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GLEE SPOILER 5x09 Extended Summary 'Kurt & Starchild'

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Anonymous said...

Sounds like real life written into Glee

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun juicy storyline to me. Full of intrigue and tease and a flirtiness. Lookin' forward to it.

How can this show let Eliott go?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun juicy storyline to me. Full of intrigue and tease and a flirtiness. Lookin' forward to it.

How can this show let Eliott go?


Anonymous said...

Sorry about double post. Finger went crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great storyline! I can't wait to see the actual episode!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear!:) This is getting more interesting indeed!:)

I can't wait for this episode.


Anonymous said...

Love it...can't wait to see the actual episode. Ryan Murphy made an excellent decision by casting Adam on Glee.

Anonymous said...

Hhhmmm, that seems like a lot to squeeze in to just a few minutes of screen time; seems like there would have to be some fully fleshed out scenes to deliver this sort of narrative, hope so!!! Yay. I've watched Glee from the very first episode, and it's an ensemble show for sure, with only a few central characters getting hefty screen time, so any screen time at all for Adam is a total win/win for me!! But this little blurb makes me believe that Adam will get a few good meaty scenes if this theme is to be developed sufficiently. Excellent.

Anonymous said...

Another edition of Hump Day with Adam Lambert. No paper dolls but a crossword puzzle this time.

Anonymous said...

@1:00 PM I'm new to Glee because of Adam. Do you think after Lima is done with, all story lines will be meatier?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Cannot wait!!


Anonymous said...

Following tweet with attached article from Ex. Producer of The Insider:

Brad Bessey ✔ @BradBessey
Gr8 @family_equality story by @KarenOcamb @FrontiersMag. @DanBucatinsky @AdamLambert @PeterPaige @The Insider

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for Glee to start again. I think this was a good venture for Adam. I love seeing him on television. Hopefully soon in concert once again.

Anonymous said...

@2:09 What a sweetheart you are.
It IS A HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA, just graduated and first year of college. That last line of yours shows you're a really classy person. Adam doesn't need fans like you who are willing to give up on him so easily when he's out there learning more and more to add to his resume. You were late to the party because we've been fans for 5 years and now you want to leave early. See ya!

Anonymous said...

That backlot puzzles on page 2 is really fun. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

@2:55 PM Yes, you get to decide if you stay or leave. Why stay where you're going to be an azzhole.

Anonymous said...

@2:55 PM / 2:09 PM
What kind of response are you looking for from Adam's fans?

Anonymous said...

Glee is so much fun knowing our guy is going to be on there occasionally. I started following the other Glee cast too. My God there are some butt hurt people around here.Bahaaaaha loving it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link 2:18. Adam sure got a lot of good press singing MW at this event as did all the other entertainers.

Anonymous said...

One of the usual trolls is back.

Either ignore them or email Admin to ask her to moderate the comments.

Anonymous said...


Don't be mad at Adam. I thnk he's really having fun, being part of this group. He has had a lot of struggles and Glee has been so accepting of him. Give him a break. You're judging him...please think about it......

Anonymous said...

Thanks @2:18pm for sharing that article from Executive Producer of The Insider. For sure Adam got tons of media coverages from this event.

Anonymous said...

Stop feeding the troll.

Anonymous said...

Glee is back with this epidode Tuesday, Feb. 25. Not long to wait now :)

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Glee, Idol, RuPaul, possibility of touring with Queen, hopefully new music in horizon, and who knows what other things Adam got in his bag that he will be revealing in due time.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Glee as well. Adam said in that Insider interview that he learned a lot and he had a great time with Glee cast. The more TV exposure will open up other opportunities.

Anonymous said...

So excited for the storyline on glee and so many new fans will get to hear Adam's amazing voice. All good for his next album,plus he is getting more acting experience,maybe a movie one day. Many singers do movies also like Jared Leto,Lenny Kravitz, Justin Timberlake to mention just a few.

Anonymous said...

I recently heard LMD as theme song of new ABC series Mixology on TV a lot.

Anonymous said...

TV Guide Feb 17 - Mar 2
The Walking Dead
pic of Michonne

page 40 has article on Randy, judges, Adam and Chris. Also a pic of Adam Chris and Randy.

kitty said...

Thanks 4:07 I'll be looking for that article.

Anonymous said...

just wondering what is Starchild's gender... It would be great if he was straight... so it would balance out the bromance between Blaine and Sam. Axel

Anonymous said...

They delete the song, now there is another one.

Anonymous said...

4:54, his gender is male. Do you mean orientation?

Anonymous said...

Great fan art:

Oksssana ‏@oksssana
My new art for you!

Anonymous said...

I would like it if his orientation remained a mystery. Let it all be about the music.

Anonymous said...

Mmm, Glee is getting deeper into the groove of things; yes that's more stimulating. Hey my trusted crystalball...what do you say... lol! Okay that fateful afternoon, Kurt props up his antenna to probe if Elliott is trying to usurp the control of the band. Elliott senses Kurt's suspicion and opens up about why he auditioned for the band and perhaps a difficult past; to add a bit of spice to the story-line. Kurt feels less threatened and even seems to be won over by Elliott's trust in him in revealing his past struggles. Mmm Blaine is rather perturbed his scheme flopped big time. lol! Soon a closer relationship developes between these two handsome guys resulting in further intrigue and entanglement. lol! Blaine uses tactics to navigate this tough Bermuda triangle; yum yum. Whether Kurt and Elliott's relationship turns to love...well I need to watch Frenemies first and tell you later, one step at a time. lol! Oh really looking forward to their duet.


Anonymous said...

Why does a comment like at 2:09 not get kicked off of here? On an upcoming thread this same person uses the same word to describe Adam's tattoos and nose ring. Oh yeah we are talking about Adam not about a fan.

Anonymous said...

This is the problem when somebody comes here and disrespect Adam!!

I know some of you are getting frustrated about what is going on with Adam's career but not to the extent that you are going to put him down like this!!!

I know these type of people are not a fan at all and just making trouble here.... Well to bad Adam is not going anywhere and you can stay or leave this site as you wish!!!


Anonymous said...

7:04 pm, please let Admin know how you feel.

glitzylady said...

Admin has been advised.

Anonymous said...

Starchild is straight on Glee. Wonder if he will have to kiss any girls.

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, I thought you recently said you weren't the go between with Admin? So are you?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:44 PM
I chat with her from time to time. I don't speak for her. Take what you want from that info.

Anonymous said...

So is it better if we come to you rather than send an email to Admin? I don't get what you mean by take what you want from that info?

Anonymous said...

Why in Glitzy announcing she has informed Admin then?

Anonymous said...

I think perhaps, whether Elliott is straight or gay will not be revealed; which is okay as in real life, many gay/lesbian people do not wish to have to state that openly. It's their life and they live it the way they feel most comfortable, their privacy right. By the way, one's privacy is just that and I feel it should not be construed or frowned upon as keeping a dark secret, though it appears so. I'd rather see it as their personal right instead of an insinuation of keeping a dark in Adam's case he doesn't blink an eye in letting people know he's gay and a great part of the world accepts that; whereas another person may think it's nobody's business and they should not probe; until the person voluntarily wants to state so.


Anonymous said...

Please ignore the pot-stirrers :)

Anonymous said...

7:53, since it is unclear what glitzylady's role is I would suggest contacting Admin directly yourself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please fans let's inform Admin. every time there is a negative disrepectful post.

Light & Love

Anonymous said...

Oh crystalball tells me another reason how Kurt is won over by Elliott...he propels his flagging band with a flagging name to emerge victor at the national competition, with his pristine ideas, originality, his voice mastery/techniques. Actually these Glee high school music competitions may be sending out wrong signals. Music/art is not to be appreciated this way. Instead they should appreciate other people's music/art whether they are one's opponents or not; not to say one must accept everything in toto but with an open mind. That's how one progresses as an artist.


Anonymous said...

Well, i hope his episode scores high in ratings, that is the important factor.
We are frustrated about adam's career pace tbh, but as a true fan, we pray and hope for the best in his career.
Getting a record label isn't the important thing here, its making the album a commercial success, look at allison iraheta's comeback album, despite loaded with cool songs, it FLOPPED!
So whatever needs to be done for a successful album, please do, true fans will wait.
PS; how about we all direct our questions, views to admin's email and stop playing with glitzylady words.

funbunn40 said...

To know Adam is to love him, whether in real life or "reel" life. Hope he gets lots of face time and some singing time with Lea Michele. Adam on Ru Paul's Drag Race coming up on Logo soon too! New seqson starts Mon. 2/24 and Idol, 2/18 & 19! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous February 12, 2014 at 5:23 PM.. oops you are right... I mean orientation... Sigh, I guess Anonymous February 12, 2014 at 6:21 PM, may be right... They may keep it a mystery... Axel

Anonymous said...

I sure wish Adam finds his way. I'd hate to not see his wonderful smile in the lime light. What to do?

Anonymous said...

It is best to direct concerns to Admin. Not sure why glitzylady keeps putting herself in the middle.

For future reference, Admin's contact:

glitzylady said...

What's the big deal? I simply said I'd contacted Admin. That's it. Admin thankfully deleted a couple of nasty comments.

I don't put myself out there as a "go between" or anything else. That term has come from others, not me. I post comments here just like everyone else. I'm identifiable because I use a tag. If I'd posted that comment at 7:26 PM yesterday "anonymously", there would have been no conversation about me. Which is how it should have been. It's very tempting at times to just go back to the Anon tag. For obvious reasons.

Of COURSE anyone else can contact Admin. And always have had that ability. Many here know the email and use it when needed. It's been posted here multiple times. Save it and use it if needed. Because it's needed PLENTY here....

Anonymous said...

You are putting yourself in the middle by repeatedly telling us when you have contacted admin. There is no need for you to announce you have contacted admin and it usually sounds like you are doing it on someone's behalf.

You have also told us what admin thinks about moderating the comments.

If you don't want to be seen as a go between stop acting like one.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 10:06 AM
Seems to me that you're being a bit of a bully. You don't like @glitzylady. I get that. Whatever. Your call. But it looks suspiciously to me that you're the one who has issues.

Friendly suggestion: let it go. Spend your time enjoying Adam Lambert, not bitching at this fans. Particularly ones who are trying to help keep this blog hate free. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

Admin said...

Hi. This is the Administrator of 24/7!

I appreciate everything that Glitzylady has done for me, such as alerting me when there are trolls and ridiculous comments. She is not obligated to do this but it has really helped me in getting rid of a lot of bad comments.

To the person who keeps leaving "mean" comments towards Glitzylady and other people with tags, please stop. It's really uncalled for and it would be nice if you stop making a big deal out of Glitzylady and her helping the community. Because I really appreciate her help.

Comments will be locked for this thread.