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Adam Lambert Live Proud "Happiness Is The Most Important Thing" !

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, June 14, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, June 14, 2014


Anonymous said...

So true Adam <3 he is so inteligent and amazing man love him <3

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Love him.

Anonymous said...

the eyes are so expressive. intelligence is very important. He is intelligent with beautiful expressive eyes. I find tall men very sexy. that is a +

Anonymous said...

When you are happy, then everything seems to fall into place with your family, friends, your job, your health and your overall outlook on life. I just think of Pharrell's song HAPPY and how good it makes people feel and you just want to sing along with it, dance around and just enjoy the moment. Happiness should be contagious. Smile at someone and hopefully that person will smile back.

Anonymous said...

Okay, and Adam sure knows how to attain, sustain that. In my life experiences, I feel that the more one wants happiness, the less happy the person really is...a paradox. The more I don't try and sort of leave it on a free flow, things just happen and make me more happy than if I consciously try to attain it.
For me, giving, is at the top of my another person/s, family, friends or even someone unknown. It gives content, peace of mind and self enlightenment. It's a very good feeling. For instance if one could save just one life, let say from brink of death or disaster, or even a change of mind-set for the more enlightened...that would be an enormous sense of giving and achievement. Well, I need to do much more in these crucial areas. lwl! On the other hand, Adam has saved lives, in his own natural happy way and therefore his answer, happiness, rightly's his natural self and gift.


Anonymous said...

I remember a quote by Abe Lincoln: "People are just about as happy as they want to be."

Adam was born with a naturally positive disposition. He's a happy person by nature and doesn't go looking for things to ruin that. He's got great people skills, which help in handling all kinds of situations. He's got a great head on his shoulders and deflects negativity well. I think he was brought up to be kind and polite and good to people in general. I wish more people had just a fraction of Adam's instincts on how to be happy.


Anonymous said...


As always, you talk a lot of sense.
Love reading your posts every time.
Agree 100% with everything you say.

Anonymous said...

DRG, you bring up a quote I'd heard of, but didn't know its origin. Nor had I given much thought to Abraham Lincoln's astute observation about people, until Adam declared happiness as "the most important thing". It's an answer that hit me on first hearing as almost trite in its simplicity. On reflection, though, Adam's reply was far from obtuse: His happiness was the product of character and discipline. It bespoke of being true to himself, following his heart and conscience, working hard at his dream craft, loving and being good to people, and doing good deeds. Also, Adam's happiness was the result of not compromising it with fear, loathing, greed, and envy. Although happiness is a birthright that asks nothing more than that we pursue it as best we can, to have it plenty and to hold is another matter. Adam's happiness, palpable and radiant, is his prize, not a trite but a worthy distinction after all, because it says a lot about the source: true happiness comes from deserving and earning it. atm