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Adam Lambert commented on sutanamrull's IG photo!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, May 10, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, May 10, 2014


Anonymous said...

Yes, Paris is awesome!!!!

Magiclady said...

I kinda felt the best thing about Europe was Paris! Love everything about the City of Light. If I was younger would love to live there!

Anonymous said...

Paris was everything I thought it would be, fountains, the monuments, museums, the fun of finding an ancestors name with list of Napoleons generals in the wall of the Arc de Triomphe, the gardens, the shops, it was a joy......but
If I could only go back to one city in Europe, it would be Venice.

It is like being in a fairytale book. The magnificent palaces and villas sinking into the canals, the arched bridges, churches, the sunsets where all the buildings and waters of the canals turn pink and gold and you are standing in history, Marco Polos house, The Doges Palace and at 6 o'clock in St.Marks square the tolling of bells comes from the Campanile and other churches and the pigeons all take flight. It's magic!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I loved Adam loving his flight to Scotland in Queens private jet, when actually they were going to Ireland for a concert.

Adamluv said...

Not too impressed with Paris. Love Amsterdam and London. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

7:12 that was funny! Oh well, they are all Celts!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Let me give a shout out for Copenhagen - a fascinating city.