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Happy Birthday "Better than i know myself" music video! 2years!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Posted at : Tuesday, February 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

I'm a casual fan and I like this song a lot.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for new music and a video for it. His videos are always so creative and interesting and really do relate to the song's lyrics and meaning.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't think I would even know how to be a casual fan of Adam's; ha ha. I fell hard from the get go; and I don't want to get up.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime, while waiting for new music; we have so much good material of Adam's to keep us busy and content; it never gets old. So I patiently wait while listening to all the wonderful stuff that Adam has out there.

Perfection takes times; and I won't try and rush it. I want Adam to take all the time he wants and needs. I willl be here regardless!

Anonymous said...

1:26, nice comment.

Anonymous said...

Always loved Better Than I Know Myself and the video is the best!

Anonymous said...

@2:26 PM

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love this video for me it is the best out there it should have millions of viewers.----blueeyes

Anonymous said...

That seems quite a long time ago, that I wrote many comments on this BTIKM video. It was a field day for symbolism interpretations. Yea I remember interpreting all the different things, from the skulls hanging on the wall to the knight chess piece; and the hand touching his shoulder etc... Good as a movie soundtrack, of someone right on the edge almost going going and then manages to pull himself back. Yes that lighter reminds me of the dark side of drugs but the fire seems to represent the light, bigger, brighter. Also can represent a change as fire always does, it destroys at the same time renews. I didn't touch on this symbol. lol! Yea I believe a German film used it as a movie soundtrack. This is another hit song! on my chart.


Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Anniversary Better Than I Know Myself video clip!

I ADORE Better Than I Know Myself. Wonderful song and the video clip is superb and my favorite (Adam's acting - WOW!!).

Love the fan art too. Hope Adam sees it.

Anonymous said...

Has it really been two years? Wow.

Anonymous said...

I love this song and video! And there are lots of great acoustic versions of this song which I love too (when he did the promo tours with Tommy, Kevin and who else?) And Adam's look at this time was my favorite. In my opinion he looked two years ago 5-10 years younger than now. This is just my opinion, don't hit me b/c of it. I don't mean that you must look young, but his face just looks different without facial hair and he had somehow different style then (nail polish etc.).

Anonymous said...

8:08 so why say it here if you know people will be upset?

Anonymous said...

@8:08 PM
Because it is my opinion and I thought there was freedom of speech. As said I love the song, the vid and his look there.

Anonymous said...

8:19 PM here: I meant my comment to 8:10 PM, not 8:08 which is my own comment.

Anonymous said...

The freedom of speech excuse used here is such a self serving excuse.

Anonymous said...

I love this song so much and it's truly a hard song to sing, only a powerhouse can.
I truly treasure the time Adam sang this on Leno wherein he was so drop dead gorgeous.
Then when you think it can't be beat, he sang it with much more power on Ellen.
Sigh . . .

Anonymous said...

@8:08 PM

Didn't you exercise your freedom of speech earlier in another thread saying the same thing, about you thinking that Adam looked about five to ten years older from the time he released BTIKM about two years ago; just because Adam now has facial hair.

Which is totally ridiculous; and no one agreed with you on that thread; in fact someone said that they laughed so hard when they read your comment that they just about fell off of their chair.

I get it you don't like the facial hair on Adam. Of course you have a right to express yourself freely; but it would carry more weight if you stayed a little closer to reality.

In my reality Adam looks like the handsome young man that he is with or without the facial hair; just different. In my opinion of course, just using that freedom of speech you were talking about.

Anonymous said...

@9:24 PM
I'm glad if I get people to laugh. It's always better to laugh than cry. I just hope they do not hurt themselves when they fall off their chairs or sofas of what ever. I did not see those comments and I don't want to go back there, but it is good that some got the pleasure of laughing about something I said.

I can't help my feelings. But now I'm done. No more comments about Adam's facial hair from me. But I hope people still laugh and smile!

Anonymous said...

Adam does look a lot older than he used to and many people have agreed with that sentiment. It's been discussed a lot on twitter and on other sites. Don't worry 9 43, the nastiest people here think they are huge fans and its their job to attack other posters. Anyone with eyes would agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Adam does look older with the facial hair, that's why he shaves to play Elliott on Glee. It's not an insult when the director requests it, it's just the truth. I agree with the director. The beard narrows his face which makes him look more mature, not boyish. I think Adam is handsome with and without, but younger without.

Seeing my g'son at Christmas with the stache and beard was a shocker for me....he looked like a handsome man, not the boy I had seen 2 months before. I missed the boy but was stunned at the grown up man who was hugging me!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I think part of the problem is how some people say Adam looks older with the beard like that is a bad thing. I do think they mean it as an insult and another way to express they want him clean shaven.

With the beard he is still incredibly good looking but he doesn't look "old." Clean shaven reveals his baby face.

Either way Adam looks great and I don't get why fans have to put one look down.

Anonymous said...

Almost every thread is liking or disliking something. The goal to be desired is to dislike something without being insulting or just downright mean. It isn't necessary to agree but to be agreeable in disagreeing. Does that make sense? : )

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does.
I've said it here many times.
Just does not fly here.

This is a place, which used to be a AL Paradise (was the nickname often used), but somehow over the last couple of years has turned in to this "Garden of Garbage", where (mostly) adults behave like (the web teaches!) teenagers.
Being a fan (loving and admiring the artist, his/her persona and the work they do) used to be a positive thing (fanatics and crays have always been there, but mostly being a fan meant loving and supporting the artist in question). Now that is not the issue, it's all about me-me-me, getting attention, being entitled, snarky and aggressive. You're not supposed to write more than 4 lines, the snarkier the better! And being sarcastic is 'IT', unfortunately most NOT mastering it.
And then of course some nasties have found home here, because they can say whatever and they are not deleted or banned.
Well behaving, articulate, kind and loving fans are (so it seems) soon a minority here... and those, who love Adam unconditionally and are still announcing it, are ridiculed... Welcome to AL News 2014!

Anonymous said...

4:03, you are right about what this has turned into. Why do we stay? So many others have left already. Time for me to consider that.