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Sexy Picture From Last Night's Episode of GLEE

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

ha ha, they always manage to get Adam up on something off the ground. Good thing he stays limber. Will he be on next week?

Magiclady said...

Love this and loved him up on the table last week! He really has some sexy moves...

Anonymous said...

Lea and Adam rocked on that song, very sexy together.

Anonymous said...

@GMA: Tomorrow, @adamlambert has a big (and we mean BIG) announcement to make--you really don't want to miss this! #AdamOnGMA

Anonymous said...

Remember when he said the same thing in 2012 and turn out it's just the Diva thing . :(
I hope I didn't feel the same way tomorrow .

Anonymous said...

What?? I thought the diva thing was pretty big and it was his duty to promote it. The big thing tomorrow is going to be the shows with Queen.

Anonymous said...

This tweet from GMA:

Good Morning America ‏@gma

Tomorrow, @adamlambert has a big (and we mean BIG) announcement to make--you really don't want to miss this! #AdamOnGMA

Anonymous said...

VH1 Divas was a big thing cuz Adam stood out as il Divo and he proved himself as a natural-born comedian. He's got "it" and that's when the rest of his peacock feathers showed.

Anonymous said...

I can not wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I too say the VH1 Diva gig was

Anonymous said...

Maybe a record deal and announce the name of the album and the date of the new single
Less than that I'll be crushed ;_;

Anonymous said...

Well we know its to announce the queen tour and then they will do more interviews all day. Good to get a nice big bunch of press to kick off ticket sales

Anonymous said...

The Diva show was a big gig for Adam. That show was packed with top-level singers and he was right there with them, leading the way. It was major.

I think the main announcement tomorrow will be about the Queen tour. Queen is a world-known band and lots of people nation-wide will be interested. So glad he's getting the chance to be on GMA to talk about it. If there is more to it than that (ie. Adam's own music, new album, or something else that just applies to him), I will be surprised and thrilled. If it's the Queen news, that definitely will be enough for me. That's major in and of itself.


Anonymous said...

11:55 am, it is almost certainly going to be about the Queen tour. It looks like a day of Queen + Adam Lambert promo. If you are crushed you have no one but yourself to blame. We know new music is being worked on. Be a patient glamhopper waiting for that and don't ruin the enjoyment of the Queen announcement.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with what @DRG said. Tons of worldwide press tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Everything that has been happening, RPDR, Glee, Queen, will all just add to the visibility Adam will have when his new music comes out. I wouldn't be surprised if all these things are laid out first and then a new album announcement is made to benefit from all the other existing promo.

Anonymous said...

Diva was really big -how many other celebrities host major TV events (besides Seacrest)

Adamluv said...

Didnt watch any video here about Glee since wanted to wait to see Adam first on TV, and it was worth the wait. Loved all his scenes and songs, with Barracuda and Gloria being my 2 favorites. His voice and looks were super hot. Cant wait until tomorrow! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

It is going to be the Queen tour. ( no doubt in my mind) They may also announce about the new Queen album and hopefully Adam singing some songs on it. I really just want to hear they are doing a concert in Texas!!!! Texbert

Anonymous said...

@12:38 I agree with you. The announcement about Queen is going to be huge. I mean just think Adam lead singer for Queen on a large N. American tour. We could only have dreamed of this a few years back,now it's going to happen. I feel that so many other dreams and wishes will also come true for Adam in the future!

Anonymous said...

Very likely his last tour so enjoy it glam hoppers!!!

Anonymous said...

1:09, it is likely Brian May's last tour, bad knee and all, so I will enjoy it.

Jadam NZ said...

Anon 1.09, for goodness sake give us a break. Let us enjoy this whatever it may be.
I have loved the snippets of Glee on here, as I have to wait a few weeks to see it on my TV. So much appreciated. Adam is very natural and always a pleasure to watch and listen to. (That sounds very understated, but you all know what I mean)
Yes the Queen Gig is huge, I hope a lot of you get to enjoy it over in the US.

Anonymous said...

@12:47 Those were my two favorite songs too. In Barracuda Adam was so hot and sexy,a rock God,then in Gloria he was still hot but all sweet and adorable in that hat. Such a chameleon!That's why we love him so much,he is never boring!

Vicki in Ohio said...

The Queen + Adam tour is such exciting news, I just wish the news had't leaked ahead of time. So thankful for Brian and Rogers love and respect for Adam. So many great things happening for Adam this year,just like he told us. Fantastic job on Glee Adam! You are one in a billion! You deserve all of this and much much more.

Anonymous said...

@March 5, 2014 at 12:38 PM is correct I'd guess. Most current artists' promo is laid out and piggy backed on other pr opportunities and events and products, etc. I would venture to guess a release date for Adam's solo endeavor is specifically planned for AFTER Queenbert and the resulting buzz. BTW, I haven't been able to read through comments sections much (probably not a big loss there :)) but I just want to say that it is AWESOME the nod Adam got from Pharrell in that initial article & the subsequent articles/blogs that picked up on it! Absolutely stellar, and meaningful, mention and nod to adam... especially because it just wasn't a praising of his voice, but sort of his artistic and musical vision!!! So good. Thanks Pharrell.

Anne Marie said...

The only thing bigger than Queen announcing the tour info, would be if they were going to make an album with Adam, and take that on tour, after it was released. They did talk about the tour being later this summer. Adam could sing some of the songs we are not quite so familiar with. Is that too big ?

Anonymous said...

Adam is on GMA for big announcement. I think it is his new label and the release date of his new album. Roger and Bri are announcing something else at MSG. Can I get an Amen?

Anonymous said...

So sexy to see Adam leaning on that wall while singing. Very sensual. He's a master at that. I remember that outdoor show where he slithered himself down a stack of speakers on the stage while singing. I almost fainted.


Anonymous said...

@2:03 PM Sorry, I don't see Adam talking about anything else the day Queen announces a tour including him.

Anonymous said...

2 03

Adams personal career news is not big news to be announced on a major tv show. Surely you can see that.

Anonymous said...

I'm still hoping John Deacon will join them. That would make it bigger.

Anonymous said...

Sexist man alive. Does anyone have the link to his scenes on Glee last night? I mean all of his scenes in one link. Thx.

Anonymous said...

Avicii has posted a remix of lay Me Down on twitter. Can someone bring it over here. My twitter is messing up. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I expect brian and roger to be at gma. they are just not announcing it because its supposed to be a surprise.

Hopefully they will play some clips from the shows they have already done like the huge crowd in Kiev. And also reminding people of Adams voice singing queen.

Aso hope they get some new portraits taken of adam, Brian and roger together.

Anonymous said...

The press conference is for 10:30am ET. Won't GMA be done by then? That means Adam will announce before Queen.

Anonymous said...

2:12, here is a great quality vid of the scenes with Adam.

Please give all the official vids some views too. They are posted on this site .

Anonymous said...

2:17, I am guessing that on GMA Adam will be promoting the press conference and will just give hints about big exciting news to make more people aware of the announcement to come.

Anonymous said...

I dont wanna get overly excited and get my expectations too HIGH!
Whatever comes tomorrow, i'm sure its great news and i will certainly celebrate it.
#end of story.
Ps; where is Glitzzylady, its been a while..hope she is good.
South Africa loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Looks like there will be lots of coverage of the announcement.

Brad Bessey @BradBessey
Program note: @adamlambert makes a big announcement tomorrow. @TheInsider will be with him, FYI my #glambert friends. #Insider

The Insider @TheInsider
@TheRealDuckBert @BradBessey @O_Jaqui @adamlambert we will have you covered tomorrow #Promise #Insider for #Glamberts

Anonymous said...

2 21
Well no, that would be dumb. There are a few million people watching gma and he wants to get the word out about tour tickets being on sale. That's the whole point. The press conference is to answer questions from music media and provide all the details.

Anonymous said...

2 17
Oh lol, just wait and see. Adam and queen will be announcing it together on GMA.

Anonymous said...

2:36, if you are wrong and Adam does not give any specifics you should come back here and type us a huge apology for your constant condescending attitude and admit you were wrong. You'll never do it though.

Anonymous said...

I'll say it's about Queen + Adam Lambert concerts in No. America. I got to know more about Queen and their music because of Adam. I can't wait until tomorrow. It will be media frenzy tomorrow. I think it's all GREAT news for Adam. Love him so much and so proud of what he has achieved thus far for the past five years that I and millions of others around the globe became fans of his. Hooray for our Rock Star, Adam Mitchel Lambert. LOVE!

Anonymous said...

@2:36 It's not necessary to be rude. You know it reflects on you more than the person your insulting.

Anonymous said...

I think it's about the Queen tour which is wonderful news for me. If it's about anything more than that I'll be thrilled for Adam. He certainly deserves all good opportunities that may come his way.


Anonymous said...

That Avicii remix sucks. They speed Adam's voice up and it doesn't sound like Adam at all. Sounds like a woman.

Anonymous said...

Oh my my!!! Hot Hot Hot!! Going back to take another looooong look at the perfection that is Adam!!

Anonymous said...

We all know Adam would never say anything about what B and R are going to say. He's very aware of who they are and respects them too much to take the wind out of their sails. They announced a press conference at 10:30 at MSG and Adam will be on GMA hours before that. I just can't see him stepping on their toes and saying anything about a tour with them. He doesn't do things like that.

Anonymous said...

@2:42pm. Normal human being will do that.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow the media will blow up. Starting with GMA, then MSG, them SiriusXM radio which also will broadcast its program until Sunday. Insider and bunch of other TV Entertainment programs will talk about it. It will be a worldwide news. Magazine, newspapers, TVs, radios, internet news media, blogs, etc. etc. WITH ADAM'S NAME MENTIONED ALL OVER THE GLOBE.


Anonymous said...

4:22, Adam wouldn't do that.... unless it is all part of the promo plan with Brian and Roger. Maybe they want Adam on GMA announcing their press conference. We will soon see.

Anne Marie said...

I mentioned , what if Queen made an album with Adam. Why would that just be talking about Adams personal career. It would be Queen and Adams career. I think you misunderstood what I said. I did not say anything about Adams album. I said an album with Queen. If they are going to sing songs we are not familiar with, that would be the answer, then when we go to see the concerts, we would know the songs. It was just a thought. You are probably right, the big announcement is going to be that they are touring US and Canada. I had heard there would be 16 concerts. Might be they already know the venues, and dates.

Anonymous said...

Only three comments regarding this fantastic SEXY pic of Elliott singing his heart out! UNF!!!

The rest, ~50 comments, the usual guessing game, fighting over SPECULATIONS and letting one evil Adam basher string you lot! None of you KNOW anything for sure, so what's the point of this bickerin contest?

Anne Marie said...

I wasn't bickering, just responding to 2:09 & 2:10. Still hoping the news is more than what we already know. :)

Anonymous said...

ok, #4 comment on the (sexy) picture.What's so sexy about it? It's just another nice picture of Adam.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is yawning, lol

Anonymous said...

7:48 PM
My thoughts too .... Adam looks like he's yawning and that's not meant unkindly.

Magiclady said...

anon 7:47
Are you really lookin at the whole pic??

Anonymous said...

yes, looked over the whole picture. He is dressed OK. Just a little casual, which I like. I am not looking at him, trying to undress him. I respect him, it is a nice decent picture. If you see more, there is something wrong with you. That is one of his least sexy poses.

Anonymous said...

Lea managed to be sexy with her leg moves on Barracuda not to be upstaged.
That was a fabulous rock duet.

Anonymous said...

@9:40 Sexy is in the eye of the beholder. And this beholder thinks this pic is extremely sexy. Respect and sexual attraction don't have to be mutually exclusive.

Anonymous said...

Nor does respect, humour and attraction...
From this angle it looks like Rachel is looking at something sexy...