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Edmonton Sun review in print!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Awesome write-up. Actually all of them have been and I reread them many times each. I love when people are loving on the Adam I love.

Anonymous said...

@6:54 PM

Yes...glowing reviews.


Just a head's up....there's one floating around that is getting pummeled (and rightly so) because of its blatant homophobic tones. Guy named Derek (GIGCITY) taking task to Adam's costumes (ummm... Freddie?!) and in a convoluted way questions Adam's voice as being too clean (whatever the F that means....suggesting lip-synching,perhaps?).

Visit at your own risk (of experiencing major anxiety). Guy is a tool.

Anonymous said...

7:02 PM again

Oh...and apparently. Mike Ross, who wrote the Edmonton Sun review, is the Editor of this publication. Same? Not sure. I would assume same.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 7:02 PM
I read that particular review and did not post it here.. It really was a strange one.. I hope someone doesn't post it.. :((

Anonymous said...

All the glowing and awesome reviews of Adam's performance with Queen certainly put a big smile on my face. Finally, people out there are beginning to see and hear what so many of us as loyal fans have known since he sang that first note on Idol. We are not professional critics or reviewers, but we knew there was something special in this contestant Adam Lambert. His amazing vocal talent and mesmerizing stage presence are now witnessed by the admiring crowds that he performs for each night of the tour with Queen. Anyone who criticizes Adam's costumes or suggests that he is lip synching has to be insane. Rock on Adam and just know there are so many of us here who are absolutely in love with this Queenbert pairing and look forward to each new concert(the vids) and the satisfaction it brings to all of us. I think Adam has never looked better or sounded better than he does right now on that stage each night of the tour.

leilani aloha said...

Aye!!! I second that!!! :)

Jadam NZ said...

I don't want to read it. I'll go with the majority thanks.

Anonymous said...

What I think impresses me most about the majority of glowing reviews is that most writers acknowledge that the Queen catalog of songs are not only vast but quite intricate to perform.....and they're quite impressed with Adam's vocal ability and stamina. I can't imagine anyone else that would be able to sustain a 2 hour plus show in great voice.

Aside from the one 'meh' review (reviewer feels Adam would be better suited to Journey and is not a good fit with Queen...what?....if not Adam,who?) I believe the writing critics 'get it' and completely understand Queen's choice in Adam. In fact, a lot of people who were reserving judgment until seeing them live,are having their own 'ah haa'moments.

And that's a good thing!

Anonymous said...

If he sang with Journey I'd be a happy Journey too...Don't Stop Believing....Wheel in the Sky....
Any Way You Want It....Open Arms...Lights....oh, shoot, he'd sound great singing with any band!......JAK
I'm loving this tour! :-)))