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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, March 13, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, March 13, 2014


Anonymous said...

Already got my tickets. But I will help tweet out for people to buy then a bunch. Hoping for every show to sell out! 👍

Anonymous said...

Good luck to those buying regular tickets tomorrow! Hope great seats come up for you!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there are people going to all 19 concerts.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to three of them. One is in my hometown and two others are only couple of hours drive from my hometown. Staying at my aunt's for the last two.

Anonymous said...

I know of some people that went to 40+ concerts during the Glam Nation Tour. It would not surprised me if some Glamberts are going to all 19.

Anonymous said...

Dayum if I could afford it I would deff be going to five of them, one will have to do. Ok buying public do your thing and buy up these wonderful tickets for a great show.

Anonymous said...

Fools and their money are always parted.

Anonymous said...

11:41 YOLO

Anonymous said...

Already bought 8 tickets for family to see Queenbert in Toronto and New York. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


The ones who take it out their butt and put it in their mouth are called stingy cheap. As the saying goes in my culture, people should stay away from two kinds people; those who are stingy cheap and those who are doubters/suspicious.

As the above poster said you live only once enjoy while you can.

Anonymous said...

I work . . . I don't drink or smoke or take vacations!

I'm not "fool"ing!

I parted with that money!

this is going to be iconic!

Anonymous said...

1:11 am. - WHAT? Your culture apparently has no culture.
Vulgarity is no substitute for wit!

Anonymous said...

according to your language , i think you came from a cave or under rock or something ,how about you crawl back there until you learn how to talk in decent way .

Anonymous said...

What culture is that .... YUK!

Anonymous said...

Lets ignore fans, lest another thread be hijacked by a sh*t-stirrer. (funny, been thinking how some of these "instigators" are not trolls at all, I believe that trolls, oddly enough, often truly sincerely believe in their vitriol, and at least they usually stick their positions. I feel that we are more often dealing here with a sh*t-stirrer causing havoc for the fun of it. And off way to spend one's free time if you ask me, but to each his own and all that. Let's ignore and enjoy the best parts of these 24/7 comments sections I say).

Anyway, I wanted to say to March 14, 2014 at 4:06 AM, that I am going to two shows. I don't have particularly good seats for either, but wanted to stick to a budget. But I wanted to say to you that I aslo do not eat our at restaurants much, I do not drink, I do not smoke, I put my family first 99.9% of the time... I have absolutely no guilt about spending some money to go to a few concerts. I do see where some people go against what is perhaps the best choices for their financial picture to attend Adam concerts, but that is none of my business! And the same could be said of a lot of areas of life. I personally can NOT believe what my friends spend out at the movies (a terrible scenario there, but a topic not for this fansite :)) and I opt out of that, because I can see the movies later, and more cheaply. I am not going to be able to see Queenbert "later"... I actually do not like that YOLO expression, I think if oftentimes rationalizes away good decision making... but every once in a while, it does indeed apply. Anyway, blah blah blah, I'm sure I'll get attacked for boring you all to tears, hopefully everyone's scroll works ;), I just wanted to say I like that post at March 14, 2014 at 4:06 AM
and think it rings true.

Anonymous said...

6:12 here. Sorry for the run on sentences and bad grammar etc. I am rushing out the door to work. :)

Anonymous said...

11:41 PM & 12:38 AM

So are fools and their envious thoughts and negative opinions!

Can I get a ditto to that??

Anonymous said...

Ditto @7:11am

Anonymous said...


Thanks for keeping us posting. Love to hear that people are buying so many tickets. This is going to be so exciting. I hope that every concert is a sell out.

Love to hear about all the tickets being sold. I hope we can keep the buzz going until the very last day. I know that Adam would love this. He seems to be doing his best to assist in spearding the word!!

Anonymous said...

@3/14 1:11

Your comment was easily understood, don't listen, and quite frankly, a valid and reasonable thought process.

Hope everyone looking for tickets today has great luck. I am on computer because I was going to try for better tickets than I already had for a show, but I'm just going to let it go. My current tix put me in the arena, I'm fine with that and need to move on to a busy day. But I LOVE hearing all the good news from everyone else. Exciting times! :)

Anonymous said...

Wish I could go to all of them. Will have to settle for one. But, happy for everyone who is going to as many as possible. So cute when Adam said in an interview "oh, the Glamberts will be there". Yes we will Adam darling, in groves!!!

Anonymous said...

'Ignore' haters and shit stirrers. If not fed, haters and shit stirrers go elsewhere to find food.

Anonymous said...

I just love that Adam Lambert has been in the media eye almost constantly for the last 5 years and shows no signs of slowing down! Can't wait for my Queen + Adam Lambert show.

Anonymous said...

@7:17 #1
IKR, that was funny when Adam made that comment, I howled out loud!

@7:17 #2
Right on!

Anonymous said...

7:11 AM

Anonymous said...

@7:21 AM

I know, I cracked up too. Isn't it wonderful that he just feels we always has his back. That must be a really good feeling for him.

I hope he picks up a lot of more fans from this. I really hope that when he gets back to state side; that he will be able to go on every talk show known to man!!
The day and evening ones; there are so many now. This would be for advertising the Queen and Adam Concert.

Then when his album comes out, they will be familiar with him and he can come on again!! Wouldn't that be great?

Anonymous said...

I too hope he gets some crossover buzz from Queenbert for his 3rd album. Cross Promo is absolutely positively the name of the game nowadays, integral to how every artist does business, plain and simple. But for now, Queen + AML is enough for me, and I'm hoping ticket sales go well. Looking forward to Adam's April Glee appearance as well.

Anonymous said...


Ditto. A thousands times Ditto.

(gosh, it must take so much ugly energy to be tasked with the chore of stirring the sh*t pot aggressively) Oh well.

Sorta loving that I keep getting locked out for tickets for General Sale for Conneticut... hopefully that signifies great demand. I read it was Brian's birthday that date, cool.

Anonymous said...

@7.11am .... hit a raw nerve, huh. lol

Anonymous said...

@8:14 AM


Regarding ticket sales in Conneticut; doest this mean that they are all sold out and you won't be able to get tickets at that site if you wish to buy?

Anonymous said...

@8:18 AM

You are so funny!

Anonymous said...


No :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

6:12 am, glitzylady writes even longer posts and people love it so don't worry.