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5 Eras

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 4, 2014

Posted at : Friday, April 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

Love that third look from when he attended the Grammys for his nomination. It's one of my favorite of his looks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam's 5 eras that I've followed through. By the way, because of him, 200+ Adam poems have oozed out of my brain; they must have been dying to come out. lol! I wonder how long they have been lying dormant. I'm glad they came marching out like there's no tomorrow; which is fairly accurate to state as we really don't know! Now I have some idea why little children love Adam's singing. I think they can feel his voice lurking in their brains trying to dig something out. lol!


Anonymous said...

Eras #1 and #3 are my faves. :)

Anonymous said...

I adore all 5. Great choice of pics!

Anonymous said...

Adam's ongoing evolution is fascinating to watch!

Anonymous said...

The last 3 just keep getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

Era 3,4 and 5 are my favorite looks


Anonymous said...

Can't pick a favorite; all so gorgeous. Ever changing and a look for everyone to admire. So beautiful in body, mind and soul. Such a loving and kind spirit with a generous heart; that is Adam Lambert to me!

Anonymous said...

Adam is like magic
A wonder to behold
I hope that he is in my life
'til I am very old!

Anonymous said...

This is fun; now I am in the mood to do an Adam verse:

Not much of a poet
And I know it
But I can honestly say
Without delay
If truth be told
I love this man
Body Mind and Soul!

Anonymous said...

I love them all, but the most era #3!

I hope you have saved every poems of you. It would be awesome collection of Glampoems! During upcoming years the value would be higher and higher..

Happy weekend to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hi M!
Good to hear from you! You are pretty entrepreneurial. Thanks for the tip and appreciation. lwl!


Anonymous said...

Love all the talented people posting. Fun thread; cute verses. Appreciate them all. Very interesting. Carry on!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely gorgeous in all of the posted pictures. Can't pick just one!

Anonymous said...

That silver hair gives me a thrill
Makes me squirm a little can't sit still
It's as if he were from another race
Visiting our planet from outer space
Laser blue eyes with power to pierce
He's surely come to us from Planet Fierce
Since he arrived it's affected my heart
I think I've been shot by Cupid's dart
Young and old male or female aren't immune
Our hearts and minds are in perfect tune
If he's a spirit, not real at all I must confess
Just please let him stay I couldn't care less
Don't take my hobby my fantasy away
He helps me make it thru each long day.
............... ;-)

Anonymous said...

@4:03 AM

Well said!

Anonymous said...

@JAK is that you at 4:03? ;)

Enjoying all the funny poems! I adore all five pics, but maybe the last pic should've been one where he's giving the camera bedroom eyes like in the first four to stay with that "theme". Lol

Anonymous said...

hmmmm #1#2#3 not into the current look/too something wrong but it what it is. still a fan no matter.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is a chameleon, changing his looks whenever the mood stikes him. I like #3 and #5 the best. He is fascinating to watch and I think he looks better now because of a certain maturity I see in his appearance and style. It will be interesting to see what the latest look will be for the Queenbert concert tours.

Anonymous said...

Most guys pick a look and stick with it. Adam is always changing and evolving, and it makes him so exciting to watch. Each of his looks is its own work of art.


Anonymous said...

Adam is a work of art
he has certainly
this old heart!

Anonymous said...

I bet if I looked up, "Handsome" in
the dictionary; Adam Lambert would
be the definition!!!

All the pictures are just so beautiful to me! Find it hard to pick one; each a moment in time.

Anonymous said...

What about the era where Adam whores around with tons of guys? Oh wait that's every era, never mind.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a handsome young man. I love them all. I have picture 3 on my desk. I have to glance over at the picture all the time. You can't keep your eyes off of him.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert at 7:44 AM.

Anonymous said...

5:04 AM - yes, that's JAK at 4:03 AM. Her poems are unmistakeable . Besides she gave herself away. - she refers to Adam as her "hobby", which she has done many times, and she always shortens through to "thru".
Hi - JAK don't stay away long, rest up quickly. Nice poem!

Anonymous said...

Adam is so beautiful,
He sometimes makes trolls squirm,
But because he does not judge or condemn,
He still has love for lost souls.

Anonymous said...

That's not a troll, it's just the resident bitterbert, the one Adam has not payed any attention to...and he can't get over him!

Anonymous said...

Unpopular opinion but I didn't like the Grammy look on the 3rd pic. I like the silver hair and his latest look.

Anonymous said...

8:20. Agree very frustrated person. So sad

Anonymous said...

Adam has paid too much attention to Tommyberts in the past, imo.

Anonymous said...

I mean they got the attention from Adam and Tommy and they want more.

Anonymous said...

After the Grammy's, I remember reports from the press that there were whisperings on the Red Carpet "Adam's here" and "OMG, look at Adam Lambert". People were absolutely starstruck at how gorgeous he looked. Perfection in my book.

I'll always have a great fondness for "blond Adam". So striking with his dark brows and smouldering good looks.

Aww, heck, Adam has been unbelievably pretty at every stage.

xo laura

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Bitterberts!

Anonymous said...

1st era was pretty foxy. The new era shows a strong vocal maturity and should be the era of great music.

Anonymous said...

\o/ POEMS R US !

Anonymous said...

4:31 or it could be:


Anonymous said...

Be not afraid of poems
They are just another way
Of expressing thoughts and words
What I like about poems is
They can be interpreted in varied ways
Depending on how you are swayed
Just like the wind that blows
Some say this way and some say that
Well I say, it's where you face lol!
Never thought much about poems in my younger days
They sound stoic and a little vague lol!
Like I said, Adam turned on the tap
And poems started flowing drip drap drip...sometimes splash! lol!


Anonymous said...

5 Eras of the most noble, gentle and talented, Knight of the Knights! HH

Anonymous said...

For HH...

Knight of the Knights
He slays the nights
With his invisible sword
He wields it right into the heart
And you are stuck!
And that's why my version is Knight of the Night lol!


Anonymous said...

Lam-my. The Knight of the Night takes his beautiful poem as an offering and part flying toward the starry heavens! HH

Anonymous said...

You are getting super poetic! flying toward the starry heavens! Very nice!
