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So Pretty!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 29, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, March 29, 2014


Anonymous said...

Adam I would love to meat you someday. You are one of the nicest people. Glambert forever.
I would love to go to the big concert coming up but not in my area.

Anonymous said...

Yes!!!:) That face kills!!!:)


Anonymous said...

Meant meet, from the post above.

Anonymous said...

His eyes are mesmerizing!

Anonymous said...

The silly news story of Korean leader Kim Jon Un requiring all North Korean men to copy his haircut
amused me. Whether there is any truth in it or not.....American men have already adopted the shaved back and sides look......JAK

It does help that Adam is "So Pretty" :-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my, oh my, OH my!!!

How can he be such a badass rock god and gorgeously & innocently (!) mesmerizing at the same time?!?!?!?!

The reasons I admire him are many... too long a list to start now... Of course it's his voice/singing & performing skills, but also about so much else inexplicable... so many 'things' that I have never felt before when admiring someone from far... A feel good thing, soooo much more....

leilani aloha said...

Amazing Voice + Beautiful Eyes = Adam Lambert :)
Like! Like! Like!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Adam radiates friendliness and charm.....
I believe most of us (forgive me for speaking generally)
recognized those qualities at the first sight of him, his short exchange of conversation at his Idol audition.
I know I agreed with Randy "I like this guy."

Gabi said...

His latest looks are as striking and electrifying as his voice. Can barely take it anymore!

Anonymous said...

The secret of Adam's charisma, IMO, is that he is totally focused outward on those he is talking to. "He makes you feel special" was one comment; only possible if you forget yourself. Adam's smile and warmth (he hugs with his eyes)are so infectious that even his pictures transmit his magic.

Anonymous said...

I like the words handsome, gorgeous and sexy to describe Adam better than pretty. That face just makes me smile and the overall look is mesmerizing. Add in the superb vocal talent, an amazing stage presence and you have it all.

Anonymous said...

Gabi, I know what you mean. Sometimes his looks and charisma are so over-powering, that I wonder how I can keep breathing!


Anonymous said...

10:02 you said it perfectly.

Anonymous said...

This pic makes me want to make out with him in the worst way. ;)

Anonymous said...

Prince Charming came to life in the form of Adam! His beauty is stunning, his speech, his style, his singing, acting, laugh, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

I almost fell off the chair when I saw this closeup picture of Adam. I would probably faint if I ever would get that close to him somewhere. Or be so tongue tied that I couldn't even say something sensible to him. It's amazing what this man does to so many of us, isn't it?

Vicki in Ohio said...

@3:49 I'm right there with you! I would probably make a fool of myself. He gets more gorgeous every day if that's possible.

Anonymous said...

...and just like Prince Charming, Adam is completely unobtainable! Sorry girls!

Anonymous said...

Adam isn't pretty. He's DROP DEAD HANDSOME, GORGEOUS & SEXY!!

Anonymous said...

Resistance is futile.

Anonymous said...

Good one: resistance is futile

ICU2;~}INVU4URAQT said...

Well damn it! Now how am I going to decide which picture to use as my wallpaper, pretty or handsome. Such a dilemma this puts me in. Guess I'll just have to make one my desk top and one my wallpaper. Really, so how does one make such a decision to put which one where? I want it all ;~}

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful pic of ADAM - and the thread ends with a Tommy pitch?!
Love your EYES, ADAM !!!