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New Old Pics

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 4, 2014

Posted at : Friday, April 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

That's a famous gay porn star

Anonymous said...

@10:58 PM
Which one?

I see Adam was a bit drunk (the second photo). But looks so, so, so hot.

Anonymous said...

11:11, so you can tell that from a fuzzy out of focus photo?

Anonymous said...

Not familiar with porn stars; but, apparently Adam knows famous people from many parts of the music and movie industry. In some movies now a days, almost hard to tell the difference between porn and regular movies. Different strokes for different folks, in the way they make their living.

The wonderful thing about Adam, is that he is not a hypocrite and does not seem to judge people by their professional life.

Anonymous said...

@12:02 AM

I know, right? He does not look drunk to me! He sure looks good though; and looks like he is having fun having his picture taken!

Anonymous said...

12:02 AM and 12:17 AM

Come one! Look at his eyes! I've met quite a many drunk people in my life and eyes show the condition very soon. Even on this fuzzy photo. And he has a drink on his hand; it's not just to look at. He does drink. That is not a secret. And it's nothing wrong in it. He is a grown man and knows what to do. This might be from NYC when he was celebrating his BD after his split. And this is just my opinion: I think he LOOKS a bit drunk. Take it or leave it. It's his life.

Anonymous said...

You can drink and not be a little drunk. The very fact that a person has a drink; it will probably have some effect. But, to say they are drunk; or a little drunk. Is a judgment on another person's part. Looking at a picture is hardly a way to tell. I will have to leave it; very unclear!

Why would someone mention it, if it does not matter? Adam is a grown man; and every picture of him partying are holding a glass with something in it; should not be a subject of the state of mind or condition that he may be in, not our business!!

Anonymous said...

If he's drunk in every picture with his tongue hanging out then he's an alcoholic! I think he just has a very hot tongue that needs cooling frequently. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Instagram Adam Lambert pornphoto of Adam and Tommy, too much to me.

Anonymous said...

Okay! I give up! He is sober! He looks sober. And by the way, I did not even notice Adam's tongue, but his eyes. The other guy's tongue is hanging much more. ;)

Anonymous said...

@3:58 AM
There are lots of them going around in Twitter. Adommy -fans love to photoshop Adam and Tommy having sex. I don't get it. I wonder if Tommy likes it? Adam probably does not care. He is not too thin-skinned.

Anonymous said...

4:01. Of course it is.....he's looking at Adam! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like the guy in the first pic has his Trespassing CD booklet for Adam to sign.

Anonymous said...

Hate tongue pics . . don't care what star does them . . I don't get it . .UGH

Anonymous said...

Another thread gone south.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it. How does every thread, no matter the subject, turn to something sexual? Are there just so many posters that get their jollies by talking about it? I must be super old fashion. Moving on.


Anonymous said...

7:25, you aren't the only one. Between the sexually obsessed and the shit stirrers we don't stand a chance.

Anonymous said...

The pics are just showing
#1 Adam with a good/daylight fan...
#2 Adam with not so good/night time fan...

All the rest is just your speculations and

Anonymous said...

Trash leaves trash.

Anonymous said...

The second guy is Max Ryder a well known porn star. he tweeted that adam approached him at the club so I guess adam is a big fan. Adam also started following him on twitter. Max has a series of porn called cockyboys that he does with a guy named Tommy Defendi, a cute dark haired guy. The funny thing was sauli started following tommy defendi on twitter right after adam followed max Ryder. I guess cockyboys had a lot of play in the lambert home. Haha

Anonymous said...

@8:33 Thanks for the info. I guess a lot of people watch porn.

Anonymous said...

Love this collage of recent pictures of Adam:

Giusy Dellarocca ‏@dellaroccagiusy
@adamlambert #adamlambert #mycollage #myedit ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Some one is always saying Adam approaches them; when it is probably usually the other way around. Why would a person say that a person appoaches them; what difference would it make. Unless I heard it with my own ears from Adam's mouth, won't believe it!

I would consider the source of the person posting the information on this site and their motivations.

Just look at their language @8:33am & @8:36am, possibly agreeing with he or she's own post.

Does not sound very respectful of Adam; therefore, don't believe he or she is a fan. More like a trouble maker! Story does not pass the truth test.

Anonymous said...

Because I'm going to take some porn stars word for it about who wanted the pic. Right.

Anonymous said...

9 25
Omg you are so nuts.

Anonymous said...

Lmao at you crazy people who can't accept simple facts about adam. Everybody is lying about your fantasy boyfriend.. Did the guy force adam to follow him on twitter too? I doubt max even knew who adam was

Anonymous said...

@9:25 I am @8:36, but not @8:33. I meant it is not that uncommon for people to watch porn sometimes. In other words no big deal.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as Max posted the pic it seems obvious he was the fan wanting a pic with Adam not the other way around.

Anonymous said...

@7:25 AM & @7:50 AM

Only one person on here trying to ruin the thread; don't let he or she chase you away; this is Adam Lambert's blog site.

Just ignore if you can; he or she will drift away eventually. I think they feed on attention; whether good or bad. They will eventually put their porn "Thesaurus" away and move on. Worked in other threads!

Anonymous said...


And you are sane? If so, I would rather be the poster @9:25am. It's evident that he or she got your number! You sound like the nut to me!

I think it was a great post; just hope you got the message and will move on down the road.

Anonymous said...

@8:31 AM

Ha, ha, good one; and so true!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is not Max Ryder! I looked up the source of the pic and it is from this guy's Facebook! His name is George Alvin.

Anonymous said...

So some trashy troll tried to get us to believe it's a porn star and its just some random fan guy. Really sad.

Anonymous said...

I posted earlier a comment where I expected that the second pic is from NYC when Adam celebrated his BD in February after he had split Sauli. So, I remembered right. There were those tweets about him making out with these Oly and Cody. This guy was their friend?

I thought someone meant the guy in the first photo was the porn star, haha. Confusion.

But Adam did really meet some porn stars on the plane when he travelled to that Ball (what was it?) in Vienna (?). I remember that talk. I don't remember the followings (and A & S had definitely been broken up for months then).

Anonymous said...

Just some random guy and the two college boys admitted they were trolling Adam fans for the laughs.

As for the plane to Life Ball it was full of singers, celebrities, drag queens, a porn star or two, rich donators, reporters and a bunch of Jewish kids on a trip to Israel with a layover in Vienna.

Anonymous said...

10:39 was meant for 10:30

Anonymous said...

10 39
Uh no, the guys said adam was making out with them and never said anything about trolling fans. You really think some 19 year old guys out at a bar have any thoughta about trolling a bunch of old ladies. Once again you can't accept simple facts and have to make up stories to keep your fantasys in tact, very sad and silly

Anonymous said...

9 56
Uh no, it is max Ryder. Go to max Ryder's twitter and instagram and you will see the pic and maxs comments. You guys are bizarre and not sane

Anonymous said...

George Alvin is his real name. Max ryder is his porn name

Anonymous said...

@11:10 AM

But why does 9:56 AM's link say it is from George Alvin's account (30 January 2013, New York)?

Anonymous said...

@11:15 AM

This is 11:17 AM: Thanks! You just answered my question. So, he is one of the Cockyboys. He looks young.

Anonymous said...

@LAMBERTLUST: Via Tweet Reply: Adam Lambert Very Busy Working On His 3rd Album

Anonymous said...

But this George aka Maxx was partying with Adam 31th of January 2013 in New York at the same time and in same place as these college boys Oly and Cody. Right? I remember Adam's outfit in that evening (from other photos).

Anonymous said...

11 22
Adam usually hits up several bars the same night. So maybe the same place or maybe another bar. Don't know

Anonymous said...

This must be the only blog in the world that accommodates the trashy gossips.

Anonymous said...

This thread had me lost LOST

Anonymous said...

porn stars , underwear models , boy George , Tommy... etc ,i mean ! what a trash !!
it's time for clean up Adam

Anonymous said...

There are no speck of truth about all the trash comments on this thread. The negative resident is obsessed with Adam's sex life and loves to make fictions everytime Adam takes pictures with a guy.

Anonymous said...

Obsessed porn fan is projecting. IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.

Anonymous said...

@12:13pm. Yes, let's find a way to throw you trash out of this fansite. GO AWAY!

Anonymous said...

you go away ..
it's not your site , so shut up

Anonymous said...

Is your twitter account, badwolffy; or something? Twitter keeps deleting you but you keep openning up new ones adding extra f to your user name. You have no followers. You are a sick troll in our fandom. Get out do something positive in your life.

Anonymous said...

Calm down, please. Why so upset, folks? Our Adam is a versatile person. These photos just awake some memories from his vivid public passage and show how much he inspires us, in good and in bad.

Anonymous said...

well , he inspires us on a bad way i guess , not a " cool " bad way ,
more like just "bad" bad way ! ha

Anonymous said...

12:45 #1
you're too dumb to talk or Analysis or think or giving an advice
just shut up ,ok !

Anonymous said...

Oh, for cryin' out loud. It's a guy in a picture. Give it up and let it go.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, there was no trolling here just some simple facts. There was not a single negative thing said about adam. Really, some bizarre reactions by the crazy defensive glamberts.

Anonymous said...

No facts. Bunch of trashy gossip and lies inferred by obsessed negative resident out of one picture.

Anonymous said...

Crazy bizarre trash comments aren't from Glamberts. There are no truths to those comments. False statements by a cray.

Anonymous said...

This is a photoshop picture. I didn't see this second picture on Max's twitter or IG accounts. It's a made up picture.

Anonymous said...


You say that Adam inspires you in such a bad way; then it would probably be wise if you quit following him around. Perhaps you should find someone that inspires you in a good way. What you are saying does not make any sense.

Adam inspires me in the most beautiful way. He is such a classy individual so kind, generous and one of the most talented young men in the business!
That is why I am a fan!

Hope you find someone who inspires you soon, someone who you think can do it in a cool way; since you say that Adam does not! You certainly won't be missed. By the way, you are not an us; just a you; speak for yourself! Goodbye!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he or she will get tired after while and fall asleep. Will be past their bed time soon; Let's hope.

Anonymous said...

Just love Adam; he is so sweet and talented. What a great year this is turning out to be. All the good things he has worked so hard for; and is so deserving of is finally coming true. Cannot be happening to a more wonderful human being!

Anonymous said...

Don't understand why @Admin can't even give 'a public warning' to these same constant hete residing misfits?! She can see the IP's, remember she did it a few years ago to 'a pest' on this site? She could single out the posts/timeslots in this thread from this/these few poster/s, so to speak call his/her/their bluff... So tired of all these crappy posts, sucks so much of the joy and energy of coming & being here.

You are a perfect example of a poster Admin should 'out' asap! With multiple posts on this thread, too! One can't help but wonder WHAT IS IT THAT YOU GET out of hanging on an AL fan site with "a bunch of old ladies" (you just love to throw that in so often, don't ya!) Seems you're the one that's sad and silly...

Anonymous said...

@5:12pm it's ironic why this one cray that obviously isn't a fan doesn't get banned from this fansite. She got banned from other fansites and other social medias. Why not from this fansite is a mystery!?

Anonymous said...

Is the troublemaker here badwolfy? They have been banned fro every other fan site and banned from twitter repeatedly.

Whoever it is why aren't they banned from this site? It reads like the comment section at Perez Hilton's site.

How many of us have to call for deleting comments or banning certain people before Admin listens to what a majority of her readers want?

Anonymous said...

Time to ban this one or get someone that will. There are only several here causing all the problems and pretty sure all have been banned from every other fan site, twitter including Adams ect. When fans did not like a picture of a certain part of Adams body that they thought was looking bad for Adam. They got mad and it left here Qiuck. This sure is not fair to Adam and Adams fans. I think it's time to stick together get mad and get these people banned from here including one of the worse lol, the name calling mean, hateful, cruel troll that it is really bad as bad as any if these others.

Anonymous said...

The posts on this thread are nuts.

Anonymous said...

@2:56 PM

Did you watch George Alvin's IG? I'm 100 % sure this photo is genuine. They were spotted there. But why argue about an old photo? That moment has gone over a year ago. Adam seems to enjoy being in Stockholm at the moment. New moments, new people, new music...

Anonymous said...

Adam loving troll just loves it here

Love and Light troll

Anonymous said...

It's also not that uncommon, that the same people who like porn also go to church on sunday..

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the ladies who protest here are just embarrassed by how much porn they are watching on their laptops!