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Adam Lambert posted pic ong IG!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, August 3, 2014

Posted at : Sunday, August 03, 2014


Anonymous said...

adam having so much fun :)

Naupaka18 said...

Boys bonding time :):):)

Dee R Gee said...

Oops! In that last pic, it looks like he dropped something. Or just sleepy.


Vagrant said...

ATT @Admin & Co!

Going to be a bit straight forward here... You with your helpers are doing a lot of work by posting news and putting up new threads... BUT there are so few people commenting! Most threads are empty! Please do something!!!

The unannounced abrupt change (registering/signing in), aaargggghhhhh! The abrupt change during one day when so many of us Anon and Tagged longtimers here first were able to comment and then suddenly NOT was IMO done in a very unprofessional, non-customer friendly way. Still no word from anyone else except @glitzylady! Don't you think it would be high time to make a proper announcement of the changes here, help & lure, welcome people back to this site!

NOTE: @glitzylady, you are a class act! Thank you for your input & help in so many ways.

I only registered because I'm saddened by the current situation here and I'm sure many others feel the same way, too. This place has been my "Adam Home" for many years...the sudden change without any warning, any explanation felt like I was kicked out, the locks were changed and my keys fitted no more................ (for me it's not a question of how to register, but a conscious decision to register as seldom and as little as possible when using the net, hope you understand what I mean...)

Sorry for the long rant, not trying to be rude, but too sad to beat around the bushes. Please fix this asap, QAL continues soon and I long for my Adam Home and the people in it (trolls and Lols excl.)! :)

Anne Marie said...

I personally don't see anything wrong with signing in. It's not like some other sites where you must use your real name. I think we got rid of a lot of trouble makers, and it makes you think twice before you put a snarky remark on here. I don't know why we seem to have lost some people who used their names or a made up name. It seems that the regulars are on vacation or something.
I hope we continue to have this site as it is, I like it this way
They are not asking for your soc. sec. number or your blood type.

donna w said...

I've been at this site since the beginning and i too was shocked when one day i couldn't sign in.

I admit, it was a pain in the butt to figure out how to re-register...i'm not exactly computer savvy....but i did figure it out. And if i can do it, anyone can do it.

It does take a few minutes to re-register, but its worth it. And personally i think it's nice to have names attached to comments instead of an anonymous signature. Even with the old format i always used my name.

kitty said...

Once you sign in you are done with it. Glitzy explained why we went to this system and so suddenly and different ways to sign up. What else is there to explain? She makes all feel welcome here. It's not that deep.

BetsyWas said...

Signing in is OK with me. I posted as Anom for a long time only because it was easy. But my made up name is easy now too. I agree an announcement about the change would have been good. Admin, glitzylady BB and all others do an incredible job and I love seeing and reading all news about Adam. Looking forward to all fans who come here and share your views on all subjects.

kitty said...

This is a work still in progress don't forget.

Unknown said...

I don't know how to change back to my user name.

Gabi said...

NIce to see Adam and Terrance spend quality time together (I don't know the other two guys). I think one reason why Adam appears as pretty grounded and down to earth is the fact that he nurtures his longtime valued friendships in addition to having strong family ties.

About the new "sing-in" rules. I am relatively new at this site, but I found the many anonymous and partially rude comments very difficult to address. I think signing in makes this a more civilized place and it facilitates honest discussion. I do not mind signing in and attaching a name to my post.

Finn said...

I think it's a good idea to sign in keeps the trolls away!

glitzylady said...

Just seeing these comments tonight.. (been busy, busy, busy this week... so little time to comment.., although I do read all of the threads and comments..)...

I agree that the change to a sign in requirement was very sudden but unfortunately it had been coming for awhile, and the blog owner decided to make the change.. Because enough was enough...

By the way, we can all still have fun here. :)))) We can still be silly, ridiculous, a bit naughty, etc.. etc.. Kind of like Adam :))

Anyway, the main concern of Admin. was the increasing number of overly rude, disrespectful comments that were becoming the "norm"... Directed toward Adam, toward people who comment here.. Name calling, etc.. Which made for an unpleasant reading experience.. This is not to say that "no one can have an opinion", but it would be appreciated if that opinion is expressed in a relatively respectful way.. It can be done!

The Administrator of the blog and we "Admin helpers" (myself, Admin Fan, and the newest helper, broddybounce-yay!!, are in contact with each other and are aware of the problems and concerns......

I also agree that it is somewhat discouraging to see the threads with so few comments since the abrupt changeover, but hopefully soon they'll start to fill up again.. I can truthfully say that the site is still getting many visitors to the threads, just less comments, obviously due to the sign in requirement..

As Adam says, (paraphrased..) "Don't be skeeerd"! Sign in!!!

I truly hope that those who wish to comment on the blog will take a few minutes to set up an account (Google, etc.) so that their voices might be heard here again..

We are in the process of posting some permanent instructions on the website for sign in.. Which should appear this week..

Continued below:

glitzylady said...


About signing in:

It is relatively simple to do.. Google Blogger is probably the most comprehensive way to set up an account to use for sign in.. I've personally always signed my "name" here, from the beginning, and loved it when I set up my Google Blogger acct to actually sign in "officially". I had a gmail acct. previous to that, so already had a Google acct.. VERY easy... (Please note: Google and Google Plus are different things..) AND (another big plus) you can delete your comment if you change your mind or make some glaring error that you wish to erase.. There is no way to edit the comment you place here once it's been posted.. So being able to delete is good sometimes.. Been there done that!

For those who are reading these comments, but are not yet signed in:

Go to this link to set up a Google Acct..

Once you have a Google acct., which includes a gmail acct.., you can branch out into setting up your Google Blogger acct., (the one you see here the most in the comment sections) and you can sign in here: (always nice to have a second email acct. for certain things..

Please note: You do NOT have to use your real name as your "User Name" and in the case of Google Blogger, your "Display Name"... I don't use mine real name obviously and you do have the option of creating a nickname to use here..and elsewhere..

In many other blog formats, Twitter and Facebook are options for sign in.. Here they are not.. I wish they were.. Perhaps in the future they will be.. Other commercial blogs create their own sign in systems, or use twitter and Facebook, etc.. Yahoo has it's own sign in, and there are others.. And almost 100% of the blogs, websites, etc.. require sign in...

You can also use the "Live Journal" sign in, also easy to create, and which also allows a nickname/display name.. And "Word Press" And AIM, which is associated with AOL. And "Type Pad" another blogging service..

Type Pad:

Live Journal:


Word Press:

A final comment: This blog was set up as an Adam Lambert fan site.. A place to come to learn the latest news, discuss it if desired, and just generally FLAIL about that amazing guy, Adam Lambert..

You go to any of a number of general sites, those that have massive readership (ie Yahoo, etc..) and you'll see some negative comments about Adam.. and some REALLY ugly things are sometimes said, sadly..

It would be nice to think that IF Adam or his friends or family stumbled onto "Adam Lambert 24/7", they would see some great comments about him, not a lot of negativity. (or worse..). I think that good things are happening here....Let's keep it going!!

Vagrant said...

Since July 20 - the day of the sudden unannounced change @Adam News 24/7 - there has been only one thread with 37 posts (by not clearly as many commenters), most threads have only 1-5 comments and many are totally without comments.

Something clearly has changed and is missing! Call it whatever you want.

Most people (regular longtimers, casual visitors) are just reading the news/headlines/watching pics & vids, not bothering/wanting (or not knowing how?) to register/comment and/or choose to be in lurkdom. Doubt this is the way this site wants to have it???

My posts are not against signing in, they are FOR the betterment of communication between Admin of this site (and all her helpers) and Adam fans on this site, also for "PR and customer service", for making this place feel "the AL Home"........

With kind regards to ya'll!

Vagrant said...

Thank you so much for your posts. When I was writing my and publishing my post @12:46, your posts where not showing to me (I only posted that one post cause I had to leave, was at work), so please know that I wrote before I had a chance to read your posts. I am sure your posts will help and encourage many.

Still wishing there was some sort of a permanent "Welcome" page/board with guidelines and other possible "Info for All" (not only for the sign in instructions).

Once again thank you for everything you do for this site and for all its users. <3

Molly R. said...

Before we had to sign in around 50% of the comments came from trolls/haters and were mostly name-calling. Not a big loss.

I agree that the information policy was not the best and there are surely people who do not want to sign in with Google. But I think on the long run it is better to have less comments then losing readers. I came back because someone told me about the change. I hope others will come back too.

NAF said...

I have thought about why I do not like the sign in policy. It is not hard to set up an account and I am not a "troll", a word I do not like. My conclusion; whatever name you use to sign in, your real name or a fake one, you are that person. In reading the site it seems no one is really offering opinions anymore. I think no one is comfortable offering an opinion that is not the majority view. Some people feel more offended when they are challenged, scolded, name called or bullied when their name is attached to the comment. This usually happens when your view is different from the majority. You know that you will be called a troll and stupid or worse. Its harder to take the abuse when your name is attached. In the past the moderation was very selective and many abusive comments were acceptable if made by certain people, or if the minority comment was deemed "troll" by certain people. This is why I no longer comment and I don't believe I am the only person who feels this way. I offer no suggestions, because the site admin have the right to run their site as they choose. It is sad to come to the site and see so few comments.

Dee R Gee said...

I think with time the number of posters will rise. Most others sites require a sign-in, so I don't see why this site is seen as any different. I think what may be missing, (besides the trolls) are the short, casual anon postings. I see far fewer "Great pic!" or "Adam is so gorgeous!" or "I agree with your comment." Apparently, people are not bothering will these short quick ones if they have to sign in. Others, I'm sure, simply don't want to sign in at all and are miffed about it. If they want to comment here bad enough, they'll get an account. I still see a few postings here with "anonymous" as the name and I can't figure that out. All in all, this site is MUCH better. We can still post our heartfelt opinions. We can still disagree. But now it's not nasty or disgusting or personally rude. That's all to the good. Hope the numbers rise and we get back some more regulars. Just sign in, people! It's easy and we want you back!


Dee R Gee said...

Anon 5:07, Thanks for your good comment. Do you post on other Adam fan sites? Do you post on large public sites that allow any kind of comments? I would really like to have you and many others back here. I don't think the admins here are out to censor out any and all supposed "negative" opinions. In fact, I think they've been pretty darn tolerant of some very nasty posts for a long time. It just got out of hand. You're right about how we tend to "hold back" when our tag names are known. I rarely posted anon before, but occasionally I did if I wanted to step into a somewhat ugly thread and keep my name out of it. But I have no problem signing in all the time now. I'll handle it.

I think the sign-up makes us become clearer thinkers, most articulate writers. It certainly makes us less nasty. Passions bring out the best and worst in all of us. I hope you decide to come back eventually. We need as many thoughtful, supportive Adam fans as we can get.


Holly said...

I think this site is much better now without all the negativety from some, however if anyone holds a different opinion to the majority I'd like to think they can express their opinion without fear of being pounced on. The one thing most of us has in common is our love for Adam Lambert, but as individuals it's only natural we won't always see things in the exact same way. As long as opinions that may be different to the majority are expressed thoughtfully I hope they will be treated with respect. If people feel comfortable knowing this it may encourage more people back to this site. It's sad to see the numbers dropping off as they have.

Rosepetal said...

I have no problem signing in. I always signed when I ran my big mouth anyway... Lol... I use my google account, I set it up quite a while ago. I use a " fake email" one I don't get regular email at and my "rose petal " tag. I've been using it for YouTube and to make comments else where all along. I do think not being computer savoy may be a problem for some and I miss all the conversation , but I don't miss the hate . I think glitzylady has made it pretty clear how to sign in and I'm hopping others will take the plunge soon.

While I sometimes read other Adam sites this my home and will remain so . I don't comment on other sites . I think it's cuz I feel like I'm just another poster there , here I feel like one of the family .

Dee R Gee said...

rose petal, I feel the same way. Even though I visit and post on other sites, this one is my home.


Anonymous said...

Anon @5:07, I totally agree with you on the selective deleting.

I agree with Vagrant that the sudden policy change without warning was shocking and came across as not caring about long term readers, especially those who aren't computer savvy.

I also agree with DRG that a lot of people don't find it worthwhile to log in to add a comment like "nice pic" or such. I am one of the people that used to do that and don't bother anymore. Security and not wasting energy are important to me so I don't think it is wise to leave accounts open and I turn off my laptop when not being used. I would have to sign back in each time. My time is often short and if I can't leave a comment quick and easy I won't.

My opinion on the downfall of the comment section to becoming a cesspool was because troll/hater comments were allowed. I was one begging for that type of comment to be deleted and for other readers to not reply. Neither one of those things happened and the issue just grew worse. People couldn't ignore and created fights and others saw nothing happened if you left inappropriate comments so more people left them. Proof of this is the lack of troll/hater comments now. Trolls could easily make up a fake email address and fake name and keep commenting. They aren't so that says to me that most of the nasty comments were "coming from inside the house," meaning regular posters were making the troll/hater comments and more regulars joined the fray as things went unchecked.

It's sad that it all this has led to a required sign in that seems to made thing worse in a different way.

Unknown said...

I too am pleased to see the change to register. Adam's actual fan site is monitored by an ardent fan who feels a bit too much "ownership" -- getting pretty "cranky" with his fans. ("Cranky" is Adam's hesitant, regretful word--the only time I ever heard him say anything even slightly off about his fans. But of course Adam answered honestly when asked.) Queen sites, sadly, are a horror for Adam fans. So, good idea for the sign-ins and delighted to be here in the sunshine that Adam creates.

glitzylady said...

@Anonymous 7:37 AM
Just a note: Turning off your computer doesn't necessitate signing back into your Google Acct. each time.. You remain signed in unless you sign out of your Google Acct.. Just thought I'd mention that :))

glitzylady said...

@Anonymous 5:07 AM
Thanks for your input.. EVERY comment related to this new way of doing things is appreciated and is taken into consideration by the Admin team.... We're aware that there are still some issues to be worked out..

Anne Marie said...

I like this new system, and I am not afraid to voice my opinion, about Adam. I have been an Adam fan since Idol, where I first learned of him. I love most things about him, but not all. I love his voice and his performances, charisma and sense of humor. I am not shy to say that I don't always like the music he tends to promote of other performers or even some of the artistic pictures he 'likes'. I like Adam for being Adam, But I don't agree with the idea, that he is the best looking guy in the world, as some think. Yes he is quite handsome, but so are hundreds of other young men especially in Hollywood. I hope I haven't offended anyone by voicing my opinion, but I feel free to say these things.

glitzylady said...

And a few :)) more thoughts relating to some of the above comments (ALL appreciated by the way):

It seems to me that people here do still offer opinions, and it seems to be working so far..

In MY opinion :)) An honest opinion is one thing, an opinion offered expressly for the purpose of setting off a firestorm of angry responses is quite another.. Call them what you will, an internet "troll" (sometimes AKA a "hater") is someone who does just that: Hit and run, laughing as they go.. I have personally rarely called anyone a troll, but there have been a few here, who are conspicuously absent these days (so far, fingers crossed..).. As I said in my comments above, if you go to a number of other "public" sites, you can see some truly awful comments that are obviously from haters.. It doesn't matter who the subject of the article is about, the internet trolls/haters find the article and stir up ...stuff...

The longest threads here were often the result of some long and drawn out ongoing (sometimes extremely nasty, mean and insulting) arguments where insults were thrown back and forth, and rarely were the people who commented identified by "name".. Its very easy to post nasty comments if you are nameless. And therefore do not "own" your comments... As I'm sure you know, things could get extremely ugly. People left as a result of having to read so much nastiness.. They may still come to the site but avoid the comments section. I have many personal "Adam" friends who do exactly that.. We're hoping that the word gets out that this is once again a pleasant, safe, friendly place to come to talk about Adam, and share our thoughts..

And I suspect that the majority of Adam Lambert fans here do not really want to read insults directed to Adam, or other posters for that matter.. I know personally I don't..

***And just to be very very clear: I don't think Adam is "perfect"... He is **beautifully imperfect**, just like the rest of us mortal humans.. He is real, and he is very special in so many ways.. That's why I'm here, day in and day out... spending time flailing over his many accomplishments, his triumphs, being frustrated from time to time over some things, and posting a few threads too, as an "admin helper" these days.... Adam Lambert is more than worth my time and my admiration of him..

So again, PLEASE!!! express opinions.. Just keep them respectful.. Respectful doesn't mean always agreeing with the majority. It does mean keeping it relatively civil..

Continued below:

glitzylady said...


And about the comment "moderation" process.. There is sometimes a VERY fine line between what to delete and what to allow to stay.. And moderation up until recently was spotty.. We're attempting to do a better job and the sign in requirement is one of the ways to clean this site up.. It was unfortunate that we had to go to that method of moderation, but it seemed to be the only way...

Opinions, both "pro" and "con", clearly and respectfully stated, are welcome.. "Realness" ie "I don't like Adam's hair, clothes, facial hair, etc.. etc...." is welcome. Or if you don't like something, say so if you feel you should...

Slanderous statements, lies, ugliness, insults to Adam, or to other posters, etc.. etc.., calling people rude names ie "moron": not so much..

As I said in my comments above, I agree that the unannounced switch to the sign in requirement was something that caught people off guard, but in this brief lull in major Adam news, before the next Queen + Adam Lambert concert blitz, from Australia and New Zealand and Asia, hits us full blast, and certainly well before Adam's new music comes out, hopefully more who come here to see the latest news will be able to sign in and comment.. **I've run into many Adam fans who always come here to see what Adam's been up to, but never comment, ever. And many many do not read the comments because they were unmoderated and therefore not always fun to read...

We're working on this and hopefully this will be an even better place to come to in the very near future..

glitzylady said...

One more thing: I would respectfully ask that those who have chosen "Anonymous" as their "display name" on Google Blogger (or another sign in choice, be it Google, etc..) to chose a nickname other than Anonymous..

One of the (many) reasons we went to the sign-in requirement was to make it easier for everyone to follow a discussion. Having multiple people by the same "name" makes it much harder to do so, and frankly defeats the purpose.. It can lead to confusion at the very least.. But we also realize that it is the right of each person to ultimately chose their "name"..

Please think about it tho :)))

Anonymous said...

glitzylady 10:00 AM,
I am aware that is possible but apparently you missed the part of my comment where I said security is important to me and I don't think it is wise to leave accounts open. Thus I uncheck the "stay signed in" box on my Google account. This means when I close all the windows or turn off my laptop I am automatically signed out.

glitzylady said...

I didn't miss that part... :))) And I appreciate your concerns for security.. signing back into your acct only takes a few seconds, thankfully.. It's a choice we all make.. Mine (Google acct.) is always open and I've had no problems.. but good thing to consider.. My husband is involved in such things for the federal government and we take great pains to protect our identities from theft.. Whatever you feel is best for you..