Adam Lambert tweets: "Friday The 13th Glam. That full moon gave me the urge to get Dusted" & "Happy Birthday @sutanamrull"
Filed Under () by glitzylady on Saturday, June 14, 2014
Posted at : Saturday, June 14, 2014
Adam tweeted this Instagram Picture:
Friday the 13th Glam. That full moon gave me the urge to get Dusted.
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) June 14, 2014

Happy Birthday @sutanamrull Love you!!
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) June 14, 2014

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yes love the make up Adam! Bring back the Glam!!!! <3
Have a feeling lots of Glam on this concert. Theatrical a plenty. Sue
The world as I know it has just shifted thoughts are drifting...oh wait.., I avert my eyes ... There I can breathe again....Dang Adam...that was a close one ....I can't take many more pics like this one...rose petal
Adam Honey, you just keep following those urges and don't forget we want pictures. Mwah!!!
can Adam please shave already. facial hair does not look good on him
Sexy, sexy, sexy!!!!!
Hope he lets that hair get a little longer on top, a little sexier and that he wears lots of BLACK!!! on tour.
Soooooooooo sexy!
The eye make-up is finally back!!! Lovin' it! . . . Adamluv
Oh quit complaining, he has shaved it a lot...have to keep the rock edge!
Love the make up! The shape of his eyes, oh my oh my!
yes make up again love it,getting packed ready for chicago.
12:45 PM I am----blueeyes
Adam looks gorgeous!!
No complaints here; it's impossible to make perfect more perfect!!!
The full moon gave Adam the urge to get dusted, meaning he wants to get some drugs. He often uses the urban dictionary. So he went to Sutans party and got dusted.
Maybe he meant drunk, or laid. Not good for him to use urban dictionary language, gives people all kinds of ideas, as to how he spends his free time.
After a hard work week, he probably just want to unwind with some weed and a couple of drinks..
No shave Adam is so hot and beautiful with facial hair and he love it
All the stupid speculation means nothing; unless you were with him your guess is a good as the next person's, or as bad. None of your business anyway; he is a grown man and can do what he pleases!
Adam sounded and looked so good. What a great personality! He really loves his fan!
Wow, what a man. Cannot wait until the first concert.
4:36 pm here, meant to say he loves his fans!
On google and in the Urban dictionary, there are several meanings of the word dusted; not all pertaining to drugs as some would have you believe. Check it out for yourselves. One was just being at festivities; and one was sprinkling cheese on pasta. Not everything pertains to drugs as some would wish you to believe. Probably never dons on Adam that someone would take every little word and try to spin their own meaning to it.
So glad this grown man is out enjoying himself and doing whatever he darn well pleases!!
Not speculation, Adam said it, I did not. Claims he wanted to get dusted, nothing to speculate about.
He looked like he always does, nice looking, spoke naturally, nothing deep. Actually had a hard time finding answers to some of the questions. He sings one hella of a lot better than the gives interviews. Give him a stage, and he is brilliant, not so much in interviews. Thought he could have done better. The best thing he said was to wait and see how you feel about yourself, don't rush into anything, take your time to fully realize what your sexuality might be. I totally agree with that, I don't believe youngsters know enough about sexual tendencies, until they have lived a little. I remember being 12 years old and thought I was in love with someone of my sex. It happened again when I was 14. By the time I was in my later teens, I had just the opposite feelings, and was only interested in the opposite sex, Have been married now with a couple of kids, and those tendencies never came back, and I am completely happy, and now know I was just a bit mixed up at a very young age. So I agree take your time, and don't rush into anything.
HaHa, I thought it meant he wanted to put on some glam! Hence the makeup and nail polish.
5:13, would love to see you interviewed.
No you wouldn't, I have not been trained to speak, nor am I in the public eye. Adam is also not a trained speaker, but the subject matter is Adam not me.
According to the Urban Dictionary, ANOTHER meaning for "Get Dusted" is:
"Dusted: adj; Utterly fabulous and or flawless."
Thinking PERHAPS that's what Adam was referring to, since he captioned his ****fabulous eye make-up**** selfie with that term....
I'm not a prude or completely stupid, or oblivious to what goes on at clubs, parties etc.. in Hollywood (and other places for that matter.."back in the day" and all that.....), but I somehow can't really believe that Adam would announce to the world that he was going out to get high on cocaine....Nope...
Just my opinion of course :)))
I took what ADAM said to mean "Get Dusted" = "Get Glammed Up" for Raja's/Sutan"s birthday party ... nothing as deep or ominous as ' get high on drugs'!! WHERE do you get your ideas @3:44 PM?? ADAM hasn't been wearing eyeliner nor nail polish for some time so the full moon made him feel like the 'old' ADAM ... so he did!!! THAT's ALL!!! That's JMO ...
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
There are Glamberts who'll argue about anything. :-(
Why would any one take dusted out of content Adam was getting glammed up for the party I think that is what it meant.Also I love to hear adam in an interveiw I love to watch the expressions on his face i just really like Adam.He will be glammed up for the concerts can not wait.
Watch your language!
Your attitudinal ignorance's showing.
I also took it to mean makeup. Also agree he wouldn't announce that he would be doing drugs. I thought his interview was great. Well done Adam, once again. JMO.
Your opinion of Adam not being so good in interviews puzzles me.
Most fans say totally the opposite. Of course when he is asked about matters he does not want or cannot talk about (yet) he can be vague and not giving any real or new answers, but usually he is EXCELLENT in interviews and much much better and more articulate than most talking about anything.
Care to elaborate your opinion? Were you expecting more dig deeper conversation around the LGBT issues or what?
I thought Adam did very well in the question/answer thing. He's very articulate. Please keep in mind that it isn't like he had the questions handed to him beforehand, so I think he did a very good job of thinking on his feet.
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