The Curse of Unfair Juxtaposition
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Posted at : Wednesday, February 06, 2013 featured Adam Lambert's 'curse' in an article titled "10 Signs Your Favorite Contestant Is Doomed". Read it below!

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I always thought Randy was testing Adam with the type of handshake he gave.
I remember being blown away by Adam's voice. Just totally on another level. Boy were we right!!!
I have watched this sooo many times in the past and thought the same thing. There is a moment where the two girls are just staring at Adam. I think that everyone knew, he just had IT! The whole package.
I can't help but remind everyone that all you have to be to upstage total, unprecedented excellence is Kris Allen in the "we want our country back" rockin' chair south. Beverly
I was disappointed that Jessie
Langseth didn't make it into the final group, I liked her voice. Adam was a sure bet! *STAR*..JAK
Never heard it and I have never ever heard Kris Aleen up stage Adam ever. He a pretty good singer but no where in league of Adam Lambert! And let me remind you that all Adam would have to do to up stage kris Allen is open his mouth! I watched the entire season with Adam and Kris Allen never one time did he come close to Adam Lambert! He was cute but could not hold a candle to Adam Lambert, and won for many reason had nothing to do with deserving it, no one to sat has deserved to win idol more than Adam that year! Does. Or matter he gone on to a very solid career, KA not so much! I never say any thing bad about Kris unless you come on an Adam site, with that bull! kris nice guy I wish home well, but what I said is the truth! Again no one to date has deserved to win more than Adam M Lambert and should have!
With his humble "thank you's" and sweet smile, who - besides those who knew him already - could have ever guessed at this point what the total package that is Adam Lambert had in store for us. That this young man turned out to be the entertainer of our age. And funny, and sexy, and with a heart of gold to boot. Geez, who would have guessed?! I see would domination ahead! hee hee...
Too much?
xo laura
My family in Ohio and New Jersey found Kris cute and cuddley with a sweet crooked smile, they found Adam a bit scary!
I heard a lot of criticism. "He has a good voice, but I can't take that screaming stuff". Obviously our opinions differed and I live about as far south as you can go!...JAK
I do have 3 rocking chairs! :)
Well he can scream, but his scream sounds damn good! His scream happens to be a Huge RANGE never liked Kris at all never found him anything but boring and I live in the south! Adam a fantastic singer he may have come off a bit scary, then because he was so unique and different not the same old same old! The WGWG,he was different and still is, so little harder battle . No guy on idol has come Ose to Hos stage presence and his concert expertise,or his voice! That where a lot like Keis fail lack of concert skills just not there! Kris is more of a college concert person. ad a world concert person! I always thought Kris be popular with the red neck cities but when came here he drew a much bigger crowd than kris after idol, they could not hardly give away KA. Tickets! He came here early this year to a radio, concert went nuts to get the tickets, so it all in taste but lots of south like Adam! Talking about Adam was more popular!
This was the perfect Grand Funk Railroad song to showcase Adam's voice. He blew them all away but still a great group performance!
no need to talk about other entertainers here
@6:21PM Kris Aleen is "okay" singer. Phillip PHillips is much worst than Kris Alen. However, miracles happen! And PP was in the right time in right place w/his right song. Clint Eastwood watch AI finale!So, PP got much more appriciation from this country than Kris. But none of them in AI history became a real star like Adam.And I don't care about awards or annual income.This chart was discussing actually. Simon agreed that they were looking for this global star and found it. So, everyting else is "okay". Even Carry or Kelly.
the best three singers in Idol history are Adam Lambert, Jennifer Hudson and Tamyra Gray.
My jaws dropped during this Hollywood week when I heard ADAM's rendition of Some Kind of Wonderful.
But compared to his singing now, this sounds a bit harsh (his Satisfaction as well) why those critique of Simon and Kara were so helpful to lead him to the right path of winning (almost!).
To upstage anyone on stage, all ADAM needs to do is stand in all his gorgeousness. xyz
There is no one, and I mean no one that can sing like Adam out there. He is by far the most talented entertainer, we have seen in decades.
I happened to be flipping the channel one night and by chance saw Adam singing on AI, half way thru that season. The first thing I thought was this guy is F****** phenomenal his voice was out of this world, and I couldn't stop watching him. When he sang I felt things that I had never felt before. I knew then that he was something very extraordinary.
OMG! That rendition of Tamyra Gray of a House Is Not A Home blows me away. Simply stunning!
JAK, just like you I was so disappointed when Jessie Langseth didn't make it even when she was picked but was not chosen in the wild card.
I heard that it was ADAM who suggested the song for her to sing.
I like her style of singing and the tone of her voice. xyz
I wish I remembered her but I do not TG, sure she was good! Adam annual income much bigger than Forbes had on it, he was working on album and radio promotion most that time period, may 2012 to 2013! He may several million from may to dec. last year at least a couple if not more! They did not count album sales, and queen concerts everything else, Diva's be in next years plus all these world concerts should be a good year, this next time! Your right awards money which he is doing well with, takes a back seat to his fabulous talent and great concert prowless, that concert thing stes him apart from so many even some really big names! By the way the three rocking chairs is that a bar, Adam a world star not a bar singer! For me Adam the best, then JH! Both have big star qualities!, and big voices TG I'm am not knocking her just don't remember her, sure she is good!
this is the moment/short clip I was hooked, I just played and replayed this over and over. still mesmerized by the voice 4 years later!
Adam had me at that first note in the auditions. He was always in a league of his own with that voice and his stage presence. His performances were mesmerizing and he had star written all over him. I can't really watch Idol since season 8 without comparing all the contestants to Adam and no one comes close to meeting his vocal excellence and style. I watched the men perform tonight in Hollywood and I really don't care about any of them. Didn't I say I was spoiled by Adam Lambert?
Adam simply has the "it" factor, plain and simple. Sure, there are other singers who are very good. But Adam has that special quality that sets him apart. We've seen it now for almost four years. And I am weary of those who still say his high notes are screams. Oh come on. He nails those high notes every time. Other singers really DO scream in an off-key way, but they don't seem to get the criticism. We all know great singing when we hear it, and it's ADAM LAMBERT.
Nice comments everyone. I love going back and remembering those early days of discovering Adam. I always loved the way he thanked the judges, musicians, and arrangers.
I think all of these articles and memories about Adam's AI journey. Also, all of these "2 years ago Adam did this!", "4 years ago Adam had first addition" or lets'celebrate Mad World anniversary! Why nobody never celebrate AMA magic performance?We can call it "flash carrier in the toilet" anniversary!
Can't believe Adam is wathching AI this year. Same sh....But judges are discussing!Except Keith.He is cute. I think Adam is sick and have a high fever!
Shheeeeeeeeeeee's baaaaaaaack !! lol
Another season, andother black gay awesome singer who will not win.Because we can't have Black Gay American Idol!
Just a friendly reminder. Don't forget to watch Glee tomorrow after AI. It sounds like it is going to be a real cute episode.
I always love it when I cruise back here to see what other fans are saying and notice I made a typo that turns my sentence into a "what?"...I meant to say "I SEE WORLD DOMINATION AHEAD." And now that I've thought about it, it's NOT too big of a thought where Adam is concerned! :)
xo laura
Love this clip and have watched it many, many times. Adam IS an incredible singer - to quote Kara. Also, it was clear that Simon's comment about 'terrific', etc. was directed at Adam, as those two girls looked at Adam as Simon said it. Yes, he was - and is - the best singer/entertainer out there. Loved the way wrote up their article - so true.
Such a compliment to Adam, that anyone compared to him should suffer this "curse of unfair juxtaposition"-- something Kris Allen, bless his heart, knows all too well. During AI8, some blogger predicted that a win over Adam would be a gruesome fate for Kris, and sure enough, something kinda awful continues to this day to dog a juxtaposed Kris to Adam. Nothing,however, has brought home the sense of Adam's awesomeness more succinctly as when, after Adam's performance with Queen last July, something like this was overheard: "If he lost American Idol, who won, Jesus Christ?". LOL. atm
@atm, I remember that retweet by Nigel after he watched that Queenbert show, something like "This guy lost American Idol? Who the F . . . won? Jesus christ?" LOL! xyz
Listening to Adam sing on season 8 still gives me chills. He is the whole package then and now.
Kudos to for their mention of our boy ....but just to be clear there is not nor will there ever be another Adam Lambert.... so future contestants need not worry about that ....rose petal
Oh yea a star was born. We all knew and still know that he was the best and probably will always stand out as the best male singer. Adam hope you sell millions of albums in China you certainly deserve it all. Stardom is not going to be a flash in the pan like a lot of the so called pop singers but a steady rising fandom that will always be "YOUR" fans for life.
More good news from Amazon China
Impressive! RT @MyEyesBabyEyes: WOW 3 albums in the top 20 on Amazon China Adam Lambert’s Trespassing #1 FYE #16 Glam Nation #19
From the beginning of American Idol until now, I haven't heard one male contestant I've liked apart from Adam. He leaves all the others behind the starting block.
I watched a couple of the audition episodes this year but NM put me right off. Does anyone know when the finalists' shows start? I might watch Idol then.
Adam was in a league all of his own and he outshone the judges who could never stand close to him with talent. It took a lot of ummph for him to have to endure all those weeks.
The most beautiful picture enhanced by weelassie
This is the first time I've seen this. It's Great! Another reason to love Adam.
It's all about the white kid with a guitar.
The people who vote for American Idol contestants are usually very young girls. That's why Bieber continues to rule the pop world. When Adam was on Idol a lot more older people got involved and actually voted because they saw greatness. There will NEVER be anyone like Adam again.
Luuuve the way Adam sez thank you here. Especially the tongue.
This is a great little mention - LOVE IT.
Agree about Jesse Langseth, she was special.
Watch Glee tonight. After some snarky snark in the blogosphere, it has become more widely accepted that the Blaine look with the Elmo coat is indeed a nod to Adam's Queenbert look for Dragon Attack! (well, duuuhhh)
Thanks poster above about the reminder about the Nigel retweet, also a cool mention/nod.
I Love what was said about Adam - so true. The clip is very special and I review it often because of Adam's awesomeness! Remember all the "group" songs. I always thought Adam was holding back a little as to not outshine all the others so much. But, of course, that was impossible - Adam can only sound greater than anyone - that's the way he was born to sing. When Adam sang in the finale, I actually felt sorry for Kris even though Kris won. It was so obvious that Adam should have won, I felt a little embarrassed for Kris. Actually, Kris said Adam should have won and, of course, he was right. That's all in the past and Adam's star has never shown more brightly. He's right where he shoud be - King of the World - Adam Lambert SuperStar!.....nancdruuu2
Such great news about Adam's Amazon sales in China! Three albums in the top twenty! $$$$ for our boy! So happy to see the AI clip. Adam just stood out from the crowd, so different and amazing. I laughed when I read that Glee seems to havee gotten the message about the Elmo jacket. Adam OWNS that jacket! Nuff said.
nancdruuu2 here again. I just wanted to say - Adam's hair in this clip is one of my favs! Love the "down"look!
No Adam should have won, he way out sang Kris! And out shone him in every way! Like Kris some, but that us the simple truth! sue
That is that is just the simple truth! Correction. Sue
I like Kris as a person, but has an artist he boring to me! He not in the same league as Adam! We all know why Kris won he had a lot to do with Arkasas not so up and up methods! It really does not matter because Adam has a way bigger career most especially in Asia and other counties he did a great job on Diva Kris could not have handled that job at all! He got talent and I hope he does well and supports his growing family well I have nothing against him! But as an artist Adam out shines many, I hope next couple years he soars! He has made lots if strides in last year especially abroad and lots in Asia! Sorry just an Adam person! Really why was this Kris thing brought up on this site period! I certainly did not do it! Both or totally different artist no comparison at all! U do wish Kris well and hope he has good luck this year, I sometimes say things harsh about him, he a nice guy! But Adam definitely should have win idol, but it did not hurt him not too, his fans are usually very supportive! But this Dauli thing is rediculous! Sue
kris was never in jeopardy on Idol, Adam was. Kris had broad appeal in the safe all American boy category.
Our Adam was an "exotic". People voted the safe guy in.
I wonder if Kris gets a lot of stunned "you beat Adam Lambert?" Comments....must be embarrassing. He's sweet just dull.
Although Kris fits the cookie cutter mold of Idol and the fact he is from the South and all Idol winners are from the South except for Lee Dwyze from Chicago, still as I remember, Adam won all states except Arkansas that cheated delivering 38 million votes out of the 99 million votes registered from the other states.
As Adam said when he refused to talk about that allegation, what difference does it make, I got what I wanted.
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