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Queen + Adam, Lambert SCAN From Rolling Stone!

Filed Under (, ) by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the date is on this?

Anonymous said...

Nice!!! Thanks, RS!

Anonymous said...

Queenbert is gonna knock everyones head off! Love Rolling Stone. They always get everything right in ther articles, mentioning Adam's 3rd album, Glee, ect!

Anonymous said...

10:45, all I can read on my smart phone is the secondary title which makes me think this is a current issue: Adam Lambert will join Queen on their upcoming summer tour.

leilani aloha said...

Thanks RS!!!
Great article!!!

Anonymous said...

"I was in Sweden last month working on solo material. I'm actually going back to Sweden soon to continue working on that"

This last trip to Sweden must of been where he mentioned about going back, cuz they write this stuff weeks in advance

Anonymous said...

This Rolling Stone article sounds like the one they had online right after the press conference Adam, Brian and Roger did to announce the tour.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for all your do in keeping us up to date on all things Adam! Really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

I read this, what a great write up. Glad I learned to hit Control key then plus sign to make words larger. I works great. I am not the most computer literate person; so I learning a lot since a became and Adam fan about five years ago when he first auditioned for Idol. Since then, he was the cause of my computer activity more so than ever at home! Thank goodness for Adam Lambert. Also, fans are great too!

Anonymous said...

11:57 AM HERE/ Excuse errors; usually proofread before I post; big mistake not to I see; ha, ha.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Rolling Stone, for using a terrific picture of Adam with Queen. So HOT. Can't wait to read the whole article.

E P I C !

xo laura

Anonymous said...

I agree; that picture is Epic; it would make a great poster!

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks to Rolling Stone. This is great advertisment; and may bring in more Rock fans to the concerts. Couldn't ask for a better word of mouth; so to speak. I bet this concert is going to be fantastic; can't wait!!

Thanks to you Lambertlust for bringing it over!

Anonymous said...


Amen to that statement; I wholeheartly agree with you!!

Anonymous said...

What? Lambertlust didn't post this here, Admin did.

Anonymous said...

10:45, I can see April in the corner.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting article in Rolling Stone; went back and read it again in case I missed something; was reading it so fast at first. Very, very good!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for bringing this to the Administration's attention so that it could be posted. You bring over so many good things for the fans. Keep them comming!!

Anonymous said...

Here is the source of the scan of the Rolling Stone magazine:

Jamie Lambert ‏@cuckooo4adam · 2h
@adamlambert @QueenWillRock delighted to see you guys in the latest rolling stones magazine!!!!❤️

Anonymous said...


This is so great. I just love Adam getting all this attention. He will soon be a household name. Love all the wonderful things coming the beautiful man's way.

Anonymous said...

Why are you people thanking Lambertlust? @cuckooo4adam tweeted it first and everybody else retweeted it. Maybe that is where Admin saw it. But then lambertlust took @cuckooo4adam's pic and is tweeting it without giving credit to the original source.

Lambertlust, you said you put your watermark on your pics because somebody stole your screencap and you didn't like it. You just did the same thing! You stole that pic.

Anonymous said...

Click on under the heading where it says pictures and it takes you to the interview with Andy Greene, there is a date March 6 2014......I don't know if that was when the RS issue came out ..... JAK

Anonymous said...

So Lambertlust stole a photo. Not nice. Hope he apologizes and credits the right person.

Anonymous said...

If stealing became this appreciated then I'm gonna be thief .. 😝

Anonymous said...


Thanks for all the information that you bring to Adam's fans fingertips. I would miss so much if not for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Great article. Glad to see the events getting so much attention. So proud of Adam. So thankful to Roger and Brian for recognize Adam's wonderful talents.

Anonymous said...


Many of us certainly appreciate your dedication for bringing us all things Adam. Don't ever stop!!

Anonymous said...

Lambertlust, stop stealing from other people and tweeting it as your own.

What an attention whore.

Anonymous said...

I also appreciate LambertLust bringing the information that he obtains from around the webb, to bring to Admin's attention, so that it can be relayed to fans. A lot of people are involved in getting all of this to us; and I thank them all very much!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone is a bit peeved at Lambertlust; oh my!

Anonymous said...

You know lambertlust isn't the only source of info out there. Plenty of people retweet info on Adam as it comes out.

Plenty of us bring links here without any thanks. What is up with kissing lambertlust's ass?

Anonymous said...

So ironic that Lambertlust puts his name on things but steals from others.

Anonymous said...

Whoever you are; please don't try and discourage LambertLust from bringing all of this great information about Adam to his fans. I have always heard that Lambertlust is one of Adam's most devoted fans. From what I can see; he just ignores the negative remarks; and continues to bring informations to fans.

I really don't know what is happening all of a sudden; but, I don't think what you are saying is going to change anything. I am just going to enjoy all good things about Adam Lambert no matter who posts it first.

Anonymous said...

@2:58 PM

Why don't you put your name on what you bring; and I am sure you will probably get kissed too. Why so bitter towards Lamberlust? I don't think there is anything stopping others from putting their names on things.

Anonymous said...

I just love the Rolling Stone article; hope this is the first of many more to come! Queen and Adam cover anyone?

glitzylady said...

@Lambertlust is and has been a very active and devoted fan since the beginning.. It's very true that others pass things along on twitter and Facebook, etc., but I suspect Admin has found him to be a reliable source of info and in turn passes things along to us..

glitzylady said...

I strongly believe that we'll be seeing a Rolling Stone cover sometime in the near future with Queen Plus Adam Lambert.

The other day Shoshanna Stone was asked if she knew if there might be a Rolling Stone cover coming up.. and she didn't say yes, didn't say no, but did respond that all things happen at the right time and be patient, or something to that effect..

Don't hold me to it.. but I really think it's going to happen... Iconic and legendary rock band, perhaps their last tour cycle, with this amazing American lead singer.. Sounds good to me!!!

Anonymous said...

Waiting for my copy of Rolling Stone to come in the mail. Great article.

Anonymous said...

I think I will start putting a watermark with my name over Lambertlust's watermark and then I'll tweet that and bring the link here.

Anonymous said...

C'mon just be greatful that we are getting info. Lambertlust is one of the devotees and loyal.

The one who complain a lot is so miserable indeed!!!:)

I bow to all the fans who help and give info. for the rest of us!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Looks like a couple of people aren't amused by Lambertlust.

I don't see why we should just be grateful. That info would have been here regardless. I saw it being retweeted several times. We aren't at the mercy of one person for links.

Anonymous said...

If time permits with work and real life things, I post clickable links about Adam News. But I'm so so thankful that daydreamin, glitzylady, lambertlust and other fabulous fans bring us links and other Adam related news. Love Adam and wonderful dedicated devoted fans.

Anonymous said...

IF ONLY people learn appreciation and gratefulness, this would be a better world.

Anonymous said...

if only people stop stealing other people stuff ..

Anonymous said...

OK guys
don't reply to her/him comments
We know he/she loves Adam and Lamberlust too!
She/he is here 24/7

Anonymous said...

@10:53pm the original person who scanned this article stole it first. She could simply tweet that she got RS magazine with a full page article about QAL. But she shared the whole scanned article. Same goes for ripping official videos and music. It's internet and it happens all the time. Don't use one fan as a punch bag.

Anonymous said...


Lying and twisting Adam's news is worst than stealing...