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"He Was My Hero"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 17, 2014

Posted at : Monday, March 17, 2014

VIA @cinnaglambert


Anne Marie said...

How fortunate for Adam, that Leila collected those records, and Adam had the opportunity to hear them as he was growing up. He never guessed in his wildest dreams that he would wind up fronting them. None of us know what our future holds. I wonder what else Adam's future holds, hopefully something else as epic as singing with Queen.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing better than paying homage to someone you really care about and love. Brian and Roger certainly made the right choice in asking Adam to be the frontman for this summer concert series. After seeing the videos of theiheartradio show from Vegas, I think we all knew that they had to put together a show for the general public. Adam was spectacular, looked amazing and just blew the roof off that stage with Brian on that guitar right next to him. This is a highly anticipated concert and 19 shows may not be enough for all the other parts of the country that want to see Queen and Adam. I hope they produce a dvd and a cd of the shows for those of us who will not be able to see any of the shows.

Anonymous said...

It goes to show you there is something out there bigger than ourselves. The odds of Adam Lambert fronting QUEEN is like winning the lottery. Imagine all the people who wanted that job, but just didin't measure up. We can't predict greatness or magical moments. I think Lambert will prove his greatness on this tour. I think Freddie would agree.

Anonymous said...

Hope Adam has a vocal coach to help him condition and train his vocal chords for this tour. You know, like basketball coaches and assistants train and condition professional basketball players before their game. It would be nice if he gets to have a vocal coach before he goes on stage. I've seen backstage footage videos of Beyoncé and Celine Dion getting vocal warm ups before their performance on stage. Anything to protect that one in a billion voice.

Jadan NZ said...

I don't think you need to worry about Adams vocal fitness. He has said many times on stage he learnt to sing through colds and illness etc when having to appear sometimes twice a day for weeks.
In saying that on the Glamnation Tour Im sure he did have a vocal coach cant remember if he toured with him or this was before the GNT Tour started.

Anonymous said...

It was his dad that had the record collection.

Anonymous said...

Billboard Music Photos Of The Week! Adam Lambert & Brian May & Roger Taylor of Queen visit GMA

Anonymous said...

@JadanNZ I believe he had a vocal coach at the beginning of his GNT. Queenbert will be for two hours. I know Adam won't sing for the whole two hours but it would be nice if he had one. All other instruments have techies to tune up guitars, keyboards, drums, etc. I guess tuning up of his vocal chords are all in his hands for this tour. Exercise, good sleep, drink tons of water, eat right, less stress, tea and honey, warm up exercises for his voice, etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Adam, Brian and Roger know if Adam needs a vocal coach and will have one if needed. Adam did have one for GNT.

Anonymous said...

Eber said the Queen records were actually moms'

Anonymous said...

When someone mentioned to Eber about having the Queen records, he said it was Leila who actually collected them. Eber is also a big fan of Queen, but it was not his collection.

Anonymous said...

I'm going out on a limb and saying Adam would have heard of Queen without the help of his parents.

Anonymous said...

LOL does it really matter whose records they were?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the Queen budget will be able to afford a vocal coach for Adam on the tour. Yes, he knows how to protect his voice, but it helps to have professional help, too. They all know how important it is for the lead singer to be strong throughout a tour. And yes, Eber had a big record collection, but he says that the Queen albums were Leila's. Lucky for Adam!


Anonymous said...

Following is an interesting interview of Freddie:

Anonymous said...

This Freddie's first interview back in 1976:

I'm trying to know more about Freddie.

Anonymous said...

Happy Days Are Here Again!!!!

Anonymous said...

One more interview of Freddie:

He was a shy person.

Anonymous said...

Another long interview of Freddie:

There are pauses and Ads in the middle of the video.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was just a point of interest that Leila collected Queens records. Adam grew up hearing them. It's possible that he might have not liked them. But apparently he did like them. What's the big deal about the fact that Leila had them. Don't try so hard to make an argument out of the fact.
It has been shown in videos that Adam has a voice coach when needed. He warms up before a concert, with the coach. This is not Adam's first rodeo. He has been singing most of his life, and he knows much more than we do about what he needs for his voice. He has his voiced insured for $45,000,000. I think that is the amount or close to it.

Anonymous said...

correction 4:08
It was just.....

Anonymous said...

Stop with all the Freddie interviews. If I wanted to see them I'd go look for them.

Anonymous said...

Adam has never confirmed the amount his voice is insured for but rumors have it at about 47 million USD.

Anonymous said...

adam has been a professional singer for many years, I really don't think he needs our advice. worry if you want, but let him take care of his own vacal prep.

Anonymous said...

That one in a billion dollar voice should be insured for one billion dollars or more; His vocals are priceless!!!

Anonymous said...

Rumors are just rumors; Really no one's business. Unless Adam speaks of it.

Anonymous said...

The name of the insurance company was named, which I don't remember. I do not think it was a rumor, it came across as an official announcement from the insurance company. . It would be very foolish of Adam not to have this insurance, his voice is his living. Lots of stars have insurance like this, and usually for a lot more. But being that it is an insurance, I am assuming he has to pay monthly or yearly premiums on it, just like any other insurance, that any of us might have. I think he took it out about 2 to 3 years ago.

Anonymous said...

There can be facts made, that are not rumors. Just because Adam did not say it doesn't make it un true

Anonymous said...

Just trust "the Queen of the Queen" to take care of his business!

Some of you sound sooo s(mother)ing and... just stop it. He's a professional and Brian & Roger already promised to take good care of him!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the FM interviews.

Anonymous said...

OMG, watched those Freddie interviews. I must say this since this is Adam's fansite. Adam is totally something else. Brian and Roger found a rare gem and they know it. Plus the concert goers know it too. Venues are selling out like hot cakes.

Yes, Adam need an insurance of one billion dollars for his voice, looks, charisma, presence, and everything else. He is priceless. Butt hurt haters see it too. That's why they spend too much time searching about him and writing about him.

Anonymous said...

Of course Queen will take good care of him, I don't doubt that for a minute. But all the things mentioned above are things that Adam has already taken care of himself, a few years ago. Also Queen has more than a great relationship with him, he is at the moment one of their many sources of making some great money. They love him, but also these concerts are a business deal for all of them. Adam has everything taken care of, his business manager, was the one who wanted him to take out the insurance for his voice. He is the source for many people who depend on him for their living too.

Anonymous said...

4:35, like anybody here really understands how insuring something like your works.

Anonymous said...

If you have any kind of insurance on anything you pay premiums on it. They don't give it to you for free. Don't you have car insurance, or home insurance or health insurance? You must pay for the insurance.

Anonymous said...

5:19, Lloyd's of London insurance for a performer does not work like your health insurance or car insurance.

Anonymous said...

These inane conversations are screamingly boring.

Anonymous said...

I can assure you it wont be free.
Some one pays something, if not then I am going to insure my voice for $48,000,000.

Anonymous said...

Who in the world said that the insurance was free; I don't think I saw that posted.

Do other fans discuss how much the celebrity that the follow and admire pays for their insurance; and all other kinds of information regarding their personal business? I have never seen such inquisitions on Queen sites either.

All of this seems kind of disrespectful to Adam. In my opinion. To me, it should be about his music and other entertainment activities.

All the wonderful things that are happening to this good man; there is so much more to talk about!

Anonymous said...

OT: Wow! Adam's cover of Marry the night has reached over
6 million view is still going strong. This was a great performance; never get tired of looking at it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

9:25, I agree. Much is discussed here that is none of our business and very disrespectful things are said. It's sad that this happens on a fan site for such a kind person.

Anonymous said...

Lots of interesting posts on this thread. Why are people saying that this or that shouldn't be said? Freddie interviews are topical at the moment.

Also, insurance - Adam's voice is his livelihood. If anything happened to it, his income would be seriously reduced. Of course he has insurance. Terms are probably more flexible than house insurance but the principles are the same. It's business. A good guess, even if an insurance company hadn't mentioned a deal (which they did.) How is discussing that smothering or intrusive?

Unlikely that the tweet signifies a relationship but some fans have built whole relationships from instagram-likes, so knock yourself out. Just don't be surprised if there is a new tweet/relationship tomorrow. :D)

Interesting read this morning. Thanks!