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From A Queen Fan @why_a_duck: "A Few Rambling Thoughts About Tonight's @QueenWillRock Show" "Adam Impressed The Hell Out Of Me"

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Sunday, July 20, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, July 20, 2014

EXCERPTS from the blog musings of a Queen fan:

Queen w/ Adam Lambert - 7/19 at Mohegan Sun

"Just a few random thoughts while my ears are still ringing and the smell of smoke from the casino is still in my clothes."


"I had read about a lot of the previous QAL shows and watched a bunch of videos, so I sort of knew what I was in for."

"But wow."

"Prior to the show I was going to start this by saying I’d bet if Freddie were alive today he’d probably say “who is this little b**** and why is he singing my f****** songs?” But now I’d add “and why is he so f****** good?” "

"Adam impressed the hell out of me. ....I thought that Adam might get lost among all the majesty and pageantry. He didn’t. He led the f****** parade."

"Tonight was definitely a bucket list night."

Read the REST of the Blog Post HERE:


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The skeptical nay sayers are winding down and it's all good to me he!he!

The one and only who can give JUSTICE to queen songs, is hmmm!!:)?

Adam Lambert is the only name in my head since I followed him from AI!!!


Anonymous said...

Sorry it's Canadian!!:) Get excited all the time!!!:)

Anonymous said...

How did that comment fit the guidelines to be deleted? No name calling, no comment on Adam, no profanity. We've gone from trolls hating on Adam aren't deleted to admin will delete whatever they feel like.

Anonymous said...

HAHAH!! I love the mental vision it gives me of Adam leading a parade. No one better!!!

Anonymous said...

The concert last night at Mohegan Sun was amazing! I can't even find the words. Even after watching all the videos for days, seeing it live was way beyond my expectations! Just spectacular!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you were wowed, AG
I'm not able to go, but I love reading about concert goers reactions.

Anonymous said...

More Ali K pics

Dr. Brian MayVerified account ‏@DrBrianMay

THANKS @alikat123 for these pics. Fun !!!! Bri

Anonymous said...

Loving all the fan reviews and pictures.

Anonymous said...

WOW, beautiful heartfelt review, from a person who seemed determined he was not going to like Adam until he saw and heard him sing; and his mind could not ignore the facts in front of him, and the actually reality shattered all of his preconceived ideas, and he was honest enough to let them go! Now that is a person with character.

I can't stop watching these videos from last night, so good; and the crowd's responses were amazing. If I can feel the greatness of Adam from a video; I can't imagine what it must actually feel like to be there!

Anonymous said...

That Freddie/Queen concert goer says it ALL; and he says it NOW! So listen up all you naysayers!

Anonymous said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!This is the type of great review I love to read..a CONVERTED"only Freddie"fan to a new Adam fan.Love,love,love that review!He's Canadian?that's great,too..the more different places,or countries,or from anywhere..all good!

Anonymous said...

So this comment is allowed to remain on the thread just below
"AnonymousJuly 20, 2014 at 8:23 AM
It's too late for Adams to have a mainstream music career. They are looking for the next and the new who appeal to a young demographic. Adam peaked 6 years ago."

but my comment above about the link to this review has been on every thread was deleted. Same Admin for both threads. This makes no sense.

Anonymous said...

Omg this place is full of whiners.

Anonymous said...

heated debate or not, I think Adam Lambert was waving the bisexuality banner high in Mohegan. he was parading around his equal opportunistic ways. hehaw I have noticed changes in his behavior for a little while now and some new he/she could be to blame.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:25 AM Set up and run your own blog

wblaz said...

I was at the concert last night, an ear drum splitting, floor vibrating Rock and Roll phenomenon add the out of this world voice of Adam and guitar and drum solos of Brian and Roger. We were on our feet the whole time. Exceptional performances, cost me a bloody fortune but worth every penny.

Anonymous said...

@9:45 - Seriously???

Anonymous said...

That seriously is for the first @9:45 post.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:25 AM
A couple of things..

1. We admins cannot be here every moment to monitor this blog.. Real life intervenes..

2. We're damned if we do damned if we don't when it comes to comments that are deleted..

3. Since you chose to quote that comment at ( @Anon 8:23 AM ), it would still be here on this thread regardless of whether or not we decided to delete it. And as a result your comment would also have to be deleted, to eliminate it entirely. You aren't helping by highlighting it..

Anonymous said...

9:48 me too. I spent mucho on the concert but it was so worth it. We had a fun weekend great seats and my memory bank is full.

Anonymous said...

GL and admin you are doing a good job keep it up.I have had a few comments removed and managed to live through it. It's not that deep, when in doubt remove the comment and be glad I am not the moderator here. Lol

Anonymous said...

I read this blog often but rarely comment. Lately it seems to be maintained like a high school click were the popular kids(those that admin likes) can write whatever they please. The rest are deleted according to whatever mood or whim admin is in at that time. As a person who believes in free speech this is no longer a pleasant place to be. I check in to get news about Adam because I am a fan. I am an adult and can stand a few negative comments made by ill meaning people. I can't stand the subjective rules. I will find another site for my Adam fix. I are sure this comment will be deleted.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Admin and GL and all for EVERYTHING y'all do on this site. I love all the news about Adam, the videos , the viewers comments including the snarky ones and the negative ones. After all, it's what makes us all human and.that includes our opinions.

Anonymous said...

So troll comments stay but none troll comments are deleted. What is going on?

There was still no answer of why the comment at 7:20 am was deleted. The troll comment on the other thread is still there. Glitzy's comment at 10:21 isn't an answer or explanation. What has happened to this site?

leilani aloha said...

Wow! what lovely compliments for our " new boy "Adam!!!:)

So proud! we Glamberts knew that!
Love the part about Adam leading the "f,,,,,g PARADE"!!!:)

Anonymous said...

That's the way life is. You have to take the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, look at all the information/comments/opinions and make a decision/choice about the subject at hand. It seems that most of the reviews and comments about Adam have been overwhelmingly positive. So if you are an Adam fan, you will be happy. You will enjoy all the vids and pictures and come back for the next set of them. If you just can't get into Adam, his voice or his stage presence, and singing with Queen, you probably will never change how you feel. However, we did see from this comment that one individual did change his mind. There are a lot more important and serious things happening in the world today to be concerned about. Whether or not you like Adam Lambert performing with Queen probably doesn't matter so much in the big picture. But if you do "get him' performing these iconic rock songs, then enjoy them over and over again.

V Camilleri said...

I love all the posted vids of the concert. I get to go to every show. The live show was so exciting definitely a bucket list experience. The vids just let the show continue and bring the lve show back to life in my mind.

Anonymous said...

@10:35 AM promise?

@10:39 AM get over it

glitzylady said...

Very few comments are deleted. VERY FEW..

No one wants their comments deleted. NO one. And when they are for whatever reason, the admins are sometimes criticized for being unfair. There is a fine line that we try to discover when moderating comments..

We/I respect differing opinions and points of view. And welcome respectful and lively discussion.

I agree that just because one doesn't agree with someone, it doesn't necessarily warrant the comment being deleted. To be honest, if that was truly the case, that any comment any of us doesn't agree with was deleted, half the blog would disappear, don't you think?

"Moderation" ie: helping to determine a comment's "suitability" under various criteria etc.., is not an easy task. Sometimes we ponder a comment and it's ultimate intent for awhile.. No knee jerk deletions except in the case of obvious nastiness, extreme disrespect, etc..

We do the best we can...

Anonymous said...

In the past my comments were removed. Whereas our regular non-fan negative comments toward Adam stayed. Probably this comment will be deleted. I'll take it as a woman. No heart feeling. It's a hard job to mod this fansite that sometimes turn into a cesspool.

To stay on topic, I love reading Queen fans' recap about their QAL experience. Read bunch of good ones on different Queen forums. Some of them mentioned that they will go to more than one concert like some Glamberts. I myself went to three. All is mostly good on both fandoms.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, you still have not stated
1.what criteria made the comment at 7:02 get deleted
2. why the troll comment with hate about Adam on the other thread is allowed to remain.

Anonymous said...

eta: was allowed to remain until recently.

Anonymous said...

We all want the hater troll comments deleted but that doesn't happen.

Anonymous said...

10:35 AM and 11:33 AM, glad I'm not the only one who has noticed the double standard.

It's especially egregious when the hater and vulgar comments are left.

Does the real Admin know what is going on in her absence?

Anonymous said...

Comment sections should have 2 sections. One for those that love Adam and want to support him. Another section for everyone and everything else.

Anonymous said...

I expect the 'everything else' section would be huge and very few would be in the 'support Adam' section.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

11.53 total troll. Think total opposite one in support Adam would be quite big.

Anonymous said...

One negative review out NY and last night. So the hell what! Every other was great! Queen and Freddy from what I heard got way more flack then Adam and queen. Still sold out house like their doing and bringing down the house. You love professional Music Critics so much LOL try and become one. Be a lot better wasting your life running down Adam who doing great! None of this troll crap hurts him a bit. Queen fans are more important to me than some music critics they actually buy tickets and merchandise that is important to the success of the show. So yes there opinion is just if not more important to the success of the shows than music critics. So far they been loving it, best testimony ever and the majority if the critics have to.

Anonymous said...

After reading that review posted by @11:49AM, this thought came to my mind. How about having Adam's Music Again instead of Here I Am since the reviewer said Music Again has Queen sound to it? Also since Nile Rodgers will be at QAL on Wednesday, instead of Dr. May's 20 mins. solo, Nile can join him and then have Adam to sing Shady before going to second part of the concert with his performances of Love Kills, WWTLF, etc. All of this on Wednesday show. Reviewers will love it. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Love this New Facebook post from Roger Taylor

Shows are getting better every night! Adam is utterly amazing, a truly world class singer! Rog

Anonymous said...

12:31 PM
I don't think that will happen since it is a Queen concert.

Anonymous said...

@12:08 PM Are you new here? The bitchy threads are the ones with all the comments, the support Adam threads have 0 to 3 comments. Anyone knows if you want to get in on a b session pick a thread with lots of comments. Scroll by the small comment counts.

Anonymous said...

@12:31 PM Depends on the reviewer but the possibility of the many easy ways to fit in something like that are fun to imagine.

Anonymous said...

What do you call support. When tons of Glamberts jump in and support him against BS that's support. No I am not new. Not true that ones in support if Adam get no comments. Some get few but there are hundreds of posts a week what do you expect. 12.37. Lets face it if the Lol's types are in town most turn bitchy. But Glamberts taking fiercely up for him is certainly supporting him. Kind of hard to scroll past something after you read it. Until you read it don't know what it is.

Unknown said...
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Adamluv said...

@11:49 Thank you. Loved the review, especially near the end about the straight dudes in the audience, the Elvis sneer, dry humping the mic, and so on. Peeps dont miss this review!!!!!! SHOULD HAVE A THREAD by itself inless it already has and I missed it?. . . aDAMLUV

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

found on twitter

Cattituude @Cattituude · 11m

Holy shit! Just heard Adam's name in the next Iheart Radio Festival lineup in Vegas! His name was last in long list! Announcement Wed 9 AM!

Adam Lambert Events @adam_events · 3m

RE last RT iheart Radio Festival 2014 info

The iHeartRadio Music Festival returns
to the MGM Grand Las Vegas September 19 & 20

Pete said...

FYI. I'm the guy who wrote the rambling thoughts posted here (pleased I am that they were).

First off - not Canadian. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Born in NH, live in CT - less than 5 miles from the concert site.

I wasn't a Freddie-only/Adam-hater going in. Not by any means. I loved Fred, but I was only 17 when they toured with him for the last time in the US - never got a change to see him. And I knew Adam, out of all the possibilities, was the one who could do Fred justice. It just made sense. Between that and the videos I saw beforehand I knew he was going to do well. The fact that I ended up sockless after the actual show should be a sign of how much he exceeded my already high expectations - not a sign that despite any misgivings he did well.

Anyhow, cheers.

Anonymous said...
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glitzylady said...

This is the rest of the twitter feed of @Cattituude

I assume we shouldn't jump to any conclusions, but what the heck!!

But hmmmmmmmmmmm....

Interesting...... Read from bottom to top:

Cattituude @Cattituude · 7s
I hope someone else hears the ad! I was so stunned, I hope it's for this year!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 33s
@bmoschetti Nope, not sure of anything cause I shut off with that list. Hope I'm not starting something that's wrong!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 7m
Listen... it was so unexpected, I hope it is this year... listen for radio ad! His name is last on long list!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 9m
@purpIegirll I don't think so cause they said full list announced Wed, but so unexpected so I don't know!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 10m
Was in car, long list, Katy, Gaga, Miley, JT etc. Stopped listening then last 1, Adam! Didn't hear Q but not sure. Whaaat?!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 15m
@SusieFierce Yes! In car, kinda stopped listening after Katy, Gaga, JT etc. At end, Adam! Couldn't hear if they said Q but don't think so!

Cattituude @Cattituude · 24m
Holy shit! Just heard Adam's name in the next Iheart Radio Festival lineup in Vegas! His name was last in long list! Announcement Wed 9 AM!

From the iHeartRadio Music Festival website:

"Ryan Seacrest will reveal the star-studded lineup Wednesday, July 23rd, at 9am ET/6am PT. Be sure to check back to find out which superstars will perform this year!"

So stay tuned!!

Anonymous said...

@1:48 PM It wouldn't be that way if you would quit posting comments.

glitzylady said...

Hi Pete!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

The "Canadian" comment wasn't meant for you :)) The poster at 7:27 AM accidentally signed her name incorrectly :)))

I truly LOVED your **rambling** comments.. It's always wonderful to hear other points of view, and definitely those who echo my own thoughts..

I've been a Queen fan for years and more recently an Adam Lambert fan (from Idol onwards..) and seeing the two at the same time (actually more than once for moi..) in the same venue, performing together was a dream come true..

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

haha, at least we only have to wait until next Wednesday to find out for sure. Just the right amount of time for speculating and jumping.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pete
You're a brave man to wander into this blog. Welcome anytime. I too, enjoyed hearing from you.

Anonymous said...

1:59, it was an observation. It's not me making it that way.

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to my local iHeart radio. Hope to hear the ad on my radio. Maybe they meant Levin!? Media mixes up our Adam with Levin often.

Anonymous said...

@pete loved your concert recap. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

@2:20 PM That crossed my mind, too. But Levine is not a solo artist, he would perform as Maroon 5 and they would list as Maroon 5. But we'll see on Wed.

Anonymous said...

Seems to be a recap of last year's show. The person who tweeted should have called the radio station about what she heard before tweeting.

Anonymous said...

@11:52 @11:53 @12:37
Posts like these make me seriously doubt the sanity of so many people spending their time in blogosphere in places/on sites/topics they are not even interested in (in this case: an AL fan site) but just to bitch.

Are you people for real?!?! You want to spend time on a fan site of one of the nicest, friendliest singer/performer, whose life mission is to sing & entertain, to spread equality, love & acceptance, and you come here just to bitch???!!! That is just absurd. Go find something or someone you want to support, life is too short and too valuable...and you wanna spend it on bitchin about Adam on a site for Adam supporters?!?