Adam Lambert Followed elliphantmusic on Instagram
Filed Under (Instagram ) by Admin on Thursday, April 3, 2014
Posted at : Thursday, April 03, 2014
Adam Lambert Followed elliphantmusic on Instagram (SCREEN CAP)
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hmmmm interesting but I only like one tune 'Revolusion'. He prob met her and is supporting her which shows his generous spirit. But maybe he also really digs her music. He's been immersed in new sounds over in Europe so maybe his new cd will be influenced. Can't wait.
Another slow Newsday.
How do people honestly have the time to sit and watch who Adam follows on IG, twitter and snatch up all the tweets from others about him.
I mean its great for us cant for various reasons.
Maybe if I win the lottery some day I can all the time in the world too.
@ April 3 11:22am
Perhaps you weren't meaning to be passive aggressive with that post, my apologies in advance if that was not your intention, but I just want to say that when I have similar thoughts, because I do :), I then remember how I watch Home Decorating shows all the time because for some weird reason they relax me. I NEVER EVER do anything with the information I learn, lol, so one could say it is a total and utter waste of my time, but it's just a decompressing thing for me. If I'm done with work and all the chores & tasks of the day, and I've hopefully exercised, and I don't feel like reading or sitting at the computer, and if I've excused myself from my family for a little bit of "me time", I'll oftentimes pop on some silly Decorating show as my own personal down time. My point is that perhaps blogging, and blogging about Adam Lambert specifically, is how some people choose to spend their down time, even a lot of down time, even a super duper TON of their down time. I try not to judge. When I think of how much foolish tv that people in my extended family watch, I try not to judge them either... because maybe they would say my Adam blogging is foolish or my Decorating Shows are foolish. And yes April 3 @ 11:22am, to quote you, "its great for us". I know I benefit greatly by all the information posted on this and the few other Adam sites that I check when I can. Just my two cents. Have a great day 11:22am.
Don't forget to watch this video:
Don't forget to 'like' Adam's new posts on his Facebook page:
Do you want to know meaning of "post-modern"? Read this comment on Adamtopia:
About the time Adam was introduced to the world on Idol, my son had just stopped doing musical theater. Of course he was my favorite singer and performer. Then came Adam. I've been won of his biggest fans since then. The best voice in the business right now and boy does he to make you feel good. He has filled me with much happiness and I hope he can continue to grow and be content with his greatness. He truely made me want to listen to music again.
@1:26 Very well said. We make time for the things we truly enjoy. :)
Lol I'm reading the Glee forum and ppl are like, "I'm gonna miss Adam, never thought I'd say this in Sept 2013"
Adam Lambert, Chris Colfer Cover A Great Big World’s ‘Rockstar’ for ‘Glee’
ENTV - Glee Top 3 Performances #Rockstar
JanusAquarius @JanusAquarius
@shoshannastone Loved Adam on Glee! Was a bit sad given Elliott's grand entrance his storyline wasn't properly concluded but that's Glee lol
@JanusAquarius I guess the door is open
Tweet from a young Glee fan who's not much interested in Queen:
JonMDexter: Who is allowing @ adamlambert to leave #Glee? Hello how is this allowed? He is too awesome to leave! - Queen could wait!!
Nice things about Adam here at 7:30 by @MichaelSlezakTV and Majesty
Yes! Even @Shoshannastone believes that it's open for Adam's character to return to Glee in the future!
Thanks for posting 6:02pm!
6:07pm ... Queen CAN'T wait!! Hahaha.
For one, this will only enhance Starchild's chances of returning to Glee. Secondly, it will greatly influence the reception his third album gets. So much more name recognition and exposure to his incredible voice and awesome songs. IT'S ALL GOOD and works time-wise IN Adam's favor! (What do you think?)
xo laura
Check this out. Someone sent it to me on Facebook.
@LAMBERTLUST: Adam Lambert Glitter Rock Vampire!
Continuing what Shosh said about Glee. Maybe the door isn't really still open?
@JanusAquarius I guess the door is open
@shoshannastone OMG :) :) :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@VeroniqueORCEL I think you guys sometimes take things very literally. I guess I shouldn't say anything at all then u can't get confused!
@shoshannastone She's French > @VeroniqueORCEL and was just excited. Be happy fans love Adam like they do and dwell on yr words.
@Silliegirl @VeroniqueORCEL I guess if that's the case I should say less to avoid confusion. That seems to be happening a lot
1:26 pm, but do you have time to screencap your decorating shows and tweet them and put it on facebook and a blog about it and never miss a single episode and retweet things that were on that decorating show and follow everything the show host likes on their IG account and etc etc etc. It seems really obsessive even to other obsessed fans.
@9:45 Can you please explain why that is your concern? Unless someone is getting hurt, live and let live.
Yes to this tweet:
✌️OG Glambert @lambertfever111 43m
Both FYE and Trespassing can have you crying one minute, twerking the next, and horny @adamlambert is like a musical genius!
9:45 PM, for the same reason 11:22 AM and 1:26 PM get to comment on it. It's an open blog. Don't like it? Then scroll.
Thanks LAMBERTLUST. Love it.
Love what?
That screencap?! What?
Shouldn't it be thanks Adam, love it?
"Undercover" by my friends @nightmareandcat is SOOOOOOOOO GOOD! RETWEET!!!!!
@9:45 4/3
As a parent, I want to jump in here and say that if some of these bloggers who spend a lot of time enjoying Adam's career & blogging about it are single, or no kids, and/or no others that they are caregivers for, then they probably have a lot more time than, for example, I do, as someone who is looking after young kids and elderly parents, so let them, those uber bloggers, have at it. Let them do their thang. As the other person upthread said, live and let live. If someone is spending a lot of time blogging (which is NOT for their career or bill paying), but they are doing so without faltering on other obligations, then step back dude and lose some of the judgment. My sister in law is a single woman, a great woman btw... but she has a good amount of free time and she does with it exactly as she sees fit, I have no problem with that. She spends a lot of time on FB and Pinterest etc., and who am I to judge. I have a lot of people I am looking after, so when I am done spending about 15:00 blogging this morning, I probably won't get back to it again until tomorrow, maybe even Monday... my sister-in-law has the time, good for her. My best friend is part of a "DINK" marriage, Double Income No Kids. She and her husband have a fair amount of free time (and extra spending dollars) and I don't begrudge them one minute of their time that they spend on, to be quite frank, less than productive pursuits; Good for them I say, that's their circumstance at the moment. Perhaps the blogger or bloggers that you speak of in your post are in a circumstance that allows them to do what they do! Perhaps they have no kids, perhaps they have no mortgage, etc etc, why be so judgey and then passive aggressive about it. People make life choices and all that! And one other thing, I have a lifelong friend that spends more time watching, imho, ridiculous reality TV, a LOT of time (and she doesn't multi-task while she's watching either)... this blogger or those bloggers that you are referring to probably do all of those activities you outlined in your post in the span of one or two hours!! My friend might sit in front of a TV and watch 4 freakin' hours of foolish, imho, reality TV, who is being less or more productive? It's not for me to say, or you either imho. At least I know my friend's real life circumstances, you do NOT know the real life circumstances of these bloggers you are "calling out", other than what you might glean from social media. Ugh, opinions that people form from silly social media are so over-reaching most of the time, it's frustrating to me, sorry for the rant other readers. Hopefully you've scrolled on down by now :). This friend I speak of, she is single, no kids, no parents locally... she works, pays her bills & taxes, cleans her residence, walks her dog, hits the gym, etc., who am I to condemn her for watching countless hours of foolish, to me, reality TV. To each his own. I am more jealous of the fact that she gets her nails done regularly than I am of her hefty amount of personal me-time! :)
I hope my point wasn't lost in my long rant. Sorry if so. Why slam a blogger or bloggers who spend a lot of time enjoying or promoting Adam's career - maybe they have the time, to no detriment to other important people in their lives. Perhaps their own life circumstances allow for it at this time.
Peace Out.
I'm waiting for "My Friends Volume 2"
Not taking sides, simply no need to be that childish; but missing the point, not being able to digest other points of view expressed and instead default to snark... just reveals your true nature, not anybody else's posting here. Talk about unproductive.
I honestly can't stand long comments, i am so sorry.
Ps; if you aren't interested in who Adam follows on insta. Dont open the thread.
Fair enough @6:35am :), thanks for your post. Yep, don't open threads if the headline doesn't interest you, and scroll on by posts with a more than a few lines if they aggravate you. Both incredibly ridiculously easy to do! It's called free will and using this wonderful tool of technology! :)
Thanks for your post choons @ 8:43am 4/3
I am laughing at 6:11am's comment. Not because it is inherently funny or particularly clever, neither is true, but because it strikes me as probably very true, lol. He or she is sitting there waiting, to pounce, or something, waiting to deliver some perceived wit, to be snarky instead of contributing meaningfully. Hilarious. Waiting, instead of maybe thinking, absorbing, participating. Definitely chuckle inducing.
How come everytime I go in I come up with Lambertlust?
Btw, Thanks for your post Anon @April 3 9:36PM. Interesting. Kind of bums me out, but I'm glad to know how it played out. Thx
I think you are just inadvertently clicking on a spot that calls up lambertlusts page. I did the same thing once or twice yesterday :). Slow down a second and make sure you are clicking exactly on the right spot on your screen, like the comments words, or whatever.
honey , please explain more , your comment is too short to understand your point ..
If you like a one line comment, stay on twitter and don't bother to come here. As simple as that.
Aw, c'mon - @5:59 may have posted something a little lengthy, but if you take the one minute or so to read it, some very good points were made. We all start with the same 24 hours each day, and for each of us it gets divided between things we HAVE to take care of (job, kids, caregiving) and things we LIKE to do....
@April 4 7:40 AM
honey, no dog in this but it comes off as apparent to me that more clarification was indeed called for as 9:45 seemingly didn't grasp the point put forth upthread. Idk, maybe some posters don't get when others use words to express kindness, and more importantly tolerance. Doesn't take too many words to be a jackass. Brevity is easy when one's goal is to be intolerant. Adam could probably back me up on that. Have a nice day.
@8:34, Right On
But condescension takes a paragraph.
As I read this thread, (every comment...I don't mind long ones, short ones, whatever...), a few things occurred to me....
When I first started coming here to 24/7, "way back when", in early 2010 or late 2009, after Idol, before GNT, the comments posted were usually friendly, conversational, and spoke lovingly about Adam, and were generally respectful to Adam , to his friends, and to the other bloggers... We were all soooo excited to support Adam, and loved discussing the news about him, our mutual admiration for him, and we enjoyed the connections we made here with other fans.. Some of us long-termers have met, become friends etc..
And yes, I'm getting to the point :)))))
Fast forward to present day: Still MANY happy, loving, and yes, EXCITED!!!!, comments. BUT... It seems that this blog has, in certain ways, been going the way of "public" blogs everywhere: The snark has crept in more and more until it has nearly taken over in some cases. A perfectly fine thread topic starts out okay (maybe) but then the grumpiness, snarky-ness, nastiness, pettiness, rudeness, pointed jabs at various posters and contributors, sets of bogus "rules" ie "the comment should only be a couple of long comments..." (sorry, breaking the "rules" here ;), pointless critiques of other posters' spelling, grammar, punctuation.. And suddenly, it isn't really about Adam at all... I'd love it if we could just get back to focusing on Adam......
An aside: I read major public blogs like Huffington Post, Yahoo, etc...etc.., from time to time, and it doesn't seem to matter what the subject is about, who the discussion is about, and what the initial story was about, the comments section often turns into one big argument, one big snark-fest.., people insulting other people and their opinions, sometimes disintegrating into a hate-fest free-for-all.. And generally it's a few people who ruin it for everyone else.... Can we please not let that happen here???
This blog, which is dedicated to Adam Lambert, is possibly, slowly but surely, going that way as well. Thanks to all of those who do stay (more or less :) on topic...and are able to discuss, and certainly sometimes "agree to disagree" re a concept, or a topic, without resorting to insults, and snark..
I appreciate the opportunity to "talk Adam" with like-minded fans of this talented man. I appreciate those who bring Adam news to the blog. I appreciate those who are able to and can dedicate time to doing that, including the administrator of 24/7 AND dedicated uber-fans like @Lambertlust.
Glitzylady, part of the problem is that there is no moderation here. We were promised some kind of moderation which lasted just a couple of days.
Another issue is the trolls. They generate and initiate a huge amount of the nastiness and arguing here. You are one of those that refused to ignore the trolls when others were begging for it months ago. Look how much worse it has become by not ignoring the trolls. They are running rampant now. I don't think that genie can be put back in the bottle at this point.
I see no hope for improvement of this site without intervention from the Admin in terms of moderation.
We really do need Admin to delete the trolls and the smutty raunchy comments and the name calling comments.
@Anon 10:34 AM
I agree with you on that for sure..
@Anon 10:24 AM
I agree with what you said also.. But I'm not taking responsibility for the trolls... Sorry.
If you can't handle being on an unmoderated site and the stuff that happens on absolutely every such site all over the Internet then restrict your activities to a moderated site like adamtopia. Stop the endless bitching, It's childish and annoying.
@12:21, trying so hard not to name call, and honestly, I sort of am on the same page as you... except that your tone, especially at the end, is so unkind. Most were not bitching and being childish, most were just sort of... lamenting, and originally, upthread, expressing themselves. And might I point out, that is precisely what you speak of allowing the opportunity for in your post, is it not? I don't even know why I am responding. I probably wouldn't have if you were just unnecessarily snotty like 9:51... but it is precisely because I thought you made such a good point, and then devolved into mean-spiritedness that bummed me out, and compelled me to wade into the mire here.
I am nameless and faceless etc. and all that associated with participating in an unmoderated blog, so most will probably not care when I say that I am going to try to leave my own snark out when I comment. I am guilty of it, just now even, but I will try.
Two cents here: I am not really even bothered by the trolls, who I find utterly transparent (and sort of funny if they didn't also strike me as sad), and I am not really bothered by the "smut" or raunchy stuff at all to be honest... but what bums me out more is the comments like 6:11am, 7:40am, & 9:51am because they are, well, just hurtful, and for no good reason really imho. They insult posters who commented rather optimistically, expressively, and without injury imho. Oh well, ultimately, we choose of our own free will to opt in or opt out (at the risk of stating the obvious :)).
TGIF all.
WHO are you, WHAT are you?!?
You think you're some kind of rule setter or authority of an unmoderated fan site?! Where does it say that an unmoderated site has to be the nest of posters who only know how to attack, be rude, crude, nasty, negative or snarky and can't read or write more than a few lines (= don't have the patience, can't concentrate on anything more than a few seconds).
Most of us capable of decent, civil exchange of thoughts and opinions here on Adam fan site, about him, his voice, music, career and yes, his (more or less) private life too, have been here long before you and the likes of you slithered your way here and started spoiling the atmosphere on this site!
So how about YOU start learning some people skills, civil manners and how to address people you don't know?!! These skills will come in handy sooner or later for you as well, mark my words!
I love Adam Lambert! He as a performer, singer and the kind of human being he has shown himself to be during these years, has brought so much so much joy and satisfaction to my life (which during this same period of time has been filled with a lot of sorrow and stress). So sorry but I can't accept the likes of you with your obnoxious attitudes spoiling all the love and fun on this fan site!
There's never enough love in this world and so many of the trouble makers come here to laugh at fans that express their love and admiration for Adam. That's just wrong. Plain wrong. Shame on you.
PS. If you can't handle posts longer than 4-6 lines, suggest you and your replicas change scenery asap!
Bravo. Well said. Thanks.
Anyone who responds to trollls takes responsibility and blame for encouraging them.
It seems the whole point of my comment at 10:05 PM was pretty much lost, and somehow the bottom line is that I'm to blame for "encouraging" "trolls".
What a crock.
There was a variety of comments here including one saying ANYONE who responds to trolls - which is way more than just glitzy responding to them. But not surprised glitzy found a way to make all the varied comments be an insult against her personally.
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