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QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT Tour: Videos From San Jose, CA 7-14-14

Filed Under () by glitzylady on Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Queen + Adam Lambert Tour: Videos from San Jose, CA 













 And this...


Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert
10 hours ago
Something new hitting the merch stands tonight! And yes, of course that's gold...

It's a poster of Adam, can someone techy bring it here? Maybe someone bought one and can share a pic. Here's Adam's Facebook link to see it.

glitzylady said...

The Poster is also available at the Adam Lambert store from Adam Official:

Anonymous said...

Adam is just amazing...beyond words....just wondering being a costume seamtress for musical theater at my local high school...and I wasn't really looking there but did Adam almost have another "break free" moment? These performances are out of this world amazing ..speechless

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to post a video of Radio Ga Ga at the San Jose concert? That would be excellent .... thanks in advance.

glitzylady said...

We'll post as they become available.. :)))

Anonymous said...

Thanks @glitzylady - much appreciated. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just checking this out in anticipation of going to the Queen concert. Adam sounds amazing , haven't seen him in awhile but he is SMOKIN ' HOT. Can't wait !!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow.


Anonymous said...

Love all the videos .....Adam was amazing as usual...just a thought.... I guess I didn't realize when I became a glambert all the love and joy I would experience because of our amazing Adam .... But I also didn't anticipate my feelings of anger toward anyone ...who in my opinion doesn't give him the credit he deserves ....this morning I was reading a review of last nights concert... While it wasn't entirely bad ... The review said that the performance seemed like a cover band....and Adam didn't do AOBTD and CLTCL and a level compared to Freddie....I was instantly mad ... it was high school football again and even though my son had scored 5 touch downs ... his one fumble was all the crowd cared about ....then I realized that although the crowd's reaction bothered me .... my son couldn't have cared less .... he'd done an aweome job and he was proud of himself .... as were we.... so I've decided that no matter what anyone ...reviewer or so called hard core Queen fan says .... I know Adam has done an amazing job and I'm proud if him ...and I have a feeling he's got to be a little proud of himself .... He's been given a very had task and done a fantabulous job at it .... rose petal

glitzylady said...

@Rose Petal
I saw that review and decided not to post it here because I know it would cause some hard feelings. I had a similar reaction to the review as you. I followed the guy's tweets last night and knew what he'd say. But oh well.. I did think he had a lot of positive things to say in general.

I've read every review out there so far and the majority have high praise for the men of Queen AND Adam.. And the rest MOSTLY thought he did a great job.. Although one reviewer said Adam had a "bland" voice which I couldn't entirely ignore :)) I was at the Vancouver concert (the one that particular reviewer was also at) and I felt the venue sound and acoustics were not as good as they should have been, and suggested that I hoped he would listen to some of the vids that came out of Vancouver for another chance to hear Adam's vocals.. The videos all had clearer sound than the venue itself it seemed to me. I was respectful of his opinion and polite.. Not all were however....

Anonymous said...

WWTLF has to be my favorite Queen song that Adam performs. I first saw the video from the iheartradio show in Vegas when he sang it and he just blew the roof off the building with his rendition of it. His voice is spectacular, amazing and just gives me the chills as I listen to this song. For those who disagree, I guess as hardcore Queen fans, no one will change their minds about singing Queen's iconic songs. But you would have to be a little bit insane, not to acknowledge that Adam Lambert is such a brilliant vocalist in his interpretation of these songs and his mesmerizing style on stage. I am not able to see any of the concerts, but I have enjoyed all of the pics and vids that have been posted here and I love to read all the reactions from those who have attended the concerts.

Anonymous said...

who was tongue wrestling? AL must have been amused to give a shout out.

Anne Marie said...

I also read that review, and as you say it was a fairly complimentary of Queen and Adam. But he couldn't help himself, he HAD to compare Adam to Mercury. Obviously a Mercury fan, and in his opinion although Adam was mostly OK, he didn't fill Mercury's shoes. Well duh! Adam wasn't supposed to fill Mercury's shoes. He has never tried to and he was Adam Lambert with Queen. To say that Adam didn't have the swagger that Mercury had , may be true, I personally think that Adam has as much swagger as Mercury, but he purposely held back, because he is not aping Mercury. That would have been the first complaint if he had. He wore beautiful costumes, that was appropriate for a pg13 show, and not the risqué outfits Mercury wore, who by the way said he didn't give a damn what the audience thought. Another complaint about AOBTD, Adams voice wasn't as low as Mercury's.
GRRRR. Adam isn't Freddie Mercury, he is Adam Lambert with his own voice, which in my opinion is better than Mercury's, Mercury had a tiny bit longer range, but Adam has a much better voice over all. I believe that Brian is more front and center with Adam, than he was with Mercury. Mercury seemed to take over the whole stage, but Adam shares it equally with Brian. Brian said once ,since Adam has joined, that now he is in control of the stage, and he wasn't before. Adams swagger that I have seen often turns into a little or a lot of sexiness, not appropriate for this show. The interviewer, just couldn't bring himself to give Adam or Brian full marks for a job well done


Anonymous said...

did he call that bra a bad name?? he was trying to cup his buttocks.

Anonymous said...

did he call that bra a bad name?? he was trying to cup his buttocks.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is a showman for the 21st century. Mercury was of the 20th century. A different time as far as music is concerned. The both can hold an audience in their hands. I love how Adam is making the songs his own. Paying tribute without being a copy.

Anonymous said...

and why did Adam feel it waas necessary to point out after "Killer Queen" that anybody who knows him know that was not how he is when he is up there on that couch. Could people not tell he is just having a little fun during that song.

glitzylady said...

And I hope you all will watch the "Love Kills" video that I posted on it 'a own thread just previous to this thread. Exceptionally good professional HD video quality and so beautifully sung by Adam.. Not to mention the accompaniment by Brian May...

Gabi said...

I was there. It's hard to do this epic experience justice in words. I am still basking in the afterglow. Adam truly looked and sounded like "one in a million". I loved his stage presence and confident stride and that happy gorgeous smile. He is a complete showman by now and he knows it and still, he is so humble looking up to his heroes. I can't believe how much his voice has matured even further, unbelievable! His little banter after "Killer Queen" was heartwarming and so genuine. He knows who he is and he is not afraid to show it. I'm so proud of him. Brian and Roger must be over the moon to have him on board. Of course Adam is no Freddie. He certainly doesn't have to be as he is Adam Lambert in all his uniqueness and glory!
@Lambertlust, so nice to finally meet you and your wife in person! What a night in San Jose it was!!! I met many hardcore Queen fans, new Glamberts, and just casual fans, and the vibe was positive and celebratory throughout. My heart is full.

About the "review". That guy is clearly not an Adam fan - I read his tweets and his article in the San Jose Mercury News entertainment guide prior to the show and it is clear what he thinks about Adam in comparison to Freddie's legacy. I commented on his review earlier this morning. Told him that I almost want to applaud him for trying hard to be a fair "critic" by not completely dissing Adam as I am fully aware of his opinion of him. Still, I told him that I was wondering if we were at the same concert as Adam hit the right note in every aspect of the show.

Anonymous said...

I wish glamberts would respect professional critics and not try to argue with them. the critics are just laughing at them

Anonymous said...

@10:36 AM

Very difficult to respect 'critics' when they use words like 'blandness' and "Lambert's no Mercury" where Adam is concerned. Especially when they reek of an unfair agenda before they even witness the event (IF they even witnessed the event). Good critiquing means fair and not letting your personal disdain seep through.

The SJ Mercury one wasn't horrible...I just can't stand the 'He's no Freddie' anymore!!

Anonymous said...

Actually all the critics have had similar opinions. Adam has a great voice and he shines in theatrical numbers. He misses the mark when it comes to having a rock edge. And he will never be freddie.

The stars of the show are queens music and brian may.

Anonymous said...

Have many fans been sitting on the chairs on stage? Just curious I would love to but sooo expensive.

Anonymous said...

JMO Best vids of tour for sound and viewing quality. Thanks!!! Scraped 2gether enough to see 2 shows and feel blessed. This is a fabulous production, playing to Queen's and Adam's strengths. TBH, if you look at Queen's history, they were never critic's favorites. So, most reviews have been overwhelmingly positive about Queen and Adam. Let critics be, ticket sales and fan opinions are the critical reviews. Queen really has a joy about them, which seems to denote their satisfaction, with Adam and the shows. Can't wait for my shows.

Anonymous said...

I was not arguing or even with any critic ..... Everyone had thier own opinion and I total respect that... This was a personal revelation for me...that's all ...rose petal

Anne Marie said...

I like how you put it, I went a little overboard probably. Felt like I was defending my young.
Queen is over the moon with Adam, and that is enough for me. Have no idea what will happen in Adam's future because he has had this wonderful experience, but it can't hurt any future endeavors he has, whether solo or more with Queen, or any acting he might do.
So I think it is all good. Feel a bit bad as to how Rogers is being dissed so much, the previous front man. He should be left out of the equation all together,

Anonymous said...

11 50
I am talking about people leaving comments on critics articles or tweeting them, not having an opinion on a message board.

Anonymous said...

@10:50 AM

Well I disagree with you; with absolutely no apology! We all know that Adam Lambert is no Freddy, how many darn times does that have to be said. Also, Freddy was no Adam Lambert. They are both unique talented artist in their own right, and in their own way.

Adam has said over and over again that he is not trying to be Freddy; he is bringing his own unique style to this venture, and that is why Brian and Roger wanted him to perform with them as their very important Front man, and he is just as Important as the rest of the Band on this tour.

Also, I have not heard a lot of critics saying that Adam does not have the rock edge; and I have read almost all of the reviews.

I find it curious that you so adamantly state that the stars of the show are Brian and Music. I think that Brian May would disagree with you; because he is very aware that Roger and all the other members of this Band are what makes the Music that makes this band so great in the first place.

Brian would also probably let you know very loudly and clearly that Adam Lambert is also a very SHINING STAR of this concert tour. If you would take your blinders off and let the truth about Adam Lamberts talents shine through; you would see that for yourself!

You might want to do some research about Adam Lamberts and all the talents that he has embraced in young 32 years; then you might get a better understanding of all the talents this young man possesses, there is a lot out there. Then we can talk!

Anonymous said...


Sorry I misspelled Freddie's name. My brother name is spelled Freddy. Force of habit. Just wanted to note that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, this reminds me of a child who has lost a parent and won't allow the other parent to move on, to always compare a new love interest to the deceased parent.. This is immature and selfish. Freddie is dead, I'm so sorry about that but to constantly compare Adam to him and not allow the band to move on is immature and selfish. Adam is not a replacement, but someone who is allowing the living to keep flourishing.. Please stop with the HATING.

Anonymous said...

@10:50 I have only seen one review that said Adam didn't have a rock voice. All the others praised his voice on all the numbers.

Anonymous said...

It's nice Adam gets to play near LA tomorrow he can check on his new pad.

Anonymous said...

No offense but Thank God Adam is not Freddy

Anonymous said...

10:50 is the same Lol that has been here for ages belittling Adam. No use talking to it.

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk about FREDDIE at least spell his name right

Anonymous said...

1:42yeah,yeah we know.

Anonymous said...

1:27 ha,ha I never thought about that, that is pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

1 42 pm

Don't be so petty; the poster @12 38 acknowledged in the very next post
@12 41, that they had posted the spelling of their family member's name which is Freddy, instead of Freddie's spelling of his name. So why don't you acknowledge your mistake.

He or she has every right to speak about Freddie as much a you do. Ha, ha; get real!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for Adam. He probably will go by his new home; that is if he has time go by there.

I am pretty sure mombert is taking good care of it. Probably getting a lot of things done while he is away and going over to his place to oversee everything if necessary; that is if Adam does not have a caretaker there most of the time, even so, mombert will look out for her son's welfare; I am sure. Just guessing about all of this, of course; but, quite sure all necessary things are being taken care.

Anonymous said...

@1:30pm, yes to your comment. Thank God! No offense to FM fans here on Adam's fansite. Adam is like a rare precious gem. One of a kind.

Anonymous said...

2:07 Freddie's real name is written on his birth certificate like this فرخ . For real!

Anonymous said...

Oh hell to the no! Never underestimate the talents of the Glam One! OK!!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha ha, OK.

Back to viewing these fabulous concert videos! Thanks a million for posting them. Almost like being there!

Anonymous said...

2:26 pm

So we have all been spelling his name wrong. Oh no! Thanks for that you ninja you, for real!

Anonymous said...

I grew up listening to Freddie and I loved how he rocked the stage. No one can replace him indeed!!!:)

Then I met this young man who has the most unbelievable voice on earth!!!:) The name Adam Lambert echos everywhere in the world!!!:)

We crown the new King of Rock n' Roll and not new Freddie indeed!!:)

Bravo to ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for these AMAZING videos!
Unbelievable QUALITY!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I, along with thousands and THOUSANDS of people all over the world, are enjoying this tour via photos and video.
I don't really care what the critics say, about bands, musicians or movies. All I know is that this is a brilliant collaboration and I have chills seeing this band with Adam. From Rogers drumming, to the INSANE guitar leads from Brian to Adam's one in a billion voice (quoted by Brian May) I am in HEAVEN!
By the way, I have seen Adam in concert and he is from another planet in terms of charisma and talent. Don't care about the critics. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
And, to that particular critic, didn't seem like many at the concert agreed with him now, did it! Yea, everyone looked……bored! NOT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The thinking that Adam is being "constantly" compared to Freddie is skewed. If you are reading all the reviews it may seem like Adam is being constantly compared but in actuality each reviewer only did it once. That is to be expected and it would be an odd review if they didn't do it. Most people aren't reading every single review. Try some perspective and calm down. It's not that deep.

Anonymous said...

I love Queen songs only when Adam performs them. Don't care at all for Freddie Mercury. Wouldn't go to Queen concert if he was alive. I'm going to Queenbert concert just because of Adam.

Anonymous said...

why oh why are people so combative on this site? does everyone need to be either negative or right most of the time?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the pics and videos from all the kind people on here and twitter.

Anonymous said...

@11:57 No it can get a bit frustrating when Adam and Queen put it all out there for the fans and there's lack of appreciation in some quarters. Adam's future is his to negotiate then and we get to enjoy now. Will be difficult for him to be dismissed/ignored in the future. Perhaps if Paul R. had not stated prior to the Kiev/European shows that he didn't think Adam would handle a tour with Queen well, people wouldn't pick on him. We get to fully enjoy this experience with Adam and Queen and that equals happiness.

Anonymous said...

Finally . . nice shot of Rufus "Tiger" Taylor

Anonymous said...

@4:01 P.M. (first)

Thank you. My sentiments... sometimes afraid to admit it. Freddie was amazing....but...imo...Adam is more for me. Prefer his voice,look and complete package.

Anonymous said...

Adam is THE most entertaining and talented person on the planet. He is the total package and these were also the best vids of the concert thus far. Adam and Queen are the most magnificent thing to watch. Adam has 100x the talent as anyone else. To compare Adam to anyone is ridiculous. No one has this level of talent in the universe.

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Freddie Mercury was/is the "Queen". He named the band, he wrote 75% of all of these epic songs, he has create the logo and many of their outfits because he was brilliant artist and desingner. When you say "Queen" you say "Freddie Mercury". I love Adam forever. But he didn't wrote Bohemian Rapsody, We Are The Champions or Crazy Little Thing Call Love(in his bath tub in 15 minutes)!. He flawlessly covers the songs on his own only "Adam Lambert" way. But he didn't create(I literally mean create) any of these songs. Freddie, May, Taylor and Deacon wrote them and they became the anthems before Adam was born.

Anonymous said...

Please cease hating on the reviewers because they may have a different point of view. It seems that as soon as a reviewer says something Glamberts don't like, all hell breaks loose in Glambertland which only serves to make Glamberts look desperate.

Anonymous said...

8:46 PM
You are entitled to your opinion but have you heard EVERYONE in the universe sing? Adam has a wonderful voice and there are other singers around the world who also have wonderful voices.

Anonymous said...

The comparison between Adam and Freddie is, surprise surprise, mostly done by Glamberts!

Anonymous said...

@8:46PM Adam is one on the billion according to Dr. Bryan May and Roger Taylor. So their are 6 more singers who can compete with Adam. Do you know their names? Please, do not mention JB, Katy Perry, NM or PSY :)

Anonymous said...

These comments are getting rather dumb now. Anyhoo time for bed it is 3:15 here.

Anonymous said...

Know its not many reviewers have compared them. But Adam is Adam and doing a smashing job. 11.19

Anonymous said...

He'll yes Adam is as important to this tour as Queen . Who do you think doing most of the singing. They are all amazing musicians. Adam has done a fantastic job. 99 per cent have been wonderful for Queen and Adam. There will always be a couple die hard Queens that will give their two cents type reviewers. Over all the reviews have been wonderful for this tour and Adam. That was hell yes! One more comment. Sue

Anonymous said...

The most important review I heard is from Brian M. When he said on stage that Adam was the one of the best Rock singers in the World and he did say world. Who knows better than him.

Anonymous said...

Boy the audience seem to love them and love Adam. Huge response having a wonderful time.

Anonymous said...

This "one in a billion" comment keeps being trotted out by Glamberts. Of course I respect Brian and Roger's point of view and agree that Adam has a fabulous voice, but Brian and Roger haven't heard every singer in the world, nor has anyone else.

HK fan said...

I have just been googling who wrote what Queen songs, just to see if what you said was correct...and it wasn't....the songs were pretty well distributed between all of them, but with Brian and Freddie having more.
For example just on this tour,
Brian may wrote
We will rock you
now I'm here
fat bottomed girls
I want it all
tie your mother down
who wants to live forever

freddie wrote

Don't stop me now
crazy little thing called love
Bo rap
we are the champions
in the lap of the gods
killer queen
somebody to love
love of my life
love kills

roger Taylor
radio gaga
these are the days of out lives Roger main, but all credited

john deacon

another one bites the dust

seven seas of Rhye was Brian and Freddie
Stone cold crazy and the show must go on is credited to all 4.

HK fan said...

Another thing which I have seen pointed out and agree with, is thatBrian May and Roger Taylor are much more at the showcased with Adam singing. Freddie was very much the front man, and the shows were about him....he didn't really interact with the band at all, whereas Adam does.

HK fan said...

Another thing which I have seen pointed out and agree with, is thatBrian May and Roger Taylor are much more at the showcased with Adam singing. Freddie was very much the front man, and the shows were about him....he didn't really interact with the band at all, whereas Adam does.

Anonymous said...

4:01 #1
Probably your honest opinion as an Adam fan, that's fine. Your only interest is Adam. However, your post shows you do not have high regard for Queen music itself which is iconic classic rock and which will continue to "be here" long after Adam has moved on to other "adventures"... (notjustmyopinion)

If I had (had) the slightest chance of going to a Queen concert...I would be on cloud 9...provided they are fronted by a good enough (!) singer - but there aren't many to qualify that job!!! T

Queen music has been in my life "always", love the songs and especially Brian's guitar. Freddie was the front man, the Voice of the Band (I love all of them singing harmonized, too) and a huge character, but I never felt any PASSION towards his singing, performing or towards him... With Adam it's quite the opposite...

Although I love Adam's voice more than any other in today's pop/poprock/rock music, I simply NEED to SEE him singing, performing live, cause he creates PASSION what ever he sings, does, looks like... PURE PASSION & AWW in front of that VOICE and THAT MAN, THE PERSONALITY that he is.

This is also one of the reasons I love QAL - Adam (his VOICE & PERSONA) is the catalyst to Brian's and Roger's newfound PASSION to perform... The love they all share for presenting Queen music and the chemistry on stage is VISIBLE & AUDIBLE, and I love it!

For those Queen fans for whome Freddie was/is the ONLY possible source of this PASSION (mostly men?) I'm talking is very hard to "let go" and I get that, too.

To constantly compare these two men is apparently inevitable (for press and for certain portion of fans "die hards" in both camps), I'm happy I don't feel the need to do that, appreciate them both, but more imporant for me: ADAM IS HERE to sing & perform those songs LIVE!!! [and Freddie can now RIP...]

Anonymous said...

Don't fret over critics. Remember it's their personal opinion they're giving....meanwhile Glamberts can be critics too.

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter what the critics have to say? Most of the venues are sold out or close to it, aren't they? The people who have gone to one of the concerts so far and posted comments here have been elated with Adam's performance and with the members of Queen. Fans, both old and new, are having a terrific time watching the amazing Adam Lambert as he mesmerizes the audience with his vocal talent and his captivating stage presence. Forget the Freddie comparisons. Adam is not there to take his place. Brian and Roger picked him because they saw something special in Adam and knew he could interpret those iconic rock songs in his own special style and have such fun doing it. All of them are having a terrific time and performing for audiences who absolutely love what they see and hear on that stage.

Anonymous said...

@11:19 PM

No it is not said by mostly Adam's fans. Where is your proof, and while you are searching for that; go to a Queen fan site. There you will get your answer about the comparison and some real hateful comments about Adam. If you are going to comment about this; at least be fair!

Anonymous said...

Adam's performances are just over the moon! He should be so proud. I am so proud of him. So proud to call myself a fan of the Glam One.

Nobody, I mean nobody is going to rain on Adam's fabulous unstoppable parade!! Look out world for he is coming!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very, very proud of Adam's fans. For the most part; Adam has some of the kindest most thoughtful fans in the world. Just look at who we are following; Adam sets the tone. There may be a few, very few who cross the line now and then. But, no one should lie about Adam's fan base; they are some of the most passionate and caring fans; and so giving of Adam's causes.

Occasionally, a few may go overboard in trying to protect and defend our beautiful kind superstar. But, we try hard not to offend. With someone as wonderful and kind as our dear Adam; it is very hard not to have his back.

Restrain is the order of the day; OK, I promise I will try.

All kidding aside; I do love this fan base; and our wonderful Star!

Anonymous said...

@3:44 AM

I think you made some good points in your post while stating your opinions as a major Queen fan, and also you are apparently an Adam fan also.

I say the following with all due respect: In my opinion, I don't know if you meant to do this, but you seem to slightly belittling Adam as an artist in his own right, when you made the statement, "Queen music itself which is iconic rock will continue "to be here" long after Adam has moved on to other "adventures". You also said this is not just your opinion; I find this statement insulting and degrading to Adam as an artist. If you mean by "adventures", going back to a very serious career of his own; which he has 2 albums of his own, and also has written songs, and now working on his third album. Being a fan, I guess you know he was also nominated for a Grammy.

So Adam's career is not just another one of his "adventures". You also stated that was not just your opinion. So what, many people have just the opposite opinions of yours; and you know what they say about opinions!

Also, Queen and it's members had to start somewhere; they did not start out being Iconic. After many great entertainers death, they become bigger than life. Which does not and should not take away from the member's left behind.

I am sure it is a great honor for Adam to appear with Queen and the member's of Queen recognize his one in a Billion talents; that is why they chose him. But, make no mistake; Adam M. Lambert is no kid out looking for one "adventure" after another. He is a serious entertainer; and will one day be "Iconic" in his own right!!!