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New Pictures from Stockholm

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Anonymous said...

#1. Matching nose hoops
#2. Lip hoop - please Adam - nooooooo

Anonymous said...

Adam looks fabulous. Adam and these two beautiful women. All look great together. This is enough to make a few people green with envy. Just love these pictures; but Adam makes any picture he is in look fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so gorgeous - yesssssss

Anonymous said...

Faint - THUD!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

the lasses are wanting some candy.

Anonymous said...

Now this is what you call beautiful people! WOW,WOW,WOW!

Who are these lovely ladies ? Adam makes any picture gorgeous...Whew <333333


Anonymous said...

Just read on another thread that Adam is at the Swedish Grammy Awards, maybe these are pictures from the Red Carpet.

Well, Adam attended one Grammy show, and I bet they were honored to have him. Can't keep our superstar from getting the recognition he deserves, after all he is a worldwide jet setting superstar!!!

Two gorgeous women he is in the photos with. But, no one outshines the beauty of Adam M. Lambert!! Love his outfit. So classy.

Anonymous said...

THUD! and more THUD!!

Anonymous said...

Adam M. Lambert you are so hard to keep up with; stopped trying years ago, and I just love it. Love the fact that you just pop up everywhere looking so gorgeous!! All of these surprises are just unexpected delights. You are the most exciting, gracious, humble and beautiful human being to follow.

Love the way you just leave all the naysayers way behind in the dust.

Do you know how much you are loved young man? A whole bunch!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Dear God; to have a date like Adam, no one would even look at me. I would't know anyway, because I would't be able to take my eyes off of him either. Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Adam's been in Sweden for quite some time... what...for 4-5 already?!? No Swedes on this site??! More info pleeeeeezzz...... :)

Anonymous said...

adam pls don't dismantle ur face no nose ring no lip ring- ur handsome naturally none of that metal to your body pls-pls pls-

Anonymous said...

@4:06 PM

Please, please, please give it a rest. Your pleas are will be ignored. You are posting about a 32 year old young man. You are not his Mother; I believe she has more respect than to tell her grown son what to do.

Adam seems to respect his fans, why don't you give him the same respect.

we should be here for the entertainment only; not to run his life.

Remember Adam has said in his first CD, that he is here for our entertainment, let us enjoy the man and his music! He can take care of that gorgeous face and body!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Adam just gets better looking every day. Has he no shame? Ha ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

The latest pic of Adam from Sweden:

A Swedish radio and TV personality, a blond guy, kissing Adam's cheek....
(sorry, can't bring the link here, but I'm sure someone will!)

Anonymous said...

I just looked at those two photos of Adam in Sweden with those women; and all I can say; is, "oh Adam, you are so beautiful to me"!!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:34

13 people were able to move right past the first comment with no problem, but you had to confront - why?

Anonymous said...

5:31, read the comment again. They were responding to the comment directly before theirs, not the first one.

Apparently no one can resist leaving a comment about not liking something and no one can resist replying to a troll.

Adamluv said...

My maternal grandparents were from Sweden. Love the Swedes - gorgeous people. I, unfortunately, took after my paternal grandparents in the looks department. Wont offend anyone saying which Europeon country they were from! ..................................... and this was all a weak attempt at humour so no need for nasty replies. Thank you. . . . Adamluv

leilani aloha said...

wow! & wow!
beautiful EYES!!! :):):)

Anonymous said...

Swedish girls are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv, I'm sure your nasty genes are not Swedish.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv you made me laugh.:))))

I'm not a great Dane, I'm just a lucky Finn with Swedes for cousins.

8:36 Adamluv doesn't have a nasty bone in her body.

Adamluv said...

@9;07 - thanks for the kind words. The part about my Swedish genes was true - the other PART was suppose to be a joke. Glad someone thought it funny. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Just keep being true to yourself, like the Man we love!
You're one of the bestest here, so glad to have "known" you here these 4+ years!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv ....I'm picturing you as a smoldering Ava Gardner I close? ^o^