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A look back!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Adam Lambert BEHIND-THE-SCENES - The Making Of 'For Your Entertainment' from zamkolaz13 on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! Wish this could have been the hit it should have been; but, I just love it; and it isn't too late. It is the best; such a sexy song and video!!

More and more people are discovering Adam's previous Albums, the more popular and well known he becomes.

Anonymous said...

This could have been the performance at the AMAa, and also could have been a massive hit. loved that it was playing at the beginning of the GNT shows.

Anonymous said...

Adam retweeted this

Retweeted by Adam Lambert
Wrathschild ‏@Wrathschild · Mar 25
Fall Into Love is now public on Soundcloud. Listen. Share. Repeat. …

And then they thanked him :)

Wrathschild ‏@Wrathschild · 1h
Thank you for the RT @adamlambert - means so much to us 💖

Simon Curtis ‏@simoncurtis · 1h
Thank you for the Wrathschild love @adamlambert 💋💋💋

Anonymous said...

12:58 PM
Very civilized to return the love.

Anonymous said...

FYE is such a superior album to Trespassing. Adam better produce something better then a turd this time for album 3.

Anonymous said...

@1:21 PM You sweet talker you.

Anonymous said...

I just listened that Wrathchild song loud and it´s great!:D

Anonymous said...

1:21. Apparently another who feels Vulgarity is a

substitute for Wit.

Anonymous said...

@1:33 PM It's actually their lack of education that makes them resort to vulgarity.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam knows Simon Curtis, from a while back "in the scene". I have some Simon Curtis music on my ipod, and I think it's because Adam tweeted about his cd "RA" from 2011. It's actually a cool collection of music, I use it on the treadmill. Anyway...

FYE is and always be one of my favorite Adam tracks, I actually think it's kinda brill.

Anonymous said...

4:00pm here again

"Fall Into Love" is excellent btw

glitzylady said...

I really liked the "Fall Into Love" by Wrathschild...(Simon Curtis)...

Although I'd love to download it but haven't been able to find it on iTunes... Anyone found a place to buy it for download???

Anonymous said...

OMG! Can't believe that I had never seen this "behind the scenes" footage before. So goooood. FYE is my favorite video and I hope Adam will bring that sexy vibe back. I strongly believe that people will discover this gem and love it(!) once era 3 hits. On the other hand Adam doesn't need to do much to be sexy. I wasn't feeling it with BTIKM and NCOE though.

glitzylady said...

For Your Entertainment is still my fav Adam music vid..... It was just simply... Adam.......start to finish.. which is a very GOOD thing!

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is a great Masterpiece; anyone that calls Adam's great work of art such a name; must be calling out the name they deserve to be called. So stupid. Music is a matter of taste.

Love all the songs on both Albums; better than most out there. I have never even heard the haters speak this raunchy about Adam's albums as the idiot @1:21 PM just did.

I would say to he or she; get some class and watch your foul mouth when you are speaking about Adam Lambert and his outstanding works of art!!!

I am sure Adam will put out his best work as he always does; it will be groundbreaking as usual; and something for everyone as usual.

As far as class goes; you either have it or you don't!

Anonymous said...

I personally love both of Adam's albums. Some favorite songs on each.
Man can't make a bad song. That voice makes everything sound good; even his covers. He is so proud of everything he puts out; and so am I.

glitzylady said...

Oops! I see now that Fall Into Love by Wrathschild will be available in March 31 on iTunes...

Anonymous said...

I loved this behind the scenes video! All Adam's music and videos are so amazing! Adam is a true artist who surrounds himself with great people! I so appreciate how Adam keeps his talented friends around him. He is very appreciative of talent and always includes everyone in the limelight. Adam was always great and keeps getting greater if that's even possible!...nancdruuu2

Anonymous said...

I found out this evening I will be getting that second major operation on April 7. All I needed was the cruelty that was on that post today so
May have over acted not sorry however. I will fight like a tiger to get well enough to See Adam July 9 th. I am talking about a previous post. I can't tell you how many time this person said it. Somebody other than me made a great post about Adam and Crazy Sue Back again. Who wants to come here and here that every time . The meaness on this site out of hand. Yes sometimes you overreact. Probably wont posts anymore the meaness on some if these post have gotten out of hand. Same couple people had my back I thank them. One said they were leaving to. What's important is getting well enough to see Adam in July and live to see Grand kids. To the nice people take care of Adam good things are on the horizon for him I hope I will be here in the back ground to see them. That was only one of the nasty things said when I defended myself. So why put yourself through that over and over again life is to short. I know the good people here will always have his back. Sue

Anonymous said...

I formatted to quick in the middle of a sentence. Before someone calls me down for it it was a mistake . Sorry Sue.

glitzylady said...

That person who said the uncalled-for things about you, for no reason at all, should feel shame, but probably won't. I couldn't believe it when I saw that on the other thread. I know it won't help really, but I hope you will come back and just ignore the people who are so immature that they feel they can make fun of someone, just to get a rise out of them... It is snarky, mean, and wrong.. And not funny at all.

I truly hope you come back from your surgery, stronger than ever, and are able to attend and ENJOY!!! the Queen plus Adam Lambert concert this summer. You're a good person, a great (and feisty!!!) Adam Lambert fan and you NEEEEED to make that concert!!!

I can't speak for anyone else, but I would bet that there are very very few here reading the comments on this blog that would support the rude comments directed toward you today. Or would ever support bullying of you, or anyone else here.

Be strong, stay strong, and come back to give us your impressions of the concert you'll be attending (in Houston, right??)... Hugs.....

Anonymous said...

gotta say it. I miss that Adam,that hair,that song,that sexy. Trespassing is a great album too,but he never got to sing half the songs and limited tour. MAP was a great song on there. I also miss Lane.

Anonymous said...

FYE is such a good video-Adam,so it!gonna come back later and watch it again.This making of the FYE video is so interesting;can't help it,but miss this glam look and hair.That crooked smile @ the end of the video is sexy & cute as it can be!

Anonymous said...

me again @ 8:10pm ;the crooked smile wasn't right @ the end,but past the middle and before the end.He was sitting in one of the cute!

Anonymous said...

Your probably in bed now something just told me to look back. Yes it's in Houston. Like I said husband think I should not try. But I have the tickets and my younger daughter wants to go about as bad as me. Other two probably not. Like I said ill try with all that's in me I think I'll make it if will works ill be there. Got the tickets. Thank so much for your words made me feel a lot Better. Had some tears today and I just did not need all that BS I did overreact again they deserved it tho. Thanks so much for your post I hope you see this . I feel a lot better bad day. Kind words mean a lot I don't get the kick people get out of being mean. Thanks so much for the kind words it cheered me up I have been through so much the last year so I appreaite your kindness more than you know. Hope you see this Sue. To GlitzyLady.

Magiclady said...

This is also my favorite video he has made so far,and it makes me angry that it and FYE completely got lost in the AMA controversy.
When he talks about fantasizing about making videos, he is so cute! I love this man and god he is sexy in this video.

Anonymous said...

How is it we've never seen this 'Behind the Scenes' before?? Or is it just me? Wow! I loved it and I definitely love the video. It is one of my all time favorites.

PS - Sue, I concur completely with what glitzylady said. Good luck to you and sure hope you can make the concert in Houston. It will be epic! I will see them on July 3 at the Forum in LA and can't wait!

Anonymous said...

@Glitzy Well said! I didn't see the comments Sue was referring to, but have seen similar ones in the past so I have an idea. So sad some think it's okay to treat others in that fashion.

@Sue I will keep you in my prayers that your recovery from surgery will be speedy and you and daughter will get to enjoy Queenbert live! You probably have a lot of emotions to deal with right now cuz of the upcoming surgery, so go easy on yourself. *hug*

Anonymous said...

4:45 PM
while you were talking about class you called someone idiot ! * Contradictory *

Anonymous said...

I've never seen this footage before and I loved it! When this video was released I was mesmerized with Adam.....soooooo sexy and handsome. Crazy good shots of Adam looking devine. I also love the song and the album and still play it very often.

Trespassing gets more play for me recently because I love all the songs on that album too. I'm so curious to hear his new music, like the genre (altho it doesn't really matter to me), rock, pop, blues, funky What???


Anonymous said...

((((Sue,my prayers go out to you now,and to get well after your next surgery)))I know it's hard to ignore some of those crude remarks.That person needs help,is very immature & just so rude and crude.DJ

Anonymous said...


Yes, and if I may; after reading the posts, the poster at 4:45pm was not contradictory at all. Sorry, but I believe it was done in a very classy way; and was much kinder than perhaps I might have been. I could think of many other words that the poster at 4:45pm could have used after reading the disgusting comment at 1:21pm. Actually I think the word idiot was too classy for this particular poster.

Just a personal observation. Why anyone would want to defend this person unless it hit home; is a puzzle to me. But, it is what it is.

I commend anyone who calls out crude and idiotic behavior toward
Adam Lambert on his own fan site. Good night.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I hope and pray that you'll be well enough to go to the concert. It will be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Glad to hear you back here with your passion and love for Adam. Stay strong and don't be bothered with those here who are rude. We need more fans like you here.


Anonymous said...

if you are thinkng that i was the one who post the comment 1:21pm then you're wrong ,i'm sure Adam have more than only one fan who posts multiple times unlike what you guys thinks here , i was just reading her comment about that we should be classy and stuff and suddenly she called someone name ! she can ignore the comment and people will understand what she or he means J\S

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for your kind comments what a difference they are from nasty ones. They said some really nasty stuff and it was just one moment in a series of awful stuff they have said to me and about me and I did not even comment it was someone else. But I did after the nasty remarks. They do it all the time I mean Nasty, nasty things. Then you fight back your to harsh obviously these people can't read. Lol one of them I assure you and I think the mean twins from abroad who knows. I came here other night they were saying mean stuff about Lam-my just being jerks. I told them off before about it they hate be for that and having Adams back no matter what. Guess I should be strong like him God knows he is I admire him so much for it. Lam-my is a great talented strong Glambert so if course she a target as well makes me sick she was not even there they are cowards. Again thank you for all of your kind words to all of you who said them also to CT and others who have in the past I may not have seen them in time to comment. Love ya all Sue! Oh just remembered I watched Qvc a bit last night one if the guess host said they go to concerts said Lady Ga Ga's in June and going to Queen inJuly the other host said yea I know about that. So lots every where are going. Just thought I mention it. Sorry I tend to hit it instead of, of. Sue

Anonymous said...

I love For Your Entertainment. It is one of my favorite songs of Adam's. Good to exercise to. Let alone to dance.

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM
you're such a drama queen , move on !
the problem on this site is some fans thinks they're the stars -_-
seriously ! lol

glitzylady said...

Some food for thought..

Perhaps some here may think twice before they launch some of the comments we see here at someone else... That would include comments about Adam, his friends, or others who comment...

"Rude vs. Mean vs. Bullying: Defining the Differences"

"Rude = Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else."

"Mean = Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once (or maybe twice)."

"Bullying = Intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power." ***"Bullying may be physical, verbal, relational or carried out via technology" ie "Cyber-Bullying":

Anonymous said...

When rudeness or bullying is concerned here, I just read Sue´s comment @9:34am and have to ask who are "the mean twins from abroad" she is talking about, any one knows?