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Korea 2014 Summer Sonic Festival map!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Posted at : Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Lam-My said...

Mmm we may be in for a surprise from Adam; perhaps a new hair colour or hairdo; or learning to sing a Korean song or greet in Korean language.
Meanwhile Brian and Roger are horsing with PSY, the 1 billion-hit man, gangnam style.

blu said...

Where in the world is Adam???

Vagrant said...

Adam is in Seoul and is having a Twitter Party RIGHT NOW!!!

Lam-My said...

Now Adam is behaving like a real Rockstar, comes on only for the limelight. Ahh but look who are paving the way for him...two other Rockstars! This is getting mysterious; Adam style! I can feel it in my bones, we're in for a treat with super QueenBert.