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Collage of Adam Lambert watching Avicii in Stockholm, singing Lay Me Down

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 28, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 28, 2014


Anonymous said...

Avicii singing LMD???

Anonymous said...

Who is saying it's your fucking song? I don't get that part. Wow his concerts are really a production.

Anonymous said...

11:13, the woman who took the pic at the hotel and also the IG vid yelled "it's your fucking song!" while Adam was singing along with LMD.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it should have read 'Adam singing Lay Me Down while watching Avicii in Stockholm.' Whatever....he looks like he is really enjoying himself.....JAK

funbunn40 said...

I envy the person next to Adam during the concert hearing him singing along. Wonder if Avicii gave him a shout out at all, being in the audience.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Adam was having fun :)

Anonymous said...

First row on the left. Just a moment in time, I know, but it looks like he's about to cry...made me sad...also 40000 people listening to his voice, not even knowing The Voice is there in the crowd... *sigh* wasted opportunities...

Anonymous said...

1:16 AM
Don't read too much into it. The camera caught moments in time. It must've been a blast for Adam to hear his voice singing at a concert where he was in the audience.

Anonymous said...

1:16 AM
I though just that he looks a bit drunk. And when you watch the vimeo, he certainly is not crying or about to cry.

Anonymous said...

3:29 AM typo: should be "I thought"

Anonymous said...

@1:16 AM & @3:29 AM

You guys can tell all of those emotions just from a picture? I saw the pictures too at 3:29 am; and he certainly does not look drunk to me; looks like a young man having fun and singing to a record he recorded.

Everybody sees what they conjecture the facts to be; and fact is, no one knows for sure. I do know one think, he looks absolutely gorgeous to me!

Anonymous said...

4:11 AM here/correction

Should say : thing instead of think, in the last sentence.

Anonymous said...

Avicii wasn't singing the song either. He was DJ'ing it.

Anonymous said...

No worries we all get a little exited to get our thoughts out that our finger can't keep up! LOL

Anonymous said...

11:02 PM
Avicii is not singing LMD .... lol He's spinning it.

Anonymous said...

Avicii's concerts consist of him spinning records along with a light show. There are no live performers. It's called EDM, and Adam was in the audience singing along just lie everyone else. Avicii is a DJ. Most people are drinking or high at these events. Lots of energy and fun !!!!!

Anonymous said...

The girl who shot that little clip, probably just recognized Adam and was surprised to actually see him at the concert.

Anonymous said...

The girl who shot that clip is a singer who was there with adam.

Anonymous said...

If you people cared to read a bit s l o w e r, t h i n k a little before you post, this place would perhaps be more pleasant and more like a fan site!

Admin's headline is a bit misleading, @4:18 #1 and @5:13, read JAK's post @12:15, where she covered that already nicely.
@5:37 Avicii info has been covered here a long time ago already, nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

5:37, most people are high or drinking? Where did you read that load of crap? You've obviously never been to a house music concert.

Anonymous said...

Please read a few more threads of Adam in Sweden and Avicii before you start posting, you'll find more info and get answers to many questions (without having to repeat them over and over again).

Anonymous said...

At an EDM concert in NYC 3 people OD'd on Molly .........for some people that has been associated as co- existing. I heard that on network news. I'm not saying it's true, for sure not for all, but it has been said. This has no reflection on Adam or avicii I didn't read that crap in a tabloid, it was reported on network news.

Anonymous said...

At an EDM concert in NYC 3 people OD'd on Molly .........for some people that has been associated as co- existing. I heard that on network news. I'm not saying it's true, for sure not for all, but it has been said. This has no reflection on Adam or avicii I didn't read that crap in a tabloid, it was reported on network news.

Anonymous said...

7:04, three people out of how many thousands? Ooh, drugs at concerts. What a novel idea. I'm sure everybody who goes to a concert is doing drugs.

Anonymous said...

"I didn't read that crap in a tabloid, it was reported on network news." LOLOL, I can't stop laughing.

Anonymous said...

NY Times.......Sepyember 12, 2013
There's an article about the drug use at EDM concerts. 2 people died in NY and they closed the 3rd day of the concert. Some kids are crazy and they're buying that stuff on the street . I believe it was a concert called the Electric Zoo, and it was on one of the islands near Battery Park in lower manhattan .

Anonymous said...

There's always going to be drug use and drinking at any event. That's a fact. So don't get all snarky and sarcastic about it....7:12 LOLZ

Anonymous said...

if you seriously think most people who go to concerts are not drinking or doing drugs, you are either delusional, have not been young, not had kids in their teens/20s, or not gone to any concerts. most are drinking, I would not speculate on drug %age but it's higher than anyone would like

Anonymous said...

7:14, and some people smoke weed at concerts. Doesn't mean most people do that either. Calm down. Nothing is happening at EDM concerts that isn't happening at pop or hip hop or classic rock concerts.

Anonymous said...

7:19, what planet are you from? Most people at most concerts are not drinking or doing drugs.

Anonymous said...

This place is comedic gold sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to a concert tonight. I better get some drugs and booze on the way.

Anonymous said...

Many people posting here are obsessed with all things Adam as I am. I think we are mostly harmless with are comments about Adam. He is an extremely talented, gorgeous man who lives an exciting life! I know I would enjoy globetrotting for a short time and meeting all sorts of interesting people! I'll admit it - Adam back to wearing black nail polish had me going for a second!

Anonymous said...

Here is the ny times article about drug use at EDM concerts. I don't expect posters to read it because they obviously enjoy being ignorant.

Anonymous said...

8:44 am, so I read your NYT article. It said nothing about "most" attendees are high or drunk or drug users. It doesn't even give an estimate of the number of users. It cites problems through out the years, at other venues and with other genres. It even quotes a DJ as saying “For some reason we have the stamp of drug misuse and I think that it’s unfair,” he said. “It ruins the party for a lot of other people.”

There is nothing there that says EDM events are full of drunk and high people. You just proved yourself wrong. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I said for some people, and I'm not saying it's point was there are misconceptions about drug use at EDM concerts. I agree that those concert are no different than any others. You're looking for a fight and there's not one here, at least for me.

Anonymous said...

Wow! There are some hostile people here. Did it start because someone said Adam looked drunk , really because he has a beer ? In his hand looks like he's having a ball. It must be a rush to hear all those people jammin to your voice. Can't we all just be nice. We're all fans of Adam , right????

Anonymous said...

Which comment above was yours? 5:37 am? 7:04? 7:19? All of those?

This is you for sure: "don't expect posters to read it because they obviously enjoy being ignorant." Sure looks like you were looking for a fight.

Anonymous said...

OT: For those fans trying to keep up with our Glamtrotter; over on Adam Official someone just posted his tweet to fans; he has apparently posted a historic site from Paris; and they are reporting that Adam is in Paris, France right now!!!

Anonymous said...

11:03, this info is already on the first post.

Anonymous said...

I'm 7:04 that's it. If you reread it you'll see I wasn't trying to start a fight....that was you.

Anonymous said...

11:43 is so rude in general they don't realize it looks like they are arguing.

Anonymous said...

Whether it's 2 or 3 people dying in a concert due to drugs, it's definitely nothing to LOL about and it's always a futile loss.

Anonymous said...

12:15, the LOL wasn't at people dying it was at the person calling their own comment crap.

Anonymous said...

The end....I love Adam

Anonymous said...

So when is Lay Me Down going to be released as a single?