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Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, February 21, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 21, 2014


Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!

Anonymous said...

No news here. lol

glitzylady said...

Been there, done that.....absolutely true.. When Adam walks into a room, a fan's ability to breathe is seriously affected. It's miracle anyone is still standing.. The ability to think or form coherent words is also lost. He's just that powerful. Seriously....

Anonymous said...

Well ... erm, I actually wanna jump him.

Anonymous said...

I start hyperventilating when I see a picture or a photo. Can't imagine what I'd be like if I ever met him in person. I'd have to have two EMTs with a stretcher waiting alongside me. I'm a hopeless case.


Anonymous said...

When I met Adam in DC at a radio station promo, I literally couldn't speak.

Adamluv said...

Absolutely true - he takes ones breath away with his beauty. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I know I would be down on the floor!

Anonymous said...

I live in L.A. And always hope I'll accidentally run into him on the street etc. but I know for sure I'd stop breathing and would not be able to speak. All I could do is stare at that incredibly handsome's out of my control...sigh.

Btw, that picture is hilarious, we'd all be down on the floor:)


Anonymous said...

CT - you have a much better chance of running into him in LA than I do here on the east coast -but, if in an alternate universe I were to accidentally run into him, I'm afraid I would just clam up and try to stare without bringing attention to myself..I feel like I know him..but, of course, he doesn't know me from Adam (pun intended)..

Anonymous said...

To all of the above posts; thanks for the laughs you guys had me literally cracking up. You all are so funny!!!

I loved the art work; so cute. I can just imagine seeing him in person. His pictures are enough to stop one from breathing for a minute!!

Anonymous said...

@ 12:55 PM....JAK here.....that's exactly what I do when I have unexpectedly come face to face with a celebrity. Clam up, speechless. Since I've been around a long time, it has happened several times. I think I once told on this site about long ago (1960's) in a restaurant and sitting nearby I locked eyes with Henry Fonda and his son and daughter, Peter and Jane Fonda. I was so stunned I gave them a 'thumbs up' sign.......they smiled and nodded.

lorraine said...

Bringing me back to last July when I met Adam at the Del Mar concert here in San Diego......My sincere desire and intention was to look into his beautiful eyes as I walked towards him. JUST COULDN'T DO IT! I'm short-{almost 5 ft 3} so that didn't help the situation, but much more importantly, I was just so overwhelmed by his presence, it almost felt like I was violating his space and physical being. I can't begin to explain it accurately.
My daughter, who was right behind me waiting to get her picture taken with him as well, said that he greeted me with the sweetest smile and yet, for me it was a beautiful blur, a moment in time I will always remember with a smile in my heart. I do remember him still talking to me as I was rushed along that summer day--"Have a good time at the concert tonight,"he said and all I could think was---Do you really have to tell me THAT????? How could I not???
"Memories...pressed between the pages of my mind" I think taht was a line from an Elvis song???/

Anonymous said...

That was funny and so true. He is swoon-worthy.

Anonymous said...

I think if I ever ran into Adam I would faint or become incoherent! And my heart would be pounding!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! This fan art is cute.

Anonymous said...

I've met Adam, ever so briefly, & surprisingly, I didn't faint. He was so very nice. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of this fan art, but "Adam" in the pic is not ADAM, no likeness at all, even with artistic freedom would be nice to "know" from the pic that's ADAM!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....The artist wasnt going for a likeness, he/she was going for a joke. That's why the identity labels. Adamluv and DRG and tess4ADAM, plus 2 Anon's. are only identified as Glamberts.........but I get the picture !!!

Plus I think I recognize the feet of rosé petal and funbunn40! A complete wipeout of fevered, frenetic, fainting fans.....

Adamluv said...

@JAK - you recognized me! Great! For others that dont know me on this site, I am the red haired Glambert on the left. LOL. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Breathless and speechless, huh?
It looks more like brainless, soulless rag ..Berts to me.
That's not funny, people!!
Well... Ok, maybe just a little... Or more. :-))