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Adam Lambert liked 3 Instagram pics!!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, July 4, 2014

Posted at : Friday, July 04, 2014


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th everyone. Still fireworks going off everywhere outside my house. Cats are all hiding under the beds.

Excited for Queenbert in Vegas! Wish I could go! Think there will be a live stream! And of course I know we'll get great videos and pics.

Anonymous said...

So, it's Django again! Obsessed Adam? Ask straight him to be your boyfriend, this is getting a bit ridiculous. Or are you not sure who would be better: Django or Gus Tamez? Gus is hotter IMO. Django is quite boyish still.

Anonymous said...

Mind your own business.

Anonymous said...

I second that, 1:53am.

Why so snarky, 11:05? Or am I reading you wrong?

xo laura