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Adam Lambert NEW PIC! White Hair Don't Care!!!

Filed Under ( ) by Adam Lambert on Thursday, April 17, 2014

Posted at : Thursday, April 17, 2014


Anonymous said...

It begs the question. What color next?

Anonymous said...

I hope all these hair products don't make it fall out.

HIglam said...

always surprising us...very daring!!

Anonymous said...

Just came to make sure this was posted. He's a riot, makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Just came to make sure this was posted. He's a riot, makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

And will he be goofy and euphoric once again?

Gracie said...

Yay I love it happy he went back to that color love it:)

Magiclady said...

Love the white, could be long term so he doesn't look the same as he did for the European Queenbert concerts...

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Adam! You always have the best looks. Keep it coming! <3

leilani aloha said...

Ha! Ha!
Love U!
Adam giving us a Rainbow of Hair Color!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL, love him. Never boring.

Is that a new piercing in his ear?

Anonymous said...

Could be a process to get back to black.

Anonymous said...

better than green

Anonymous said...

1:23, I'm sure his stylist knows the condition of his hair and how much bleaching and coloring it can take.

Anonymous said...

Sure thing, he is getting prepped for different hair color, hopefully back to black or very dark brown. I think the darker colors emphasize his eyes, which are truly beautiful. The dark hair is Adam, it's his trade mark.
I think he can keep it up better himself while on tour, unless some lucky hair stylist is going to travel with him.

Anonymous said...

Deep purple next, me hopes! :))))))))

Anonymous said...

On facebook, thousands of people are commenting on Adam's hair and most of them want him to go back to black. Maybe he wants to blend in with Brian and Roger with the white hair. Who knows what he's thinking but he sure keeps me interested. I like this look, but I much prefer the darker hair as it brings out his beautiful eyes.

Anonymous said...

I was just on twitter and I got the impression LMD is the next single release all over not just OZ. Is that the impression you peeps are getting too?

Anonymous said...

I would love to know what this hair phase is all about, but it sure keeps his name out there for now. One thing is for sure, when in doubt go back to that more classy look!

Anonymous said...

AHA! I was on the right track of this crazy train!
Sorry Adam, I beat you to it by 20 years....white hair...don't care!.....JAK

Any shade or're still you! :-)

Anonymous said...

2:01 and 2:09,
You don't bleach your hair to white to then go very dark brown or black.

He probably went to white in two steps and the green was a fun in between cover.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 2.28. The green was the fun color in between. They did it in two steps to preserve the texture of his hair.these are professional care care people. Top notch ones I suspect.
The Queen tour is a big time concert yes Adam will probably have a hairdresser/ make up artist much bigger ventures and concerts.that was top notch hair care professionals!

Anonymous said...

Next stage....return of the Silver Fox, I hope!....JAK

Anonymous said...

It's also three months before concert he may change it back by then if he wants. Many did not like it before then loved it after awhile. When he change it back black wanted it back white same people that hated at first. It's Adam he fantastic never boring and really getting even more of his edgy back. No matter what color Adam is he will always be that crazy talented edgy rock star I just plain Adore.

Anonymous said...

Deep purple I tell ya, just wait and see!

Anonymous said...

He should care because the white hair and brownish red beard makes him look weird, and not in a good way!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I knew that BB had to strip most of his former color to go green,turquoise,(or whatever for those crazy colors to show up)Now,it had to be completely stripped.I hope he'll go back to @ least a dark brown for his w/Queen tour.don't care for the white hair..he must really be bored or wanting attention for all the hair drama.Well,I guess it worked,didn't it?Even when he went platinum,the color didn't hold up right..went to gray,lavender,etc caused by shampoos,etc.I remember that when he was in Australia when the color kept changing.

Anonymous said...

So many people's beard color is very different from their hair color. He can color that to if he wants.

Anonymous said...

3:05, just your opinion. I think he looks hot.

Anonymous said...

I better stop kissing my computer screen..... more...muuuuuaaaaaah!!!!

Anonymous said...

Those lips are doing crazy things to me. I want to kiss them so bad!! I love Adam in any hair color. When it comes to Adam I'm easy to please and he always delivers. Gorgeous man!

Anonymous said...

@3:11 PM

I agree with you; Adam looks gorgeous; love the white hair. He could never looks weird to me. It's just hair color for heavens sake!!

White hair; I do care; and I love it! What ever the color of the hair. I love the man whose head it adorns!!!!

Anonymous said...

He's got plenty of year ahead of him to have gray and or white hair. I like the dark brown hair.

Anonymous said...

3 05 pm

Couldn't disagree with you more; weird is a word I would never use in the same sentence with the name Adam Lambert. But, you are entitled to your own opinion; and I mean that in a good way!

Anonymous said...

Dazzling radiance on his hair !! HH

Anonymous said...

@2;55 It is only 2 months until the concerts!!!!

Anonymous said...

but, 3:46 PM, Adam calls himself weird all the time...I think it's one of his favorite words....Wow! I can't believe how politely everyone disagreed with me, I was expecting an avalanche of hate...
On that note, let me take a minute to apologize to Lam-my for saying that her post was utterly nonsense. I had apologized in my third posting, but some how it was misunderstood. Well, I'll say it plain...Lam-my, I'm sorry

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

Well he has all Sauli`s hallmarks now. The bird tattoos on the chest are absent only...

Anonymous said...

What do you mean? Does Sauli have white hair?

Anonymous said...

4:23pm here, my post and question is for poster at 4:19pm.

Anonymous said...

I just love his attitude!!!!:)

Keep on changing baby!!!!:)

We all cuckoo bec. of you AML!!!:)

How about rainbow next time eh???:)


Anonymous said...

4:23 PM
No, but he is very blond, almost white haired.

Anonymous said...

Adam with his Platnium/Blond in Australia:

My no. 1 fav. look.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what color Adam's hair is. I just want it longer, esp. on the sides. He always looks hot regardless.

Anonymous said...

The man can't get any hotter. He's definitely like fine wine. Just keeps getting better and better. Those lips are going to be the death of me yet.

Anonymous said...

Adam hair looks absolutely nothing like Sauli's hair. Just because they have some what blonde like colors does not mean they are a like at all. Adam been blonde before not first time. Adams hair is very thick and platinum blonde. When he lets it grow longer no one and I mean no one has thicker hair they even mentioned on Glee how thick Starchilds was aka Adam. Sauli hair is a foiled colored blonde you can see darker under tones he has nice hair very fine in textured no comparison. Adam is his own man there is no comparison between these men in looks at all. Post is about Adam platinum new hair color.

Anonymous said...

This is 2.55 for me it is around two months and twenty five days give or take a day. So for the concert I attending nearly three months. Sure he will have a hairdresser for these never know could change after concert starts its Adam mr unpredictable. One reason I love him so only one of many.

Anonymous said...

One of the many things I like about Adam is that he's confident and bold enough to take chances but restless enough to not be static and boring. All for show? Hardly, he's been doing this since he discovered makeup and costumes. Anyone else I would suspect of affecting different looks for attention, but with Adam, it's an inherent part of his personality to adapt chameleon-like. Hence, since he's saying "don't care" much these days, in the context of recent tweet exchanges where he got lambasted for them, I think the words represent a more mature version of "f___ you". Adam uses visual images to communicate, much like his voice and body communicate a song's lyrics and meaning. As for the big smile and "euphoria" message, it's connected to the LMD becoming a single. JMHO because I've got Adam Lambert under my skin. Never understood the words before until now.

Anonymous said...

He must be enamored with Taylor Hicks.
BTW Sauli has also been platinum before. Also has usually shaved the sides.
The other thing Adam does not have besides the blue bird tattoos, is a butterfly on his neck, but that could be next, ha ha.
They both have the OOFTA, never have had it taken off or changed it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Tall Tree
It's absolutely okay and I mean that; even on that actual thread; there was no anger whatsoever...just a beat flabbergasted lol! Thank you Friend!


Anonymous said...

Please don't use Taylor Hicks in any reference to Adam...even toe nails!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the hair! Looks awesome!
Adam really stunning!

Anonymous said...

BABE no matter what the hair color! Super babe!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know its publicity for Adam but please can he stop with the colours?
No matter what color his hair is, he will always be sexy to please

Anonymous said...

I think he has messed with his hair for several months now, and at each change, even the change toward another change, he takes a selfie, for fun. He isn't seriously gonna keep his hair white, he is just on the way to a proper color that he intends to keep, but the path to this has been humorous, we will see one or more selfies, until he reaches his desired color. It will be very soon, just be patient. He has had nothing much to do lately, except to learn some new songs for Queen, and make all the songs word perfect, so that he is ready for rehearsals. Adam is a perfectionist when it comes to his singing. I doubt that his wardrobe, will cause him much concern, except to have 2 or 3 outfits exactly the same in case of mis-functions, like he did for his first tour. Ya gotta have back up clothes, its gonna be for a few months, this should include his shoes/boots etc.

Anonymous said...

8:27, Nothing much to do lately, except work on his new album.

Anonymous said...

I think he is giving it a rest for now. You cannot expect him to work on it non-stop. He just got back from Sweden, where he fully immersed himself into it. Now his priority is to be ready for Queen. When that is over, he will probably have some R&R, then immerse himself into finishing the album. He is not a machine, that can just spout out new songs.
There is a lot involved to be ready for the tour, and I am sure that is on the top of his bucket list for now. Including getting as healthy and fit as he can be, it will be a strenuous tour.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Hicks hair is salt and pepper prematurely grey not platinum blonde. If ever there were two different artist it would be Adam and Taylor nothing at all in common.

Anonymous said...

I can't see why this is not a proper color. It looks very Rock star. He will eventually change it. Everyone fussed before when he changed it back black all I heard is how much they loved it so sexy. Whatever he changes it to he will not please everyone or half of them. Got tired of trying just doing what he wants. Sounded like he was getting ready to be photographed after hair was finished. Who knows!

Anonymous said...

How in the world does anyone know how busy this man is in his daily life; or exactly what he is doing?
He probably has a very busy life. Probably so many things that his fans have absolutely no knowledge of; thank goodness!!

Anonymous said...

The Taylor Hicks thing was a joke, oh you of no sense of humor :(

Anonymous said...

Adam did say he likes to keep busy. He said that he has a trainer; so I bet his days are pretty jam packed. A few fans said they were starting to get some of the things they sent quiet a time ago, finally returned to them. Such a great guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam will change it, he had to go through this process to get rid of the green, there was no way he would keep the green, he was just having fun. He has been taking pictures of himself a lot lately and also having Lee Cherry get some good shots too. If he is working a bit on his album now, he is probably working on the stuff he did in Sweden.

Anonymous said...

IF Adam still has a trainer, that only takes an hour out of his day, if that. He still has his friends to catch up with, since he was gone for over 2 months. He does not appear to be very busy, I am sure he is doing necessary things, like we all have to. He doesn't have Sauli to do his laundry any more, or straighten out his closet for him. Sauli did a lot of stuff in the home, that Adam did not like to do, but Sauli did.

Anonymous said...


Are you personal friends of Adam and Sauli's? Just wondering. You seem to claim to have known a lot of intimate things about their home life; almost as if you lived with them.

Pretty sure Adam can hire people to help him if he needs it. He also has a Mother that he says does things for him at times.

The thing is; Adam's fans know nothing about his daily personal life. I would be totally embarrassed to even pretend I did. I believe no one who says they do.

Anonymous said...

Adam has done Glee, been working on his album before and after Sweden. He worked on it intensely for two months in Sweden and will soon be getting ready for a historic tour for big venues lots of work.
No one knows what Adam does during the day he may still be working on the album or taking a small break he will be working on that's at if this year and the tour and sure there is more in store. He put five Flees in the can worked on an album for twin months and will be getting a big ventured tour going lots of rehearsing and planning go into something like that. Sure there will be several costume changes on this. They already said this concert will be fierce and nothing like they have done before this will be on a much bigger scale. He been in Sweden for a week before most knew it. Adam dies plenty of work ect we know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

At hat was he put five Glee's in the can not Flees! 10.11. Was Glee. He did five Glee's .

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert looks absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

I think I prefer the green color. White hair is ageing (now I'll get screamed at for saying that!). I prefer black but whatever Adam's hair color is .... what will be will be. :-)

Anonymous said...

Damn that 10.11 I again will try and correct unsuccessfully I am sure. Adam put five Glee programs in the can. Meaning he did five Glee programs he did not do anything with flees.

Anonymous said...

'Five Flees' .... lol

Anonymous said...

How about white facial hair to match his white head of hair. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Cannot stand the hair, the ring or much of anything he does to himself. He must be going crazy. What is the matter with him? He looks disappointingly awful now.

Anonymous said...

10:23 PM
Maybe he's having an early mid-life crisis.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should show a picture of what a real life troll looks like such as yourself looks like. I not sure trolls are human enough to have a mid life crises so maybe you are just crazy yourself. Adam Looks hot love the nose ring so small barely can see it tho. Remember P Hilton saying at the M B fashion show couple years ago how much she loved his hair blonde. She may be wacky but knows a hell of a lot more about fashion that any of you nasties ever would.

Anonymous said...

Troll alert.

Anonymous said...

For 10.23 -11.18

Anonymous said...

Must say, really like all the colour hues in this pic! The tank top, beard, hoop earring & glasses set off by the new stud, fair freckled skin & white hair (not silver) with a hint of colour at the roots. To my taste...VERY attractive!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:18 PM
Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

It's a very posed pic.

Anonymous said...

After reading the comments on this thread... I honestly don't know what to say....

Only thing I do know:
Adam Lambert I LOVE YOU and effin adore your person and its fierceness in all its forms!

Anonymous said...

He looks very attractive and he still sweet Adam all that counts. To the person who said Adam did not look very busy to her him whatever. You have no idea what Adam does during the day. We know he not a busy little bee on a cruise that was pay for two months on the ice. Unfortunately Adam one of those peasants that has to work for money to pay his own bills. He did Glee, and worked intensely in his album for two months. Sure he doing plenty during the day. We did not know he was in Sweden for at least a week after he went. He works at plenty we find out about much later.
The mans a millionaire obviously he works quite a bit. Sauli lives in LA for about six months out if the year sure he does something no one sees it so he must not be very busy. Adam works at various jobs tv, fronting for himself and Queen. Working on a album. Anyone that think putting this much larger scale concert together is an easy job is living in fantasy land. Brian already said these concerts will be on much bigger scale I imagine Adams costumes will be quite impressive this time around bigger budget they surely have backing for these concerts. Do not compare these concerts to the others Brian said they will be fierce and a bit dangerous who know what that meant sounds good to me. Sauli comes and goes to La and works few months a year, whatever else he does we don't see it so he must not be busy. But see Adam doing plenty. I think he looks so edgy and hot this way. Sure he feels like being more himself right now I think Sweden is a little more edgy in their style. He can afford a maid does not need a boyfriend to be one. You know little about what both Sauli or Adam did in their private life. Stop throwing nasty stabs at Adam . Marcy

Bing said...

@ANON at 4:48am thanks for the link and i so agree with your choice. He looks amazing with the platinum/blonde hair or silver hair and only a few could pull that off. I must admit that i miss that look because i find it extremely sexy on him. Well that's only for me, to each his own. All the other colors look good on him so i have no problem with them.

Adam never fails to entertain and surprise me. I guess it has been integral in his life to change things up, never a dull moment with him. That is also one of the reasons why i adore AFL, i never get bored with our boy.

Adam experiment as you wish, be free to exercise your exciting creativity and i will just be here eagerly looking forward to the next best thing to come.

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

9:38 PM

Adam has the cleaning lady, so I think Sauli have not had to take care of his laundry...

All we know is that Sauli is skilled at cooking, so he probably took care of them for eating...

Anonymous said...


Adam loving troll

Anonymous said...

9:38 PM
do you even listen to yourself ?

Anonymous said...

Over on Adam official; someone posted, that according to Jared Leto's Instagram; he is paying attention to his friend Adam Lambert's lastest adventures! He posted the following with a gorgeous picture of himself:

"jaredleto IG: Long hair don't care."

I like him so much anyway; this just endeared him to me more. He seems like a great guy just like Adam. He always seems to like Adam, I know I have seen a picture he had posted of him and Adam in the past.

Anonymous said...

Marcy @1:01 AM

Bravo! Thanks for the great read! very informative. Like the way you tell it is; in my opinion.
Reality Rules!!!

Anonymous said...

Jared Leto is a cutie pie, and very nice fellow. Yes, he and Adam seem to like and respect each other! Have to add that Adam looks absolutely gorgeous!! I love his hair; don't care!!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Aww......Lam-my, Virtual Hug, My Friend!

Tall Tree

Anonymous said...

I only printed what both Adam and Sauli said in blogs and interviews. It is all in the past anyway. I expect Adam still has his mommy help with household chores and the like. Sauli was very nurturing toward Adam, he did things for Adam like make those green healthy things to drink, they are time consuming . Also was the one to make Adams cup of coffee in the morning. He was the perfect partner, and Adam was very happy. I have never heard either of them complain about the other one, except Sauli said that as Adam's career got busier, they did not see each other often enough. That the main and only reason for the split.
I think Adam would have him back in a heartbeat if that could change, but it has only gotten worse, as each have many commitments.
BTW Sauli also won a healthy amount of money as well as the cruise. Just like Adam did for being runner up on Idol. Adam got $300,000 and a car, Kris got $350,000 and a car. (just for the record)

Anonymous said...

white hair really does care. that's why you take a selfie of white hair and post it on IG. right??

Anonymous said...

Gray Hair and Hair loss are geneticly predetermined. If it is in the cards, it will happen. I think hair color is hard on the scalp. I don't see how it can't do some damage.

Anonymous said...

@10:23 PM & 10:50 PM,

I don't know what's happen to him either; you two or you one, just might be right; he may be going crazy or going thru a mid-life crisis as you so hatefully put it!

Could that be why everyone has forgotten about him. The reason he doesn't have any fans or more than 2 million followers. Perhaps that is why he is not being asked to front Queen for at least 26 sold out venues this year of 2014! That is also why they would not let him into Sweden for the last two months working on his album. Probably also, why the fans all over the world are not buzzing with excitement because the True album featuring him on vocals is not going to be released around the world at the end of April as is being reported by DJ'S all over the world; that is why Brian and Roger are not saying his voice is one in a Billion.
Is that why, men and women all over the world is not praising his beauty inside and out! Is that why when he tweeted his hair color it did not trend worldwide immediately!

Pretty sure that is why; poor, poor guy!!! Maybe next time he will listen to you two, or one; and he wouldn't be in such a forgotten, pittiful, lonely place in his life!!!

Anonymous said...


I will answer for him; since he won't see your comment:

Wrong; your opinion, "don't care".

What Adam posted on IG, Right: I do care!!!

Anonymous said...

@9:50 AM

Pretty sure his hair colorist has explained the risks to this grown man who has had the same hair stylist, he says, for years! So you probably should not worry.

Anonymous said...

Love me some Adam Lambert; he is so beautiful inside and out, and he keeps life fun, fun, fun!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute what Jared Leto said, ha, ha!

Anonymous said...

Swimming in a chlorinated pool while removing hair color often turns the strands green, especially if we went to the beach. We were called "suicide blondes" ("we dyed by our own hands") because we did our own hair. The yen to dye began years ago with the surfing crown at San Clenente, CA.

Anonymous said...

10:10 PM. Adam mentioned in a couple interviews that Sauli was a homebody and was happy when tidying up the home they shared.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:57 Your opinion: Don't care. that is why I posted comment. dip stickitt.

Anonymous said...

@9:53 am

Trending here

"Don't care"


Anonymous said...

SK is a domestic diva who stays home while the Rock God goes out and plays hard.

Anonymous said...

9.31 you seem to know so much how much did he win for the skating thing to the healthy penny please. Others stated he just won a cruise not that it matters but you seem to know so much about Adam and Idol.
Really does not matter what he won in Idol he worked hard since then and has made a very, very healthy amount since then much healthier than other idols of that year period. I don't know the amount of millions to the penny such as yourself but he certainly is a multi millionaire. But what's more important hrs a nice man that's never said anything against anyone.

Anonymous said...

The sums and prizes people get from winning these TV shows are public knowledge. Anyone can find them.