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OUT: ADAM LAMBERT is the Most Eligible Bachelor of 2014!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, February 14, 2014

Posted at : Friday, February 14, 2014


Anonymous said...

He won!!! I'm wondering how much longer Adam will stay a bachelor though. he secretly dating somebody?? JK.

Interesting that, as usual, Adam's "loyal following" was mentioned as the reason for his landslide win. Don't all these guys have their fan groups though?

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! Yep, landslide win ( we Glamberts know how to show love for our gorgeous BB).

Wonder who Adam's gonna spend Valentine's Day with tonight? Have a wonderful Valentine's Day everyone:)))


leilani aloha said...

Yay!!! U go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

he's gay and not interested in those who voted for him ..
short sad story :) lol
keep going Adam

Anonymous said...

Of course he is.

Anonymous said...

It would be so nice if Adam could find that someone special instead of reading all this speculation about every guy he is pictured with. His time will come maybe when he least expects it. Right now his life is busy and he may not have the time to commit to a permanent relationship. I just wish him much happiness in his personal and professional life since he has brought so many of us such a wonderful five years since his appearance on Idol and all that followed.

Anonymous said...

@11:45 AM

Are you kidding? Adam loves his fans and says it all the time. We are the wind beneath his wings!!!

Not a sad story that he is Gay.
Not a sad story that some of his fans are Gay and some are straight.
Loving Adam Lambert is never a sad story; and never will be!!

Anonymous said...

Although I have been married a long time, I feel sometimes people may think finding a true love is easy for everyone. I think it's getting more and more difficult for young people to find that special someone. Getting married young is not what the younger set are particularly interested in. The odds of divorce, the economy, and the pressures of life in general, make finding love, more difficult these days. I just think finding happiness is a lot harder than it used to be. I didn't mean to be a downer. Just my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Of course he's the Most Eligible Bachelor! He's so handsome, charismatic, so incredibly talented, intelligent, witty and just beautiful inside and out! Happy Valentine's Day Adam! <3

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam is secretly dating anyone; but, he probably is going out with a person; or persons that we know nothing about!

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful that Adam has such a wonderful beautiful fanbase; and other's who find him to be the most! Everyone in the contest had the same opportunity to achieve the same amount of support as Adam; it was totally up to how motivated people are to support them.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Adam was a young man, I think in his senior year; he was being interviewed he was asked if he enjoyed being an entertainer; singing, acting, etc.; he replied, "if I could do this for the rest of my life, I would be a happy man." He looked so happy.

Happy Valentine's Day Adam; hope you will alway's be a happy man!

Anonymous said...

Isn't voting about having a loyal following?

Anonymous said...

@1:16 PM & @1:25 PM

You are both right on the mark; that is what being a fan is all about. Love you Mr. Adam Lambert, and I will follow you.

Anonymous said...

I recall in an interview awhile ago Adam once admitted he had a fear that he might never find that "special someone" in his life and remain alone. That was before he met Sauli.

Of course, none of us know the true reasons why Adam and Sauli did not stay together - that is strictly their personal and private business. It is foolish to speculate.

Perhaps it being Valentine's Day it would be appropriate to hope that some day Adam will find his lifetime soulmate, partner and best friend and not be alone if HE chooses this path.

Adam has certainly opened people's hearts and minds to be more accepting and understanding overall -- just by being himself and through his music.

2014 will be a stellar year for Adam. Could not be more proud to be his fan!

tess4ADAM said...

Wonderful sentiments everyone!!

Congrats & Happy Valentine's Day ADAM!!

Happy Valentines Day Glamberts Worldwide!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

11:45 love your comment !

Anonymous said...

Sorry mistake not 11:45, but 1:03

Anonymous said...

If Adam does not have a special person for tonight, he will probably take his mother out to dinner and dancing. She is and always will be his special Valentine. Otherwise he will just go to the clubs with his friends who are also dateless. Trouble is if he takes a guy, there will be all kinds of speculations because it is Valentines Day, which is special.
If he is dating quietly , I don't think we will see him out tonight at all.

Anonymous said...

Adam taking anyone out tonight, being that it is Valentines Day, kinda messes things up for him. Unless he is making a public statement about a BF, He might stay home and have a few friends over.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

News flash from a single person here. I'm not going out and neither are any of my single friends. Or dating friends for that matter. I don't think Valentine's Day requires anybody to go out.

Anonymous said...

3:35 gets a huh?? as well.

Anonymous said...

@3:35 PM

What? Adams Mother will probably be with her own Mr. Valetine!

I sure she will not have to babysit Adam. Pretty sure he won't be alone unless he wants to be.

Anonymous said...

4:49 here/ correction/ spelled Valentine wrong.

Anonymous said...

I thought Valentines Day was kind of special, if you have a special person in your life. It's like a date night, even if you are married. I guess it seems like from the comments here, that it isn't anything special for people who are in love. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Like any holiday, Valentines Day is what you want to make out of it.

Vicki in Ohio said...

@nancdruuu2, I totally agree with everything you said. I am sure Adam will eventually find that special someone. Right now he has many exciting things happening in his life.

Anonymous said...

LOL Glambert Power!!

Anonymous said...

My feelings is; if you can't be happy alone; you probably won't be happy with someone else either. Life is so precious; you should be happy and love youself; then take that special gift and enjoy it with someone else when you are ready.

Anonymous said...

7:27 PM - HERE/Should be love yourself instead of youself.

Anonymous said...

Good looking guys, all of them, wow! Happy Valentine's Day everyone (or night at this time)!

Anonymous said...

Adam will win next year too. If he still is single then. I don't think the other guys' fans are so eager to vote on this kind of polls. This is a very remarkable achievement (said with tongue on cheek). Congrats, Adam! Oh, how many handsome and talented gay men there are without partner. I thought Chris from Glee had a boyfriend, but I seem to be wrong. So he is on the market, too. Go for it, Adam!

Anonymous said...

Maybe just having a bf does not count?

Anonymous said...

Don't believe there's just "one special someone"... Depending on what happens in life there can be many special someones in one's life. And one can lead a perfectly good & happy life without always having "someone special" (sounds so chick flick) by your side or living on your own. The world has changed so much and changes are constant. The changes should include greater variety and acceptance how people choose to live their lives.

Adamluv said...

@7:27 and @6:42 - agree with both comments. Unfortunately too many women were and girls are still being taught that to be happy you have to have a partner. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv....JAK here.....I agree with you and the other two who commented. I think my generation was one of the worst offenders of pushing that agenda.
High school in the early 50's....I remember hating home economics class with the preaching about being a domestic goddess for your 'man'!

My role model at the time, other than my mom, was a tall, statuesque, red headed beauty, 40'ish Miss Richmond.
She was my English Lit. teacher, she taught me not to slump to appear love Shakespeare and that a woman could live an independent life and be happy.

I stumbled upon a sweet boy and married him, but I feel certain that if I hadn't I still would have found life an adventure, happy and rewarding. Happiness comes from within.

Adamluv said...

@JAK - thanks for your imput - intelligent as always. And BTW, so glad you are back since I LOVE your stories of past experiences. Happiness does come from within - no one can make you happy. We are all responsible for our own happiness. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The feminists have taught far too many girls that they don't need a man. If they want a baby, adopt one or have one by in vitro with a donor. Young people today live in a throw away society. If you have a fight with your mate, get rid of him and find another. Divorce should be harder than it is today. Far too many children are living with mothers who bring a new man into the home every other month. Children are confused about relationships due to their mothers' behavior.

My husband doesn't complete me He and I are a team. We each give 80% to the other and expect nothing in return. We respect and care about each other in every way. But I guess 54 years of happiness with one man will be laughed at by many. And yes, I was 18 and he 20 when we married in 1959. We are still each other's valentines and we celebrate that fact each and every day.