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Dr Brian Mays' Face!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Saturday, July 5, 2014

Posted at : Saturday, July 05, 2014


Anonymous said...

Lyndsey Parker Reality Rocks!! Queen + Adam Lambert Bring Fabulosity, Freddie Reverence to L.A.'s Fabulous Forum

Anonymous said...

Perfectly Priceless......JAK : )

Anonymous said...

Any Ustream or twitter feeds tonight?

Anonymous said...

:ueen + Adam Lambert Las Vegas tonight! Twiterlist World Clock Stream

Anonymous said...

I used the words, deep reverence to Freddie, just yesterday. And I see a tweet from Adam saying Freddie is QueenBert's patron saint...sort of confirms what I stipulated in my retort to an LA Times write-up.
Terrific picture of Adam spewing champagne and in this position, not so easy. This picture says: Don't mess with me, my internal kungfu is quite powerful. lwl! Actually, Adam's internal kungfu is not to be sniffed at...see how he spews champagne all over the place, great distance coverage lol! some onto the audience, which he said, was his intention to get a couple of ladies wet. lwl! Okay seriously, his internal kungfu is where his powerhouse voice originates and that is certainly distinct kungfu.


Anonymous said...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this one of Brian and Adam says it all.

Anonymous said...

Streaming info is on 'Adam Lambert Fan Facebook. Check it out, good luck

Anonymous said...

Adam has sparkly shoes on now. He must of had two pairs. Or they put sparkly stuff on them in there spare time.

Anonymous said...

There's a great close-up of this pic floating around. Actually, it's mostly Adam with just a bit of Brian on the side. It's like a fine, sexy oil painting. I think Brian got a really kick out of being a part of this segment. That look on his face is priceless.


Anonymous said...

Spewing champagne with good distance
Don't mess with Adam
His internal power is potent
Like when he wails Who Wants To Live Forever
It's kungfu with no ambiguity
Scaling his Mt Everest again and again
With Brian and Roger his solidarity
In Killer Queen as shown above
He's playful, childlike with so much love
Adam is not easy to fathom, like the ocean
But his connectivity, visibility, talents
Are subtle, persuasive; not taking things too seriously...


Anonymous said...


I typed in the twitter listed and it says page does not exist. Do I need to type in front of the above twitter address? Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the streaming information. We can always count on you. As far as twitter; I am get non=exist page information.

Anonymous said...

Adam loves to play the stage, he is such a actor. And to top it off. he is just plain having fun, and so is the rest of the band.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam has internalised his theatric talents/skills; he once advised an AI contestant as a mentor that he needs to enjoy his performance on stage or the audience will not get it. He's putting that into practice and his connectivity with the audience is his powerful tool, like kungfu which uses all kinds of tools even chopsticks can kill; used to jab the eyes or throat when the enemy is having dinner with the kungfu sifu. Gruesome! but not all kungfu is so gruesome but the kill is always on the top of their mind. lwl! Much like what we say about Adam...he kills it or nails it or Adam's killer wails. lol! Mmm Adam, kungfu sifu!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who can DO this! Is this real?

Anonymous said...

You've managed to do just that to a much larger crowd...throughout these years... and without the champagne... pheeeewwww!

Anonymous said...

HA! Never underestimate the power of the Glambert in more ways than one!

Anonymous said...

For one negative review fromthe LA critic, there are all the rest that are so positive and heap accolades upon Adam and Queen. With sold out venues and the audience going crazy in their enthusiasm for the music, who cares about one critic's views?Everyone on that stage seems to be having a fabulous time and with Brian's and Roger's wonderful acceptance of Adam and recognition of his amazing vocal talent, that's all that needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

I will never use chopsticks again.