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WoW! Adam you should definitely become a voice teacher!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'm a constant hummer and it's never helped my singing voice! Obviously I'm doing it wrong.......:-)....JAK

Anonymous said...

I think some of the stuff Adam does with his voice can't be taught. It just IS!

Anonymous said...

He makes a brrr sound with his lips, and goes up and down the scale. I have heard him, one time back stage before a show.

Anonymous said...

he is so cute!

Anonymous said...

The actual video of this would be more interesting than screencaps. Is that supposed to be um instead of hum? Or was he making the sound?

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing him do it, it was also looked like it would tickle your seemed sort of like a motorboat sound .....JAK

Anonymous said...

I don't think Adam should be a voice teacher. First he would have to have the right credentials, which probably means some college. He would get bored too easily. Second he lives to sing, not to teach. Thirdly there is no money in teaching. You just keep singing Adam, with some acting thrown in for fun.

Anonymous said...

I heard him to some of these exercises once, too. He made one of those motorboat noises with his lips along with some other exercises. It was very cute. Whatever he does for warm-ups, it sure works!


Anonymous said...

I kind of doubt Adam has any dreams if being a voice teacher. I believe his career had gone far beyond that. He loves singing , acting but singing always first love I believe.

Anonymous said...

He is so gorgeous sexy hot!

Anonymous said...

@DRG, agree, he sure is warming me up, too...he hee!

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to take care of his instrument - which is his throat - as he has said in the past.

Anonymous said...

I like these black/white pictures of Adam. His black/white photos are exacting, partly due to the absence of details; which while enhancing the photo can also dilute the impact of Adam's inner expression.
Yea Adam sure knows a thing or two about voice; things that may not be found in print, because his knowledge of voice techniques are based on trial and error, first hand; some of which, found in texts though.
Angelina Kalahari is one virtuoso on the subject of singing/voice/breathing. Not only is she a world renowned soprano, she writes about singing/voice/breathing in clear, great details. In fact she actually surprised me about the fact that breathing in singing is in fact just as if not more important than singing itself.
Adam will definitely be an enlightenment on this subject as well! Perhaps in his later years, Adam should write a book entitled simply...How To Sing Like Lambert!...His second book, How To Wail...His third book, How To Rock Scream...and so on. Then he can open a company dealing in anything and everything about singing including the theartric aspects as well as the multi-genre concept. Mmm...will I still be around to follow through with that. lwl!


Anonymous said...

How would anyone be able to focus and concentrate if Adam were a voice teacher?? Could you imagine him in a classroom teaching music a la Mr. Shu on Glee? I don't think so but it's fun just to wonder about it.

Anonymous said...

Watched Idol again tonight and even though some of the performances have gotten better, there is still no one who compares to Adam during season 8. That special indefinable IT factor is lacking in some of the contestants because they are young and just don't have the background or experience on stage. Could you image Adam as a voice teacher on the show? I know he did some mentoring at the beginning of the shows and gave helpful advice to those he worked with, but I often wonder what kind of judge he would have been on the panel, perhaps instead of Harry. But that time has passed and Adam is on to performing with Queen and working on his third album. I heard WWFM on the radio this Saturday and it seems like such a long time ago, but I do still like that song. Now it's time for new music and a new direction or fcus on this next album that will make everyone take notice of Adam Lambert and his amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

I'm hooked on Adam's voice; perhaps there's more to it than the fact it's beautiful and powerful. Scientists say, voice reaches a deep recess of the subconscious. Perhaps that explains why such huge crowds flock to hear Adam's impeccable singing; help us connect to our subconscious which I think it's a very intense thing; the deeper the access, the more intense we feel.


Anonymous said...

It only means sense of hearing still functions into the subconscious of a comatose being.

Anonymous said...

Sexier by the minute! My god!!!

leilani aloha said...

I remember China or Hong kong did a wonderful write up on Adam's AMAZING voice when he's over there for Asia Music Awards.
The experts there sure recognized Adam's talents & unique sounds!!! Like us Glamberts :):):)

Anonymous said...

There's definitely intensity in Adam's singing that just grabs you, and there's a lot more to it than his multi octave vocal range and his masterful fine tuning. Adam connects with his songs emotionally, and he completely loses himself and makes us feel. A true gift.

Anonymous said...

Once he opens his mouth and say something or sing, I always tell to my family around me to be SILENT he!he!


Anonymous said...

24/7 Admin. Check out this picture of Adam:

New featured picture maybe!?

Anonymous said...

Check out picture and videos of Adam in this Hungarian article:

Anonymous said...

Adam looks handsome in this black/white picture:

Anonymous said...

Adam don't become a voice teacher. Remember the old saying:

Those that can, do.
Those that can't, teach.

Just continue doing, bb.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm not too flattering for teachers.

Anonymous said...

As a retired high school teacher, the saying should read:"Those who care, TEACH". If Adam were a voice teacher, I don't know how anyone could concentrate on lessons and look at him at the same time while he is going through the different lessons and practice.