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More HOSTING to Come from Adam Lambert!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Anonymous said...

I dunno, but he's already done hosting.

Anonymous said...

Adam added Host to his twitter bio. Wonder if that means he has anything else coming up.

Anonymous said...

I don't see host written under his twitter bio. Isn't that just a fun fan picture?

Anonymous said...

It could mean he has a future hosting gig in the works.

Anonymous said...

9:19 here I just recheck Adam twitter and host is part of his bio. Don't ask me why it didn't come up the first time. He was a host on VH1diva's a while back.

Anonymous said...

That was so great when he hosted Divas. Hope he does something else like that again soon.

Anonymous said...

Adam can do anything. He's so talented!

Anonymous said...

I agree that he is good in every opportunity that he is given. I hope the opportunities keep coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam should host Saturday Night Live. That would be incredible!

Anonymous said...

Move over Shaun White. Adam Lambert is coming down that halfpipe without a helmet. Love his pose like that.

Anonymous said...

I love this pose's pretty sexy. He should almost add "model" to his bio. I could definitely see him in ads for men's fragrances, perhaps in a tuxedo lookin' all fine.

Anonymous said...

Do you peeps think he modeled for this pic when he was in Aspen? Does anyone know who took the photo? Just curious....I always love Lee Cherry's pics of our guy.

Anonymous said...

Please watch official video of Adam's performance of Rockstar:

Anonymous said...

Yes, he should add model to his twitter bio., cause he has been on cover of tons of magazine around the world and he did gizillions of photoshoots.

Anonymous said...

He should add judge too. When he was in NYC a few years ago he was a judge at a fun talent show, a judge at some show at Life Ball with Fergie and for one show at RPDR. LOL

Anonymous said...

is any one going to chicago concert.I am going to stay at the Marriot so excited----blueeyes

Anonymous said...

He should add mentor as well.


Anonymous said...

10:30 my sister and I are going to Auburn, Mi and we are staying at Hawthorne Suites by Windham. We got the last room at the time but people cancel reservations all the time. Road Trip!!

Anonymous said...

OT: I have just been watching Paul Rogers with Queen, and I don't understand what they saw in him. He was with them for 4 years as their front man. I know they had not met Adam yet, but what a joy he must be to them. His singing ability by far surpasses Rogers. His breathing technique alone is so superior, and of course he by far better looking. I wondered if anyone remembers Rogers, and if so did Queen have the same rapport as they have with Adam. They seem to genuinely love Adam, as a person as well as a singer.

Anonymous said...

blue eyes, did you just get your tickets for the show there? I hope you were able to snag good ones. Have a ball.

Anonymous said...

Adam should also add Sex Symbol or Sexy Beast. That man is seriously the hottest thing to ever live! OMG

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert
3 hours ago
Where it all began!

Adam Lambert shared a link.
10 hours ago
I love this song by "Undercover" by Nightmare and the Cat

Anonymous said...

He sure uses his Facebook a lot lately. He even writes under comment section of his posts. So sweet. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha...LMFAO....Hilarous recap ever...IT's a must read....check it out:


Anonymous said...

9:47PM I agree with you! We all want to see him host Saturday Night Live! Adam added the title host for something in the future. IMO

Anonymous said...

Adam added actor after Glee, not before so he may be adding host after the fact as well. He has hosted a couple of parties for Bootsy Bellows too.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is looking for a job and beefing up his resume

funbunn40 said...

@blue eyes, I'm going to the Chicago concert,Sect 2 row 3 with my daughter. Six other family and friends will be in sect 113.I will most likely also have my usual "Spread the Lambert Love" sign with Queen added to get the crowd in happy anticipation, welcoming Adam and Queen. In Raleigh i got a wave going for the GNT and i find so many Glamberts. Hope to see and meet you!

funbunn40 said...

It sounds like there may be a hosting gig in the immediate future.Hope so. He's getting so much exposure with Queen and Glee. Adam is so well liked by the many he has worked with and has built up a solid reputation with them not only as a talented pro, but a genuinely nice, personable guy. He's laid a solid, steady foundation since Idol, now sophisticated, savvy and world traveled, being a great entertainment ambassador. So happy for him!

Anonymous said...

He hosted several segments of Fuse's Sexy Beats, and MTV's 10 on Top, as well.

Anonymous said...

he should add a flop too
you know .. to make it believable

Anonymous said...

@5:37am- You just had to spoil it with your stupid comment. Adam is not a flop, far from it. Someone who is a "flop" would not be performing with Queen in those summer concert series and now adding Japan and Korea to the tour. There is a lot of buzz about Adam, all good, with his appearances on Glee and now with those Queen concerts. There are all kinds of ups and downs in everyone's career whether it is in the entertainment field or in the ordinary individual's work day/professional life.

Anonymous said...

Ignore 5:37 please.

Anonymous said...

@5:51 & others compelled similarly, please ignore my cyberfriends! You can do it fellow fans! Exercise your own strength!! (Do it for Adam ;))

Anonymous said...

Beside Hosting for VH1 Diva, Fuse, and MTV; he hosted a playlist radio program on 104.3myfm right after AI tour. Mentored on AI twice and another teen talent show. Guest Judge on Project Runway, RuPaul, Lifeball, and others.

Anonymous said...

Love for him to Host SNL.

Anonymous said...

5 51
That buzzing is inside your head honey

Anonymous said...

Chris Daughtry is going to be on idol tonight maybe Adam will get to be on again if he is working on a single now. I didn't realize what a sweet and knowledgeable guy Chris was til I saw him on that idol workshop.

Anonymous said...

You know those trolls LOVE Adam
They are always here

Love and Light Troll

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 and blueeyes I'll see you in there sec 102. I'll be looking for the sign funbunn40 and even do the wave.

Anonymous said...

23:02. The start.! Verses of Queen, Adam blissful singing, his lyrical idyllic guided him to the attainment of his cherished dream ......
Gracias! Por su link ! HH

Anonymous said...

23:02 Thank you for your prophetic picture! HH

Anonymous said...

@7:20 AM

OK; I am another fan; but, I agree with you. Your suggestion seems to be working on other threads! Then, he or she, would have no one to respond to; the thing they would hate most of all; to be ignored!

Anonymous said...


He or she @5:37am and @8:53am does not care about your response; they or just here to tear Adam down; and get much needed attention; it is what they thrive on with their constant nonsense, all over this Adam fan site Blog; in several treads, and they seem to post daily.

Of course; it is still your call on how you wish to respond. No one really takes he or she seriously!

Anonymous said...

12:06pm Here
Word should be spelled/several threads. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

he could add DJ.

Anonymous said...

I love it when Adam is being mysterious; Adam loves surprising us. They are always huge wonderful surprises!! Bring them on!!!

Anonymous said...

Not too crazy about the rock guy . . as for Adam I don't think he will make Idol this year he has the Q & A coming up.

but then again Ricky Minor is there

thanks for the heads up on Daughtry . .liked him on AI

Anonymous said...

May be Adam will sing a duet with one of the top 3, like he did last year. He did not have a single to promote last year either. But I still play Titanium a lot, I loved that song.

Anonymous said...

@ blue eyes & funbunn40 -- I will be going to Chicago also! Section 6 (floor seats). I haven't been to very many concerts in my life, so I hope they're good seats! I think DRG said she's going to Chicago....if I missed someone else, my apologies. Fortunately, I have a friend who lives about 40 minutes away according to Mapquest (or with traffic, probably more like 2 hours - lol)so won't need to get a hotel. I'd sign with a "tag", but haven't chosen one yet, though I do post anonymously from time to time. Perhaps as it gets closer, Admin may start a thread for the Chicago concert so we know who is all going to be going?

@funbunn40 - I thought of bringing a poster, but am not sure if I want to bother with carrying it. Do you have any suggestions for something sturdy, yet lightweight, or what might stand out and get noticed? Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

@April 3, 2014 at 11:45 AM

I agree with you!! I think "ignore galore" is making a difference, a subtle one, but it's progress. :)
Also, I do understand the point made by Anon @April 3, 2014 at 12:06 PM, but I sort of disagree, I think the RESPONSES he or she or very small they get DOES give them just enough jollies to keep them coming back. I swear, we are a "science experiment" to these sh*t-stirrers, lets reclaim the laboratory shall we Adam fans, ;). Okay, I better shush now, as I am adding fuel myself, sorry. Ignore Galore ;).

On-topic: I am not one of those fans that feels every single little thing Adam does is just perfect, but I do believe he did a great great job hosting VH1 Divas, and I'd be totally psyched to learn of him doing something else along the hosting lines. It's all about exposure!

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a poster at a concert. I'm surprised they allowed that to be brought in. I'd be really upset if the person in front of me was blocking my view with a sign.

Anonymous said...

At best, if the rock guy makes it far, maybe Adam would do a duet at the finale. Other than that, he has a pretty full plate.

Anonymous said...

Adam would never pass up the chance to perform on idol and remind people he is alive. I think he should perform with queen in may after they have had some time to rehearse a bit

Anonymous said...

Oh god ,, 5 yrs of trying to prove yourself must be exhausting

Anonymous said...

Ignore Galore.....Adam has nothing to prove

Anonymous said...

I'm *thrilled* for all of Adam's opportunities this year. Queen and Glee, among the smaller projects like mentoring on AI and appearing on Drag Race, are giving him great visibility that I hope will pay off big in sales with this next album. Like the rest of the Glamberts, I so desperately want the rest of the world to see how incredible Adam is, and for him to finally achieve the level of stratospheric success he so deserves. I have tickets to one of the Q+AL shows here on the east coast (US), and I can't wait.

That said, I will be excited when he gets back to doing his own shows and promoting his music. He surrounded himself with such a great team for GNT and WAG, and now most of those folks are effectively side-lined for most of this year. Their last show was in January? And it's probably fair to assume that there won't be anymore AL solo performances before fall, certainly, if then. I'm not an industry insider, so I don't know how these things work, but I can't imagine that most of those folks made enough during the tours to take a year off work, and I would expect that they don't get paid if they don't work. Even if Adam kept some or all of them on some small "retainer" (which, again, I don't know how these things work, but I would think that would be expensive for Adam and rather unlikely) they probably need to look for other work.

Everyone of his musicians and dancers are talented folks (please, this is not a wank-fest about anyone on his team, so don't make it into one), and can no doubt get other work, but that may prevent them from then being available whenever Adam comes back around to his solo projects. Adam has shown amazing resilience and learned a ton about managing his own career in the last five years, so I'm sure he has it covered, but I've been wondering about that. He clearly sought out old friends, like Terrance and Brooke, for his dance team, Sutan and Abreea for make-up and hair, and the mutual loyalty he and Tommy have shown each other since the AMAs are just a few examples of Adam surrounding himself with people he likes and trusts, and who can sustain him and each other over long months of living on the road. If he is going to take long breaks between solo projects, it will be hard for him to keep a team like that together, just because they need to make a living too. It's tough for the band and dancers, and tough for Adam if he has to put a new group together every time. Will he attract great talent that wants to work with him? Sure he will. Could Adam benefit from an infusion of new blood from time to time? (Again, no wank please, I'm trying to have a conversation here.) Yes, but he has been getting some of that organically. He's replaced every single position in the band over time (including Tommy moving from bass to lead guitar) but never all at once. The band, and the dancers and other support players, needs to be a group that fits and meshes together, and it would be exhausting for everyone to have to recreate that from scratch every year or two.

This is all pure "wondering 'bout it" on my part, and in no way takes away from Adam's amazing opportunities with Queen, but I think I will probably want to continue to follow the folks Adam has introduced us to and see how their careers develop. It's been fun seeing Camila Grey and the "Uh Huh Her" release happen. And I'm waiting and watching intently to see how "AL3" shakes up the Glam Nation.


Anonymous said...

Adam would be great hosting and performing on Saturday Night Live - just a thought !!!

Anonymous said...

Adam is not successful enough to perform on SNL.

Anonymous said...

Adam has been there done it with the hosting thingy glad he thought to add it to his bio.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of people who are looking for work in the music business so adam will have no trouble putting another band together if he ever does more solo shows. Ashley is touring with cee lo green right now. Terrance is in rock of ages. The talented ones find work and the rest go on unemployment.

Anonymous said...

I have watched entertainers on SNL I Never heard of before or after their appearances. LoL

Anonymous said...

When Adam did the duet last year he said they rehearsed for an hour. They both already knew the song Titanium already. He does not have to sing with a rocker, he sang with a girl last year, he can sing any song in any genre, and it will only take a day out of his life, to rehearse and to do the actual performance. He will be paid well for doing it. Seacrest really likes him too.

Anonymous said...

No news from Adam today, and no news from Sauli, except he is flying to Miami, to possibly take the cruise he won on the ice skating show. Waiting to see which friend he is taking, it was for 2 people. His partner also won the cruise.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if he gets any money for performing on idol. People do it for promotion. If he doesn't want the spot there are plenty more available to fill it.

Anonymous said...

Daughtrey just did a great job on idol.

Anonymous said...

Adam NEVER sings for nothing, this is his livelihood. He probably has already been asked to sing, but he has nothing to promote of his own music, but I am sure he will be happy to do a duet, with one of the top three. He always needs the exposure, as does any performer. Seacrest would probably ask him about his summer tour with Queen, that is what he is promoting right now. AI always wants previous contenders of the show to perform. It is good PR for the show. If Adam is on there, there will be that many more people tune in to watch him perform. I know all his fans would love to see him, people who don't watch AI any more. I haven't watched AI this year, but I sure would tune in to watch Adam.

Anonymous said...

@ GGr - you're "trying to have a conversation here" ?
Not really, you are delivering a speech, a monologue or an exercise in free association.
When a post approaches 50 lines it's an oration.

Anonymous said...

6 26
Lol all performers do tv for promotion. You don't get paid to go on talk shows or perform on the late night shows, other than some fixed nominal fee that was $700 last I heard. That's for everyone except some huge star that is seen as a big draw, which is certainly not adam. That amount doesn't begin to cover the expenses of performing on the show because adam would need to pay his band for their rehearsal and the performance day. That's all considered promotion costs which would be paid by the label. You should educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

Why? We have you!

Anonymous said...

Adams standard fee for any performance is between $150,000 and $250,000. I think Daughtry gets the same, Jordon, get between $250,000 and $300,000. It was made public a while ago, Carrie Underwood, gets a lot more. Only people who were on AI were listed.Kris who won the year that Adam came in second, gets $50,000 and $75,000.

Anonymous said...

Being on a talk show, I agree, he would be promoting his music and might get union wages.

Anonymous said...

On the Queen tour he will probably get his standard fee, plus a percentage of the venues take. He will be making some serious $$$. The average ticket sales for each venue is around 18,000,except for Las Vegas, which is quite smaller, and the reason they are doing 2 shows there.

Anonymous said...

I believe Adam was asked to be on SNL ages ago but refused because of all the gay content they wanted to do.
I have heard this more than once. Does anyone know if this is true?

Anonymous said...

6 47
Well those rates are old and are for doing a one off concert not for tv promotion and it is not for any concert. For example he isn't going to get anything close to that per night on a tour. You only have to look at how much a venue takes in to know those rates don't always apply.

Anonymous said...

Whatever a label pays for is eventually going to come out of the artists profit. They aren't paying for anything out of the goodness in their hearts. Plus they get a cut out of everything. The label IS NOT doing anything for free. That's why some seemingly successful artists end up being broke.

Anonymous said...

kA gets 30,000 to 50,000 doubt he rarely gets that. Adam. Abroad Adam fees are much higher. CU is not international she may get much higher here but I say it evens out since she not international . They may not get as much as you think if the take but he will make a very nice sum from this tour. I don't believe most if us really know all that much about how all the business works its just assumptions. Adam will get more fans and make a nice sum from these tours are he would not do them. He done Glee, doing Queen tour and RP news shows much more. Hopefully he may be on to promote Queen tour and perform with them. If not there is an upcoming album on the horizon he will promote on idol later if its on and other shows.
Adam been all over the place lately anyone who does not know he is as live must not be either. He been getting new fans and will get more with Queen tour. Adam been on idol every year very few have and was in the finale last year Chris was not on last year. Adam will have new album next year or end if this. Both Adam and CD are among the biggest men successes from idol. Adam has so many talents. He was terrific on Glee! Have not seen to many from idol on a tv show like that lately!
Yes Adam was asked to do SNL after Idol he turned it down for reasons. Cannot wait for the Queen tour it will be off the charts. What an honor it is for Adam to front one of the biggest bands in history for an historic tour that probably will never happen this big again. So very happy for him. Believe me plenty people are going to know this man is alive and well and crazy talented to boot! Idol not over yet it possible Queen and Adam will be on it wow would that be fantastic. If not new album coming soon and appearances a head! So proud of Adam L. And all his accomplishments which are many very proud done much in five years! My tv DVR just so full of Adam in fact much had to be erased it was all Adam.

Anonymous said...

Lol you are such a know it all who actually know nothing. Certainly there are academy award winners ect that are bigger draws than Adam now anyway. But he certainly is a draw.certainly one of the biggest from idol. The best if Adam is coming its already been a good year but so much more to come.

Anonymous said...

I would like QwAL to get a good magazine cover (please I don't care if they don't get paid) like RS or People to showcase the tour an pay homage to Brian and Roger.

Anonymous said...

If Admin charged a dime a word, would posts be shorter or would everyone who continually make the same comments just quit?

Anonymous said...

6:42 How did an educated person such as yourself sink low enough to become a troll?

Anonymous said...

Sorry for longer post at 8.31 will keep it shorter in the future. Before I get jumped all over. Adam has had much success all the t's in the world snarky remarks will never change that. Next two years are going to be very good for Adam. He deserves the best and the best supportive fans behind him.

Anonymous said...

Honestly most time people post short sometimes they have more to say. No one on here has the right to monitor posts size if they are positive.

Anonymous said...

Adam sure seem to be a great draw on GMA the other day. Everyone waiting for his secret the news person said everyone wanting here to know what Adam L. Secret is now that's success said on news. Show before GMA. Adam came in before Queen not performing so he in himself was a draw . Certainly Adam and his. Big band friends were a big draw on a big show GMA is a big one. That's what most come in there for so Adam was announced first:. Also he did not sing just promoting tour and his album sales jumped so he was noticed!

Anonymous said...

this is bueeyes we will be in sec 108 row 10 hope we have good seats.I went thu ticket master hope to meet some of you there

Anonymous said...

Excellent question!
Let's see when and if we get an informative and well educated answer...

Anonymous said...


Loving Adam

Here 24/7

We know you love him

Why are you here

Love and Light Troll

BTW . .I scroll

Anonymous said...

no , you didn't scroll ..
how do you know there's a troll if you scrolled by as you said !!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fellow 24/7 Users

I just want to jump in and say something to readers here (not sh*t-stirrers, who I don't think are trolls actually, I think they are, well, sh*t-stirrers, lol, they can scroll on by)... I want to say to those who post more lengthy comments: DO YOUR THING LOVLIES!

Good grief with the complaining about wordy posts already. WHATEVER. Don't read them you people who can't handle or digest anything more than a line or two (typical of this "sound bite" modern society we live in nowadays). Scroll on by. Gosh, it took you more time to post a snarky comment than it would have taken you to spend a second reading the first line or two of a long post so as to ascertain whether or not you then wanted to skip the rest and scroll on by. Good grief.

@24/7 Users, please do not be bullied into fretting about being brief if it's going to take you more words and lines to express yourselves. It's an OPEN forum, a blog, go for it cyberfriends and AML fans, go for it! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam turned down SNL? Not possible!

Anonymous said...

I have heard more than once he did turn them down awhile back, because of the stuff they wanted him to do. Not sure if it was as a musical guest or host. Adam does have integrity, so it wouldn't surprise me. Does anyone know for sure ( SNL)

Anonymous said...

I would also be interested if anybody knows for sure about this SNL thing. I believe it is NOT the case (that Adam was asked but declined over potential skit content, etc) I think that thoughts has evolved in a sort of "Telephone Game" type way over time, I don't believe it's accurate. Anybody know for sure?

Anonymous said...

I like BB's new avatar pics better than before...would like a clean shaven one,too,but,oh,well.About his suit in the full length pic,is that suit jacket a new style?(w/shorter lenght coat and lots longer sleeves?)
just looks fine on BB,but not every man could carry that out.Adam looks very slim in that pic,too---not a bad thing.

Anonymous said...

It was a long time ago, but I do believe I heard Adam himself say in an interview that he was asked to host SNL shortly after Idol, but he declined because they wanted him to do mostly gay-related material. He said no, apparently for that reason. I hope someone else remembers this. I don't think I'm just delusional!


Anonymous said...

It is all just fan rumor as to why Adam didn't do SNL.

Maybe the timing was off.

Find and link a direct quote from Adam or it is all just rumor.

Anonymous said...

8:54 more than likely poor parenting.

Anonymous said...

I just tried googling to find an Adam quote on SNL and all I find is fan gossip and rumor.

Anonymous said...

9:34 you find the link if you are so worried about it.

Anonymous said...

9:55 good,problem solved.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 (who is also the author of other posts here I have no doubt, so transparent)

Okay, you win, I will comment and name call, I will devolve, I will submit to my lesser angels: My oh my you are a butt hurt pissy little bitch aren't you.

There, did that scratch your itch? Did that do it for you? Did you get off on that?

You won, you got me to reply unkindly. Why are you so snarky? You aren't mean really, I'll give you that, just pissy, grumpy & snarky. People who participate here might not be as savvy or knowledgeable in certain areas as you, if it's exasperation you are feeling. But they are not dumb, maybe just not as informed as you; is that it? Is it exasperation that make you so grumpy. Give people a little leeway, geez.

Anonymous said...

@4:44 all I need to see is a few words and then I SCROLL. . don't finish reading . . Scroll

Anonymous said...

Troll spends a lot of time here and researching Adam . . told you Troll loves Adam

Love and Light Adam Lover

Anonymous said...

Let 's face it the troll is kinky obsessed with Adam I have never seen anything like it in my life. Scary .

Anonymous said...


IKR. I'd get a laugh out of it if it weren't so ... Well, sad.

Anonymous said...

Main point:
Love and Light thru Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Shoshanna answered my tweet about Adam and SNL . This is a quote from her "that's not information.relevant to you guys"

Anonymous said...

1:32 I agree now you can stop harping about it. Please.

Anonymous said...

3:32 wow I never harped, I saw the conversation and went directly to te best source. Why do you assume I was harping, that was mean for you to say.

Anonymous said...

6:22 sorry.

Anonymous said...

9:47 no worries :))