Adam Lambert twitter party, question & answer part 2!!!
Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Posted at : Wednesday, August 13, 2014
“@griffith1321: @adamlambert do you like going on stage glammed out or more natural?” When I'm going on stage I can't help but getting glam
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@Chris3Austin: @adamlambert had much chance to write for new album?” Yea it's about halfway written. Approx.
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@colfabs: @adamlambert how is work with chris colfer?•” he was a total professional and very kind hearted. We got along like old friends.
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@purpleELMA: @adamlambert What's one of the downfalls about touring?” gets a little lonely offstage, but once u get onstage it's all good.
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@1Dproudcrew: @adamlambert if you had the chance to ask your future self one question, what would it be?! :) x” well was it worth it!? Lol
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@elKat_bert: @adamlambert Does Rufas have a girlfriend?” Why would u ask me that? Ask him! Hah
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@Lambetterer: @adamlambert will the new album be rock genre?” I don't believe in genre. It's passé
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
“@AFalseInertia: @adamlambert any suggestions for new music to listen to?” the new @maroon5 "it was always you" Reminds me of Seal-Crazy
— ADAM LAMBERT (@adamlambert) August 14, 2014
Yes this is quite mysterious, cooped up in the hotel room twitter-partying; to me more like he can't get out. Yes I think we're in for a surprise with regard his hair...silver-blond, platinum to match Brian's lwl!
Half finished. Hurry up, Adam! :)
Adam does say he's scheduled to be back in studio for A3 right after tour done in early September so 1) doesn't look like any future QAL tour dates for now and 2) Thats only less than a month away. Believe he wants to hurry up as well.
Reading between the lines... (lol) but imo this was not a very happy twitter party...Sleepless in Se...Seoul... missing something... someone... or just tired (he did have a very active 'hiatus' with friends etc, not much sleep I doubt...)
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