on. But, if it makes you feel better living in the past, carry on!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is so fine looking; actually, one of the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Oh, his eyes, baby eyes! I just love this international wide world superstar. I think that 2014 is going to be his best year ever.

Anonymous said...

2:08 AM

It is past in your eyes but Melvin remains on Adam's face.

Anonymous said...

Intelligent thinking fans...maybe you should get off that high horse of yours...
Fandom is a living thing, there are fans of all kinds, ages and duration. Don't go mocking and/or changing some nicknames and terms of endearment that have been 'invented' before you entered Adamland or because your 'intelligence' does not approve. Melvin is and stays in Adam Dictionary, just like GB, 'safe pluckin' and other terms invented during this wild ride with Adam!

Anonymous said...

@4:22 AM
Well said.

Anonymous said...

I don't care what you call the stuff on his face, I just want the entitled complaints and "wishes" to stop.

This idea has been well stated here by commenters such as 1:54 am, 1:47 am, and others.

Anonymous said...

I love Adams mouth. I love his eyes. I love his nose. I love his hair. He is GORGEOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello 10:31 - some REAL news at last. Cant' wait for the Q + A tour dates. Excited.

IMHO it is okay to say you don't like Adam's facial hair but wishing he would shave it off is a fool's game. It is the trend among young men and Adam is always on-trend or ahead of it.

Also, the term "Melvin" is not going away. It may be used less and less but every Glambert worth their salt knows what it means. No one controls the Adam lexicon. Even Adam has limited control of that.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, Adam has fans who are nasty bullies.

Anonymous said...

Every man and his dog has facial hair these days .... BORING.

Anonymous said...

Please, no point in arguing about Adams looks. They are his to decide. And especially pointless for some fans to state what should and should not be discussed or given opinions about - as long as you state your comment in a civil manner!

Anon 5:04
Thank you, I agree with you!
For me Adam with eye make up will always be something to remember and cherish, but I don't go bashing people who say they prefer him 'more natural'... I love his mouth, teeth, smile and I could say I prefer him without facial hair, but why complain of others liking it... I love his nose, profile and I hope he will never ever bang his nose on anything or get hurt, but a small nose ring is not worth arguing... And I love his hair, his hairline.... uuuuunnnfff...sorry, got carried away... THE HAIR especially is not worth fighting for, with Adam THE HAIR is the least of my worries (actually I don't worry about him, he has his family and circle of friends), THE HAIR takes care of itself (grows like grass!) and there are skilled people to worry/take care of it!

Have your preferences regarding 'Everything Adam', state them respectfully, but don't expect or insist others to share or agree with your views. More peaceful and civil that way...hopefully.

What originally and literally stopped me on my tracks was his VOICE! I heard his voice before I saw the man, but - like a wise woman on this site recently said - his looks certainly are a bonus! So most of all I love this 'Total Package', this Man with the one in billion voice and I love him which ever way he likes to present himself.

Love & Acceptance

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....I doubt if Melvin, GB or BB phases Adam in the least. I can't imagine Adam caring what we do or don't like about his hair or fashion choices or his friends. He pleases himself. Fans just get huffy.....

One of my favorite quotes was in 1964 when Beatlemania was in the early days and reporters were hounding them with all sorts of inane questions. When George Harrison was asked "what do you call that haircut?" He responded
"I call it Arthur!"

Anonymous said...

Haha! Beatlemania - those were the days. They changed the pop music scene forever and I'm very glad they did. I was crazy about Paul McCartney at one stage - definitely not crazy about him now but he and Ringo are still going strong.

Anonymous said...

JAK, I had an "Arthur" haircut back in the day. :=D

Anonymous said...

At least Adam can never grow hair on his tongue. Mmmhmm need me some TongueBert

Anonymous said...

Why cover up that gorgeous face with those disgusting whiskers. Are you that desperate to make yourself look butch Adam. Ugh

Anonymous said...

Botox!!!! Can't smile fully!!!!

Anonymous said...

@8:22 AM & 4:30 AM

So you think what you said was well said, No. It was somewhat arrogant, in my humble opinion. I know all about Adam's fandom because I was here from the beginning and have never waivered, just like the majority of Adam's wonderful and dedicated fans.

If anyone reads through the beginning of this thread they will see the utter disrespect running through many of these posts about this wonderful man that has had nothing but praise and love for his fans. He deserves the same. I don't know how many of the aboves posts you are responsible for; but it is very typical for someone to start havoc then turn around and start the holier than thou attempting to turn the fan base against each other after posting so many intolerant threads. Good try, if this is your case; but big fail.

I would suggest that you and other fans Please read the thoughtful posts listed below. It should make us all stop and think; After all we are here to support Adam and his outstanding talents; not to be his fashion police.

I feel the following posts are well said and very thoughtful:

11:00PM, 12:08AM, 1:54AM, 5:19AM,
6:54AM, 6:28AM, and, there are also many other thoughtful posters, just thought I would mention a few that stood out and might be helpful to understand where some people are coming from. They show you can disagree but with intelligence and respect. Not always agreeing but accepting that what you put out there may, or will come back in an answer you may not like or want to hear; but, that's life. Just my opinions of course.

Thank you all for your well thought out posts. Now let's all get together and celebrate the wonderful talents and figure out the best way to support this beautiful, talented worldwide superstar in 2014 and beyond. Cheers, to all Glamberts.

Now I am through with this subject and I am off to the real world; job awaits. Have a great day everyone!

Anonymous said...

everyone should think how i think and talk about Adam the way i deem appropriate. seem fair

Anonymous said...

Time to nuke this site and walk away.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what childish and disrespectful posts:
@7:41 AM, @7:52 AM, @7:59 AM. I question as to whether we are dealing with sane/people or person here?

This goes beyond the pale of expressing opinions, and should not even be tolerated on Adam's fansite; and yes I said it; I am calling this crap out; and I am not ignoring it!

I hope the Admin. sees some of this.

Anonymous said...

@9:01 AM

Give it a well needed rest, or better yet; why don't we go do some voting in Adam's behalf. That's where I'm going; care to join me? Great way to express yourself and no one will object.

Anonymous said...

@9:07 AM

Ha, kinda drastic don't you think? I hear you though. Apparently Adam's "Cuckoo Train" stopped here!

Anonymous said...

He got a gorgeous smile the best I have ever seen! He the most talented and most gorgeous man to ever come from American Idol by miles and miles. In fact he the most handsome man I have ever seen with or without facial hair. He keeps his facial hair when he wears it shaved looking neat.
Some people let it go wild he does not.
Look at HCJ on Idol it all over the place I hear no complaints about that. Sure Adam more important to you or just more important you bash him.
To the people who are always judging Adams looks who has to be in the public light and who is kind enough to do pictures put up some of yourself for people to pick apart. I am sure they would any of mine but again I never come on here to judge Adam.but if I did I say the man fantastic!

Anonymous said...

he does have a gorgeous smile, and gorgeous lips. And i hear he's an A+ kisser, i'm sure Sauli still knows that pretty well ;)

Anonymous said...

Sauli? You mean whatever random guy Adam has decided to hook up with for the night. He needs to get back together with Sauli. They were so cute and seemed so happy together. Boohoo

Anonymous said...

I LOVE all of Adam's look. He is the artist and I'm not. From now on I'll support him more than I did before because he doesn't have two giant corporations on his shoulder anymore to take my money and give only certain percentage to my fav. artist. Talk about highway rubbery after reading a tweet by Jared Leto yesterday. Can we as consumers complain to an organization to check this type of fraud? These label companies don't have any check or balances.

Anonymous said...

All the random guys you know nothing about. Any one that would believe some of the kiss and take fabrications on here are ridiculous.
Adam being out with friends and mostly is what he does is not picking up random guys. No ones actually seen that happen. Who he dates are does not date is none of any ones business. Nasty comments will never put him back with whom you want him to be with.

choons said...

"highway rubbery" ? I know it's a typo but HARHARHARHARHAHAHAHAHA!!
good one.

Anonymous said...

@9:27am you sure sound entitled about people you have never met or talked to. What you see about them is only a tad small fraction of them. To impose your intent about them is criminal.

Anonymous said...

9:39am, I just read your last sentence, I think it was about sarcasm the post you may be referring to(9:27am), not anybody´s fan this time around. Still I´m no talent in sarcasm myself.

Anonymous said...

Adam is to intent on hooking up with hot boys to get back or stay with anyone. At least Adam has really good taste in boys. Love seeing him in all these gorgeous pictures that pop up of him with the guys he's hooking up with. Don't judge Adam he has the right to be with who ever he chooses and if that means hooking up with a different guy each night its his choice. People should just love and accept Adam as he is and stop judging every decision he makes. Just enjoy the ride. As Adam says "The Crazy Train Is Ready To Roll" "Gonna Party Till They Take Us Away"

Anonymous said...

11:08. I think your comment is pretty judgemental. You are insinuating behavior that you have no way of knowing is true.

Anonymous said...

@ :=D.....JAK here, I bet the haircut looked good!

My 'back in the days....way back' hair cut style is very popular right now......I guess today it would be called the Jennifer Lawrence cut. was called the Audrey Hepburn look! I loved it....kept it all thru college, young wife, then Mommy years. So easy, shampoo, comb, then shake your head!

Anonymous said...

There you go again. You are assuming something that there is no truth to it. Saying Adam is hooking up with a guy each night is false information you are writing with no facts. You said before it's your intuition. Your intuition has no bases other than you read too many fanfiction to feed your mind to imagine things that it's not the truth.

Anonymous said...

break out the lawn mower and cut the grass Adam!!!!

Anonymous said...

please don't feed the lammy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


So scared, sooo scared
Helter skelter jittery rat
Look out...mean cat
Is licking and burping lol!
Weow slurp slurp...oops too late
Don't say I didn't warn you about that !
